

Research on the Simulation of Urban Rail Vehicle Air Brake Systems and Its Fault Diagnosis

【作者】 张秀洁

【导师】 王卓;

【作者基本信息】 北京交通大学 , 交通安全工程, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 我国城市轨道交通发展迅猛,其运营安全保障工作极为重要。城轨车辆故障的频繁出现,不仅严重影响列车的正常运营,一旦引发事故,将使乘客的生命财产面临巨大威胁。为了使列车安全地减速、停车,就必须确保制动系统安全可靠。因此,研究城轨车辆空气制动系统的故障诊断问题,对于促进城市轨道交通车辆的安全、正点运营具有重要意义。本文围绕城轨车辆空气制动系统仿真及其故障诊断展开以下工作:一:对城轨车辆空气制动系统进行深入研究。以制动控制单元为重点,详细阐述了模拟转换阀、紧急阀、称重阀以及均衡阀的结构及其作用原理,并基于AMESim软件对各气动阀进行仿真模拟,搭建城轨车辆空气制动系统仿真模型。在此基础上对制动控制单元各阀常见故障进行仿真,明确制动控制单元各故障与故障征兆之间的关联关系。二:研究贝叶斯网络在故障诊断领域的应用,提出基于贝叶斯网络模型的城轨车辆空气制动系统故障诊断方法与维修策略。基于城轨车辆空气制动系统故障树构建系统的诊断贝叶斯网络,运用网络推理算法,依据故障征兆反推故障,并在推理结果的基础上提出适当的维修策略。三:运用Matlab贝叶斯网络工具箱(FullBNT)编写基于贝叶斯网络的城轨车辆空气制动系统故障诊断程序,在不同制动工况下对几种常见故障进行验算,验证本文提出的基于贝叶斯网络的城轨车辆空气制动系统故障诊断方法的可行性。

【Abstract】 As the urban railway service continue to advance at a remarkable pace, it is important to maintain reliable, safe and secure operation. Faults occured on the rail vehicle not only affect the schedueled operation but also threat the safty of the passangers. In order to achieve secure operation, the brake system must be safe and reliable. Therefore, research on fault diagnosis of urban rail vehicle air brake system is of great importance to keep and improve the secure and scheduel operation. This article concers on simulation of urban rail vehicle air brake system and its fault diagnosis problem and three aspects of work are done as follows:Firstly, analysis of the configuration and action principle is done to the urban rail vehicle air brake system, especially to the valves in the Brake Control Unit. Then simulation models of all the valves and the whole air brake system are constructed with AMEsim. Typical faults of the Brake Control Unit are studied and the relationship between faults and their symptoms are revealed based on the simulation model.Secondly, Bayesian Network based fault diagnosis method is proposed to find out the most likely fault occured in the urban rail vehicle air brake system and the maintenace strategy is given based on the fault diagnosis results.Thirdly, the FullBNT toolbox of MATLAB is used for the purpose of fault diagnosis and several typical faults in urban rail vehicle air brake system are studied. Thus, the effectiveness of the proposed method is demonstrated.


