

The Acquisition Methods and Preservation Strategy of Deep Web Information Resource in Our Country

【作者】 田莉

【导师】 臧国全;

【作者基本信息】 郑州大学 , 情报学, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 深层网络信息资源在网络资源中占有重要的位置。本文通过研究我国深层网络信息资源获取与保存的现状,总结出我国在深网资源的获取及保存方面的不足之处,为今后我国深网获取及保存工作提出了科学建议,这对我们挖掘中文深网资源,促进经济社会发展具有重要意义。本文以深层网络资源为研究对象,介绍了深层网络的分类和重要意义,概括了国内外在深层网络资源方面的研究现状,阐述了对深层网络信息资源进行获取与保存的必要性,随后,重点分析了我国在深层网络资源获取与保存的现状,总结出了五方面不足之处:(1)搜索引擎智能化不足;(2)在线数据库遵循的协议参差不齐;(3)有关深层网络信息资源的著作权立法缺失;(4)有关深层网络信息资源的呈缴制度不完善;(5)深层网络信息资源现有保存模式各有利弊。更从国外在深层网络方面已获得经验入手,结合我国现实情况,提出我国深层网络获取与保存方面的改进策略:(1)努力改进Spider,制造更智能的蜘蛛;(2)积极推广OAI协议;(3)推进数字信息时代著作权法律制度的完善;(4)建立深层网络信息资源网络呈缴制度;(5)利用虚拟化存储对深层网络资源进行保存。这样可缓解我国深层网络信息资源目前在获取与保存方面遇到的困难,将深层网络资源纳入可控范围。文章结尾对未来我国深层网络信息资源工作做出展望,指出应针对深层网络资源集成模式工作,网络信息资源保存的加大资金投入工作,与相关技术部门或者公司的合作工作;建立网络资源控制保障体系工作;提高公众对深网资源认知水平工作几方面来重点展开。

【Abstract】 The deep web plays an important role in network resources. This paper through the research on the preservation of the deep web resources situation in China, Summary the faults of the acquisition and preservation of deep web resources, and raise some suggestions. This is very important for the social development.This paper’s research object is the deep web research, then we analysis the classification and the significance of the Deep Web, and next we summarized the research status of the deep web resources at home and abroad. It is very necessary to get and save the deep web resource. In the view of our country’s situation, we point out five shortages:(1) The search engine lack intelligence;(2) The online database’s agreements are not uniform;(3) The deep web resources is lack of copyright legislation;(4) The deposit system of deep web is imperfect;(5) The save modes of deep web is incompletion.Combined with the domestic and foreign experiences, this paper point out the Improvement methods of get and save the deep web resource:(1) improve Spider, Create more intelligent spider,(2) promote the OAI protocol;(3) we should strive to urge the Perfection of copyright laws in the digital age,(4) To establish the deep web resource legal deposit system;(5) The virtualization to save the deep web resources etc. Only in this way can we make the deep web resources into manageable, and mobilize individuals to actively, Change the situation of shortage in deep web resource conservation finally.In the end of this paper, we make the outlook of the deep web in our country, we should make the following work in the future:the integration patterns of deep web optimization; Increase the capital to save the network resources; Cooperate with technology department and corporations; To establish a national deep web resources conservation organization as soon as possible; Enhance the people’s awareness of save the deep web resource.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 郑州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 11期

