

Study on Max-NPV Project Scheduling with Time-switch Constraints

【作者】 何小丽

【导师】 段世霞;

【作者基本信息】 郑州大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 随着经济的不断发展,对项目管理的要求越来越高,而项目进度计划正是项目管理的核心领域。由于现金流能够反映项目的财务状况,并且资金具有时间价值,所以对项目工期长,资金流动量较大的项目,选择净现值最大化作为项目管理的目标是非常合理的。经典的资源受限项目进度问题(RCPSP),由于考虑了资源约束而较贴近于实际项目,但是只是考虑了资源约束,没有考虑各个活动在单位工期的执行时间的差别,即时间转换约束,而得出的进度计划与实际项目仍有一定差距。本文首先对追求净现值最大化的资源受限项目进度问题进行了简单的描述,然后详细阐述影响净现值的业主的支付方式及解决此类问题的常用方法。进一步研究增加考虑时间转换约束的净现值最大项目进度问题,在考虑各个活动单位工期的执行时间的差别的基础上,改进项目网络修正算法;随后按照里程碑事件支付和相等时间间隔支付这两个支付方式分析项目的开始时刻、执行过程和完成时的现金流情况,分别根据支付方式的不同,建立里程碑事件和相等时间间隔两种支付方式下的Max-NPVPSPTC的模型;运用遗传算法求解具体的算例,比较这两种支付方式下的实验结果,结果表明加入时间-转换约束的项目进度计划,项目需要选择合适的支付方式以获得更好的收益和更符合实际的项目进度安排。最后,在对本文的研究进行总结的基础上,并提出了进一步研究的方向。

【Abstract】 With the development of society and economy, project management is playing the important role and attracting more researchers to study. Meanwhile, project scheduling study is one of core areas. Due to the discounted cash flow shows project’s financial status, and cash with time value, choose max net present value (Max NPV) as the goal for the project scheduling problem is good for project scheduling. Especially, NPV is significant mark for the long period project and larger capital flow project.The classic project scheduling study is resource constraints project scheduling problem. The project scheduling problem with resource constraints will close to actual project, but it does not consider the difference execution time on the unit period for all activities of project. So, the scheduling planning may not correspond with real project scheduling.Firstly, the resource constraints project scheduling problem with max NPV was described. Then, the important payment modes and the methods for solve to the project was introduced. Taken net present value maximization of cash flow as optimized object is the thesis focal point in project scheduling. Time-switch constraints were took regard into account the difference execution time on the unit period for all activities of project. Improving the algorithm of the network, then, in the view of the execution of entire project, the income and outcome cash flow of the project separated analyzes by the beginning, executing, ending point. This analyzing is independent from payment at event occurrences and Equal time intervals. Later, PEO/ETI Max-NPV PSPTC models separately were built. Moreover, the model was validated by a numerical example using the GA. The result shows that time-switch constraints and the fit payment mode can change the arrangements for project scheduling close to realistic situation can bring more benefit with the view real returns by the NPV. Finally, the advantage and fitness of the model as well as some drawback overcoming which can be the direction of future research in relative area were summarized.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 郑州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 10期
  • 【分类号】F062.4;F224
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】82
  • 攻读期成果

