

A Comparative Study of the Urbanization Process of the Six Central Provinces

【作者】 闫能能

【导师】 范炳良;

【作者基本信息】 郑州大学 , 区域经济学, 2012, 硕士


【摘要】 城镇化是一个国家实现经济发展的必由之路,也是21世纪全球经济发展的主题之一。20世纪90年代以来,越来越多的经济学家认识到经济发展和城镇化是相辅相成、互相作用的。90年代末,各个发展中国家都将实现城镇化作为经济发展的最为重要的目标之一。中国作为世界上人口最多的发展中国家,未来的城镇化发展将对全球的经济发展产生极为深远的影响。作为中国的腹地-中部六省的城镇化进程将对中国的发展和未来有决定性的影响,在这样的时代背景下,比较中部六省城镇化的进程与轨迹、分析城镇化的动力机制和城镇化的发展规律以及讨论如何提高城镇化具有十分重要的意义。本文在借鉴已有研究成果的基础上,采用描述分析与因子分析相结合、规范研究和实证研究相结合、定性研究与定量研究相结合的方法,较为系统、全面地比较了我国中部六省城镇化的进程和质量,并且分别比较了其经济效益、社会效益、生态效益和综合效益。本文的主要研究内容包括以下几个方面:第一、本文探讨了城镇化的概念和内涵,在总结前人研究的基础上提出了新型城镇化概念和内涵。紧接着分析了城镇化的动力机制、发展规律,比较全面的介绍了城镇化相关理论。第二、本文分别描述了中国中部六省在建国之后的城镇化进程,在2010年统计年鉴的基础上了列举了近5年六省城镇化速度,全面的比较了六省和中国平均水平的差距,并且对六省各自的发展速度做出了横向比较。随后利用SPASS17.0软件,通过构建模型利用因子分析法列出了六省的城镇化质量比较。实证发现:基建因子对城镇化的影响最大,其次是生产生活运用技术手段因子、居住条件因子和人才因子。最后分别给出了六省在四种因素下的比较结果。第三、本文采用定量计算的方法分别比较了中部各省城镇化进程的经济效益,社会效益、生态效益和综合效益,并给出了各自的排名。第四、在以上的基础上提出了河南省提高新型城镇化的建议。

【Abstract】 Urbanization is the only way for a country’s economic development, and also a major topic of global economic development in21st century. Since1990’s of last century, more and more economists have realized that Urbanization and economic development are complementary and interactive with each other. Many developing countries set urbanization as the one of the most important goals of economic development at the end of1990’s. As most populous developing country, China’s urbanization will have great impact on global economic development. Urbanization progress in6provinces in central region of china will have decisive effects on china’s future. Based on this reason, it is very important to compare the urbanization process and track, to analyze the urbanization dynamic mechanism and development mode and to discuss how to raise the urbanization between these6provincesBased on the past research results, by using the method of the combination of description analysis and factor analysis, specifications study and empirical study, qualitative research and quantitative research, this article makes a systematic and comprehensive comparison of the6province’s urbanization process and quality, also its economic benefits, social benefits, comprehensive benefits of eco-efficiency respectively.This study includes the following main aspects:First, this article explores the concept and contents of urbanization, on the basis of the previous study, presents its own concept and contents of urbanization. The analysis the motive mechanism, development patterns of urbanization, and presents comprehensive introduction of the urbanization theory.Second, this article describes the history of urbanization in six provinces in central China. On the basis of review of Statistical Yearbook of2010, it lists the six-speed of urbanization progress in these6provinces for the last5years, also a comprehensive comparison of the average gap of six provinces and the rest of regions in China, and a comparison of each of the six provinces of the pace of development. A comparison of urbanization in six provinces is made by using the method of factor analysis through SPASS17.0and modeling. It is found that most important factor is the infrastructure factors of urbanization, followed by the use of technology in production and daily life, living conditions, and human factors. Final it compares six provinces under the four scenarios respectively.Third, this article uses a quantitative calculation methods to compare the6province’s urbanization process and quality, also its economic benefits, social benefits, comprehensive benefits of eco-efficiency, respectively, and gives the respective ranking of the6provinces.Fourth, on the basis of the above, this article presents a proposal how to increase the new urbanization in the Henan province.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 郑州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 10期

