

The Narrative Research of Yan Geling’s Work

【作者】 丁丽珍

【导师】 翟传增;

【作者基本信息】 郑州大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 严歌苓是一位在创作中既保持高产又保证高质的优秀作家。她深谙现代叙事技巧却并未局限于此,而是将小说的叙事技巧融于思想内涵之中并使小说在思想性与艺术性的交融中无限趋向完美的境地。本文从叙事学角度解读严歌苓小说并试图探究作家精心编排的叙事技巧与思想内涵之间完美统一的途径,内容涉及小说叙事学、跨媒介叙事及电影化叙事理论。其中,小说叙事学理论部分从叙事视角和叙事时间入手,分别探讨了严歌苓小说对现代性叙事技巧的青睐以及她为实现小说的叙事技巧与思想内涵的统一所做的努力。传统叙事学方面,论文先从人称调度、女性视角以及阐释者三个方面展示了严歌苓小说从稚嫩到精致再到大气的过程,再借助热奈特《叙事话语》中一些时间概念,分析了不同时空叙事机制为严歌苓小说所带来的深度与容量。值得注意的是,发表于海外求学期间的一系列中短篇小说最能彰显严歌苓对叙事技巧的刻意追求,但论述文章往往只关注其中几篇且浮于叙事技巧层面。本文选取了一些严歌苓至今乏人问津的中短篇小说并发掘了她在融合小说的叙事技巧和思想内涵方面所付出的努力。跨媒介叙事理论是一种全新的叙事理论,它探讨的是不同媒介之间相互吸、转化的可能。严歌苓的小说注重画面感、动作性,场景交织充满蒙太奇式的特色,人物对白具有台词般的效果,显然受到了电影化叙事元素的影响。目前关于严歌苓小说与电影互动的文章都是从单个电影术语入手,缺乏理论支撑。跨媒介叙事理论的引入,为探讨严歌苓小说对电影化叙事手法的吸收借鉴提供了理论支撑。

【Abstract】 Yan Geling, is a very famous writer with high-yield and high-quality. She is very expert in applying the modern narrative techniques, but she is also good at fusing her mind into narrative techniques. This thesis mainly analyzes the writer’s fusion method.The preface of this thesis mainly introduces the study situation about Yan, and explains the concept of Cross-media narrative and cinematic narrative.The first two chapters mainly analyze Yan’s indulging in the modern narrative techniques, and her attempting to fuse the modern narrative techniques with her writing mind. Chapter one mainly analyzes the writing process from delicateness to complicacy of Yan’s work. Chapter two mainly analyzes high-connotation in Yan’s work through well using the different time and space mechanism. In this part, the thesis mainly uses the theory of Narrative Discourse wrote by Gdrard Genette.Chapter three mainly analyzes the cinematic narrative style in Yan’s work. For example, she enrolls sense of the screen、dialogue、color、props、montage into her work skillfully. In this part, the thesis mainly uses the theory of cross-narrative.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 郑州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 10期

