

Recearch of Kaifeng Xu Fu Street Narrow Hospital Protection Type Updated

【作者】 刘晓东

【导师】 陈雰霞;

【作者基本信息】 郑州大学 , 建筑设计及其理论, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 开封老城历史街区更新问题,一直是开封城市建设的困惑之处。本课题《开封徐府街窄院型住宅保护式更新》是“’开封城市居住空间适应性研究”系列二的子课题之一,论文以“开封窄院型住宅”为研究对象,探索以延续,完善开封传统居住模式为核心理念的保护式更新的途径。全文共三个部分:第一部分包括第一章和第二章的内容,提出问题并叙述了“开封城市居住空间适应性研究”的前期成果,讨论了开封旧城内的窄院型住宅是开封城市居住空间的细胞,窄院住宅的历史聚集,形成了开封旧城独特的城市空间肌理。其次说明了窄院型住宅的发展历程及基本特征,阐述了窄院型住宅所构成的街巷居住模式的生活适应性。第二部分主要是第三章内容,基于徐府街窄院型住宅区的调查,和国内外相关保护理论及实例分析,梳理了徐府街窄院型住宅保护式更新的四大理念,即:整体式保护理念、小尺度理念、渐进式理念、完善居住功能理念。第三部分主要是论文的第四章内容,以徐府街112号院为例,分别进行了复原式、演进式两种思路下的设计探讨。总之,本文通过对徐府街区窄院型住宅保护式更新理念的探讨,通过典型窄院两类更新设计的尝试,阐明窄院型住宅保留居住功能的保护式更新,是延续开封旧城特色及空间肌理的一条有效途径。

【Abstract】 Kaifeng old city historic district renewal problem has always been a hot issue of the construction of Kaifeng city. The Kaifeng Xu Fu Street academy" narrow residential protection update" is" Kaifeng city living space adaptability of series of two one of the subsidiary of the" Kaifeng academy, with narrow residential" as the research object, to continue exploration, perfect the traditional life of Kaifeng model as the core concept of the protection update way. This article contains three parts:The first part consists of Chapters Ⅰ and Ⅱ content, ask questions, and described the preliminary results of the Kaifeng city living space adaptive research "discussed Kaifeng, the old city of narrow-hospital residential cell of the living space of Kaifeng city, the narrow hospital residential history together to form the texture of the Kaifeng old city’s unique urban space. Second, it illustrates the development process and the basic characteristics of the narrow hospital residential, described the adaptability of the narrow hospital residential streets of the living mode of life.The second part is the third chapter, based on the narrow hospital residential areas of Xu Fu Street investigations, and domestic and international protection theory and case analysis, carding four concept of Xu Fu Street narrow-hospital residential protection updates, namely:the overall concept of protection, small-scale ideas, progressive ideas, and improve the function of living philosophy.The third part of the fourth chapter,112homes of Xu Fu Street, for example, were the recovery-type design of two evolutionary thinking.In short, the paper by Xu Fu blocks the narrow-hospital residential protection updated concept of typical narrow hospital two types of attempts to update the design, to clarify the narrow hospital-type residential to retain a function of living protection updates, a continuation of Kaifeng, the old city characteristics and space is an effective way of texture.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 郑州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 09期

