

A Study About the Actively Change Heir Apparent in the Tang Dynasty

【作者】 王亚方

【导师】 李晓敏;

【作者基本信息】 郑州大学 , 中国古代史, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 皇位继承问题是皇帝制度的重要组成部分,而皇位继承人的确定更是皇位继承问题的重中之重。自秦汉以来皇帝制度始终处于政治体制格局的核心,皇位继承的稳定则是王朝长久传承的基础。三代以来形成的嫡长子继承制进入专制主义中央集权社会之后仍然有着强大的影响力,秦汉魏晋时期嫡长子继承仍较普遍。南北朝皇位继承中的混乱与残酷极大地损坏了皇权的威严,文明与野蛮并存,皇位继承制度遭遇重大危机。隋唐作为再建统一的强大帝国呼唤稳定的皇位继承体制的出现,隋的速亡与唐初之“玄武门事变”极大地考验着后继帝王的政治智慧,嫡长子继承制与主动性调整皇位继承人策略的配合成为唐前期百年间保持皇位继承稳定进行的不二之选。唐太宗贞观后期废李承乾立李治为太子一事:太宗晚年为继续维持关陇集团对于皇位继承权的控制而刻意扶持太子承乾与魏王李泰竞争,两弃之而选择幼子李治,极大地削弱了外朝大臣对于皇位继承人选的影响力。武后晚年退李旦再立李显为太子一事:武后晚年为保持皇室对于皇位继承权的控制及维持武氏势力而退李旦立李显,虽遭外朝大臣发动“神龙政变”而退居上阳宫但生前所布之局终得实现。唐玄宗开元末废李瑛立李亨为太子一事:玄宗踏入晚年之际亲手埋葬了持续多年的吏治文学之争,进而竭力摆脱武氏势力对于皇位继承人选的影响,确定“推长而立”的继承原则,奠定了唐后期皇位继承的基调。唐前期主动性调整皇位继承人的出现有着深刻的内在原因,即:保持皇位垄断性的历史反思、“玄武门之变”的前车之鉴、皇位稳定继承的现实性关注。而该策略则带来了:党争势力间平衡的瓦解、皇位继承军事因素渐强、南衙北司对峙之局渐成、太子诸王渐显身陷囹圄。作为承上启下历史阶段出现的主动性调整皇位继承人策略,结束了南北朝以来皇位继承的混乱与残酷,为唐后期的长子继承制开辟了道路,一定意义上为此后秘密立储制的先声,值得重视。

【Abstract】 The throne inheritance system is an important part of the emperor system,and the heir to the throne is sure the top priority of the inheritance issue.The emperor system is always in the core of the political system since The Chin and Han Empires,and the stability of succession to the throne is the foundation of a long dynasty.The Entropy primogeniture still has a strong influence after entering the centralized autocratic society,and allegiance inheritance are still quite common in Chin,Han,Wei and Jin Empires.Countless chaos and cruelty on the succession to the throne has great damage to the majesty of the imperial power in The Northern and Southern Empires,civilization and barbarism coexist,the throne inheritance system suffered a major crisis.The Sui and Tang as to reconstruct a powerful empire of the unified calling the stability of the the throne,but this become a subsequent imperial political wisdom after the downfall of the Sui and The Hsuan-Wu Gate Incident in the early Tang. The Entropy primogeniture and The actively change heir apparent become a best choice to maintain the stability of the succession to the throne in the Tang dynasty.The first I discuss the T’ai-tsung deposed Li Ch’eng-ch’ien and selected Li Chih as the heir apparent in the late Chen-kuan.Through textual research I think that T’ai-tsung is to continue to maintain control of Guan-long Group’s right to inherit the throne, deliberately support the heir apparent Ch’eng-ch’ien and Prince Wei competition,two abandoned and chose youngest son.which greatly weakened the outside ministers toward the election of the heir to the throne.The second Ⅰ discuss the Empress Wu deposed Jui-tsung and selected Chung-tsung as the heir apparent in the late Empress Wu.Through textual research I think that Empress Wu in order to maintain the right of succession under the control by the royal house,deposed Li Dan and selected Li Xian as the heir apparent. The main conspirators,Chang Chien-chih,Ts’ui Hsuan-wei,Ching Hui,Huan Yen-fan,and Yuan Shu-chi take a military coup.The Empress Wu returned to bed,but the arrangement she set up has achieved.The third I discuss the Hsuan-tsung deposed Li Ying and selected Prince Chung as the heir apparent in the late Kai-yuan.Through textual research I think that Hsuan-tsung buried the struggle between the literary elite recruited through the examination and the older aristocratic elements and technical specialists in the Abstract Ⅲ bureaucracy by himself,and then tried to get rid of Wu interests for the throne inheritance candidate influence.He determined the inheritance principle of the Primogeniture,this is fundamental of the throne inheritance in the late Tang dynasty.The last I discuss the formation.the cause and the historical position of the strategy under the actively change heir apparent.After the first three chapters of the textual research,the formation of the strategy under the actively change heir apparent in the early Tang has profound underlying reasons:the historical reflection of the throne monopoly under LI Tang royal house,the lesson of The Hsuan-Wu Gate Incident and the realistic concern of the throne stable inheritance.However,this strategy brought the collapse of the balance between the forces of party struggles,the military factors of the throne inheritance crescendo,the confrontation between the South and North government had become,the heir apparent and the prince faded behind bars.The strategy as a historical stage ended the chaos and the cruelties of the throne inheritance since The South and North Empires,opened the way of the primogeniture in the late Tang.and this was the harbinger of the system of secretly designating a crown prince in the Qing dynasty.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 郑州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 09期

