

Research on the SME Financing in Wenzhou

【作者】 孟冰

【导师】 武魏巍;

【作者基本信息】 郑州大学 , 金融学, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 中小企业作为任何国家市场经济发展的重要组成部分,依据其自身灵活发展的优势,有效地弥补了大型企业过度发展、缺乏竞争所导致的市场活力的不足。在我国,中小企业一方面作为经济增长的助推器,推动了技术创新的发展并扩大了对外贸易;另一方面作为稳定社会的保障,解决了我国严重的就业问题,减少了因失业带来的社会不稳定因素,为国民经济的发展做出巨大贡献。然而由于长期以来形成的生产资料所有制思维定式以及重点扶持国有大型骨干企业观念的影响,在我国中小企业的发展道路一直不顺畅。温州中小企业作为改革开放三十余年中国中小企业发展的一个缩影,近年来在发展过程中遇到了严重的资金瓶颈问题,中小企业老板“跑路潮”已经引起了全国各界的普遍关注,民间资本市场混乱的现象也开始在全国各地蔓延。因此本文研究温州中小企业的融资问题,对于解决温州中小企业发展的资金问题包括其他地区中小企业融资问题研究都有重要的现实意义。自2006年开始,温州个别中小企业就显现出了一定的融资压力,如今融资困境在温州中小企业的发展中已经成为了一种普遍现象。以银行为代表的正规金融融资金额有限且渠道不顺畅,而民间借贷利率过高,甚至高于企业的利润率,并且中小企业融资后资金大量投向了一些非生产领域,不仅加剧了资金的使用风险,还带来了产业空心化的后果。造成温州中小企业融资困境的原因很多,由于是外向型经济,国际经济环境的恶化直接对其产生严重影响,国内银行对中小企业授信门槛的限制以及民间借贷市场本身机制的不完善都在不同程度上影响了温州中小企业的融资行为。因此我们要依据温州的实际情况解决问题:第一,构建适合温州中小企业的行业担保融资模式,要求既要有行业协会的支持,又要有信用评分机构以及风险评估机构作为两翼的职能发挥,对相关的监管机制也要予以一定的规范;第二,强化正规金融机构的支持,注重以温州银行为代表的地方金融机构的职能发挥;第三,推进温州资本市场的建设,通过发挥做市商制度在温州OTC市场上的作用,加快温州中小企业与上市融资这一渠道的接轨;第四,提高温州中小企业自身的融资能力,通过加强与完善中小企业自身的机制体制建设,改善外部融资环境。

【Abstract】 As an important constituent in any national market economy development, The small and medium-sized enterprises in accordance with their own flexible development advantages, effectively overcomes the inadequate that the large enterprises excessive development, lack of competition in the market. In our country, on one hand, small and medium-sized enterprises regard economic growth as the booster, promoted technical innovation in the development and expansion of the foreign trade; on the other hand, as the stable social security, SME solve the serious employment problem effectively, so as to reduce unemployment brings the social unstable factors, made enormous contribution for our nation.However, Because of the influence comes from the manufacturing data system of ownership thinking and support large state-owned backbone enterprise idea more for a long time, small and medium-sized enterprises has always been the weak position of discrimination in China. Wenzhou small and medium enterprises as the reform of Chinese small and medium-sized enterprise in the recently thirty years, in recent years in the development process have encountered serious financial problem, the phenomenon that small business owners" run away " has aroused general concern from all walks of life, the folk capital market confusion phenomenon began to spread throughout the country. This paper studies the financing problems of SMEs in Wenzhou, which has important realistic significance to solve the development of small and medium-sized enterprises financing problems include other areas of small and medium enterprise financing problem research.Since the beginning of2006, individual small and medium-sized enterprises in Wenzhou appear certain financing pressure, now the financing predicament of small and medium-sized enterprises has become a common phenomenon in Wenzhou. Represented by banking financial financing amount is limited and the channel is not smooth, and private lending rate is too high, even higher than the margins, the financing of small and medium-sized enterprises invest a large amounts of money to the nonproductive segments, not only increased the risk of funds, also brought the industry hollow consequences. Wenzhou small and medium sized enterprises financing dilemma caused by many reasons, because it is extroversion economy, international economy environment deterioration directly have the serious influence in it, the domestic bank credit to small and medium-sized enterprises threshold limit as well as borrowing market mechanism not perfect also can influence the Wenzhou small and medium-sized enterprise financing behavior. Therefore, we should according to the actual situation in Wenzhou to solve the problem:first, build for Wenzhou small and medium enterprises industry guarantee financing mode, which should have the support of trade associations, and credit rating agencies as well as the risk assessment mechanism as the flanks of the functions of play, the regulatory mechanism should also be a certain specification; second, strengthen the formal the support of financial institutions, pay attention to the Bank of Wenzhou as the representative of the local financial institutions functions; third, advance Wenzhou capital market construction, play through the market-maker system in Wenzhou OTC market effect, accelerate Wenzhou small and medium-sized enterprises listing and financing the channel’s standards; fourth, improve the financing ability themselves, through the strengthening and perfecting of small and medium-sized enterprises’ system construction, improve the external financing environment.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 郑州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 10期

