

Study on the Status Quo and Influencing Factors of Freshmen’s Vision from a University in Henan

【作者】 姜万玲

【导师】 田庆丰; 王凯娟;

【作者基本信息】 郑州大学 , 社会医学和卫生事业管理, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 目的了解河南省某大学入学新生视力不良的现状及特点,研究青年学生视力不良的影响因素及防治视力不良的有效方法,为进一步开展青年学生视力预防保健工作提供科学依据。方法本研究采取整群抽样方法选取河南某高校大学新生为调查对象,对入学新生进行视力普查和问卷调查,在2006-2010年间共累计调查新生16751名;调查数据采用Epidata3.0录入,利用SPSS12.0分析。结果1.一般情况:在16751名被调查大学生中,男性8634名,女性8117名;城市户籍的学生有9257名,农村户籍的学生有7494名;19岁以下的学生有8441名,19岁以上的学生有8310名。被调查者中总体视力不良检出率为86.02%(14409/16751),其中,轻、中、重度视力不良平均检出率分别是8.01%、15.69%、62.32%。2010年视力不良检出率较2006年下降3.28%,差异有统计学意义(x2=14.574,P<0.05)。2.不同性别、户籍、年龄组视力不良比较:2006-2010年男生视力不良平均检出率(85.17%)低于女生(86.92%),差异具有统计学意义(x2=10.550,P<0.05),且不同年份男生视力不良检出率均低于女生(P<0.05);2006-2010年间城市户籍与农村户籍学生平均视力不良率存在差异(x2=28.907,P<0.05),城市户籍学生平均视力不良率高于农村,2006-2010年城市户籍学生视力不良率总体呈下降趋势,而农村户籍学生视力不良率总体呈上升趋势;2006年城市户籍学生视力不良率高于农村户籍学生(x2=46.252,P<0.05),2010年城市户籍学生视力不良率与农村户籍学生基本持平。2006~2010年城市户籍与农村户籍学生视力不良率差距逐年缩小,2009年后基本持平。2006~2010年间19岁以上组视力不良平均检出率高于19岁及以下组,差异有统计学意义(x2=16.749,P<0.05),且同年份两组视力不良检出率均存在差异(P<0.05)。3.视力不良的影响因素:父母近视情况、看书距离、课间休息方式、课外活动时间、每天是否坚持做眼保健操对视力不良影响较为显著(P<0.05);Logistic回归分析结果发现,对视力不良影响较大的因素依次为父母近视情况、课余每天用眼时间、课间休息方式、每天户外活动时间、每天是否坚持做眼保健操。课外体育锻炼、课间休息时到室外活动、每天户外活动时间较长、坚持每天做眼保健操为视力不良的保护因素;父母近视、看书距离近、教室照明过暗、看电脑电视时间较长、课外用眼时间较长为视力不良的危险因素。结论2006~2010年河南省某高校入学新生视力不良率总体呈下降趋势,但仍处于较高水平,存在性别、户籍和年龄的差异;高校新生视力不良与遗传因素、用眼习惯、用眼时间和用眼保健相关性较大;高校新生视力不良是诸多因素共同作用的结果,而学生视力的保护工作应受到卫生部门、学校和全社会的重视和参与,尽早采取综合性措施防治学生视力不良。

【Abstract】 ObjectiveTo explore the influencing factors of poor vision in freshmen and provide scientific bases for effective precautions for the young, this paper studies the vision status quo and characteristics of the freshmen from a university in Henan province.MethodsFrom2006to2010, a vision survey was undertaken among16751freshmen from a university in Henan who also filled questionnaires. Data were input and processed by the Epidata3.0and SPSS12.0software respectively.Results1. Among the16751participants, there are8634male and8117female;9257came from urban areas and7494from rural areas.8441participants are below19years old and the rest are above19years old. the total poor vision rate of the participants is86.02%(14409/16751) among which the average mild, moderate, and severe vision defect rates are8.01%,15.69%,62.32%respectively. There is a drop of3.28%in2010than that of2006, which is statistically significant (χ2=14.574, P<0.05).2. There are distinct contrasts among different genders, different household registers and different ages in vision defect. From2006through2010the average malvision rate in male freshmen is lower than that of female counterparts (86.92%vs85.17%), which is significant statistically (χ2=10.550, P<0.05). The average malvision rate of male freshmen in different years is also lower than that of the female counterparts (P<0.05); Through the years2006to2010the rate of overall malvision students of urban areas declines, whereas the overall rate of that from rural areas rises. In2006malvision rate in urban origin freshmen is greater than that in rural origin (χ2=46.252, P<0.05). From2006to2010the malvision rate gap between these two groups is narrowed year by year and is almost the same since2009. The malvision rate in the group aged over19is higher than that of the rest groups from2006to2010. There also exists difference between the comparison in the same year (P<0.05), which is statistically significant (χ2=16.749, P<0.05).3. The influencing factors for malvision areha parents myopia, the stone-cast distance between the reading materials and eyes, the inappropriate way of eye relaxation, the insufficient outdoor activities time, and absence of eye exercises.ConclusionsOverall, there is a downward trend in malvision rate in freshman from a university located in Henan from2006to2010, but this rate still remains at a relative high level. And the differences exsists in terms of different genders, household registers and ages, and the differences are increasing with age. The risk factors for malvision are parents myopia, the stone-cast distance between the reading material and eyes, the inappropriate way of eye relaxation, the insufficient outdoor activities time, and absence of eye exercises. The malvision is caused by various factors, which should arouse the attention of the health department, the school and the society to take measures against malvision.

【关键词】 高校新生视力不良现况研究
【Key words】 FreshmenMalvisionStatus study
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 郑州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 09期

