

A Vehicle Routing Model for Third-Party Cold Chain Logistics Enterprises

【作者】 王文艳

【导师】 张润彤;

【作者基本信息】 北京交通大学 , 工业工程, 2012, 硕士


【摘要】 随着社会经济的发展,人们对生鲜冷冻食品的需求越来越大。生鲜产品在生产、储存、运输和消费的过程中损耗率高达20%,尤其在城市的流通环节损失惊人;同时,零售商为了提高其销售水平,通常会对配送时间和配送质量提出限制性的要求;对配送商而言,在考虑时间窗限制的同时,还要考虑保证货物质量和降低运营成本。如何在降低物流成本的同时保证货物质量并达到客户的要求已经成为国内外许多理论及应用学者们关注的焦点。由于冷链配送中,配送任务重,技术要求高,许多超市委托第三方物流企业来进行日常的生鲜食品配送。第三方冷链物流企业为了追求配送利润的最大化、合理利用配送资源、降低配送生鲜冷冻食品的耗损,对现有的车辆调度提出了更高的要求。理论上对第三方物流车辆调度的种类主要有带容量约束的车辆调度问题、多车型车辆调度问题、带时间窗的车辆调度问题、带回程运输的车辆调度问题、相容性约束车辆调度问题、不确定性车辆调度问题、车场开放车辆调度问题、多配送中心的车辆调度问题八种,主要研究方法有分支定界法、割平面法、动态规划法等精确算法和节约法、遗传算法、模拟退火算法、禁忌搜索算法等启发式算法。各种算法各有优缺点,鉴于超市数量不多且有增长的特性,本文选择易于扩展的节约法为基础进行算法研究和改善。本文依托于北京市科学技术委员会绿色通道项目“北京市食品冷链物流关键技术研发与示范”课题,对调研的第三方冷链物流企业北京市东方友谊食品配送公司对普华超市各门店的物流配送做了车辆调度研究,在现有的平衡物流成本和满足客户需要的车辆调度模型基础上,进一步探索改进方案,为该物流配送提出新的车辆调度模型和方案。本文在对北京市这一特大型城市交通情况、冷链物流运输特别政策及硬件设施等基本情况的研究后,对需要的第三方冷链物流和车辆调度这两个相关理论进行了研究。然后提出了一种基于C-K节约算法的单货栈多商品多零售商冷藏车车辆调度模型并进行实例验证。经验证,本文提出的基于C-K节约算法的单货栈多商品多零售商冷藏车车辆调度模型适用于第三方冷链物流企业的车辆调度,对不同商品的体积、质量的考虑,细化了车辆调度中考虑的因素,为第三方冷链物流企业商超配送提供了方法借鉴和指导。

【Abstract】 With the social and economic development, the demand of fresh frozen foods is growing. Loss rate in the process of production, storage, transport and consumption of fresh products is up to20%, which is an alarming loss of circulation especially in the city. At the same time, retailers will ask for usual delivery time and delivery quality restrictive requirements in order to improve its level of sales. While, distributor, should also be considered to ensure the quality of the goods at the same time windows constraints, and reduce operating costs. How to reduce logistics costs as while as to ensure the quality of the goods and to meet customer requirements has become to the focus of many domestic and foreign theories and application scholars’attention. In cold chain, the distribution task is heavy, and the technique is demanding, so many supermarkets commission third-party logistics enterprises to carry out the daily fresh food distribution. Third-party cold chain logistics companies have a higher demand of the vehicle scheduling method in order to pursue the distribution of profit maximization, rational distribution of resources, reduce wear and tear of the distribution of fresh frozen foods.Theoretically the main types of third-party logistics vehicle scheduling vehicle scheduling problem with capacity constraints, multi-model vehicle scheduling problem, vehicle scheduling problem with time windows, back to the way transportation vehicle scheduling problem, the compatibility constraints vehicle scheduling problem the uncertainty of the vehicle scheduling problem, the parking lots open vehicle scheduling problem, a distribution center for vehicle scheduling problem eight kinds, the main research method contains the exact algorithms and heuristic algorithms. The exact algorithms are Branch and Bound, Cutting Plane Method, Dynamic Programming, ect. While heuristic algorithms are Savings Algorithm, Genetic Algorithm, Simulated Annealing Algorithm, Tabu Search Algorithm, ect. Various heuristic algorithms have their own advantages and disadvantages, given a few number of supermarkets and the growth characteristics of the Conservation Act as the basis for the algorithm is easy to extend and improve.This paper relies on the subject of "Beijing food cold chain logistics key technology R&D and demonstration" which is one of the Green Corridor projects held by Beijing Municipal Science and Technology Commission. Beijing Oriental Friendship Food Distribution Company and Puhua Supermarket are two companies surveyed in the subject. Beijing Oriental Friendship Food Distribution Company is a third-party cold-chain logistics enterprise and it offers Puhua supermarket stores’daily fresh food distribution. This paper does a research in vehicle routing models and proposes a new vehicle routing model and program for Beijing Oriental Friendship Food Distribution Company and Puhua Supermarket. In this paper, Beijing City’s traffic, special policies of cold-chain logistics and transport and hardware facilities are studied. After the study, it comes to that two theories on third-party cold chain logistics and vehicle scheduling are needed. Then this paper proposes a saving algorithm based on C-K which is about single-warehouse multi-commodity multi-retailer vehicle routing model used by refrigerated trucks. Finally the model is instance validated.Savings algorithm proposed in this paper is proven based on the C-K single-warehouse multi-commodity and multiple retailers refrigerated trucks, vehicle scheduling model for vehicle scheduling in third-party cold chain logistics enterprises, the volume of different commodities, quality considerations, and detailed vehicle scheduling factors considered in the super-distribution of third-party cold chain logistics companies to provide methods for reference and guidance.


