

Research on Industrial Development and Space Layout of Zhengzhou Airport Area

【作者】 耿纯

【导师】 刘荣增;

【作者基本信息】 郑州大学 , 城市规划与设计, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 在全球化和区域性经济合作体系逐渐形成的背景下,作为高速交通体系中的重要节点之一,航空港区与其所在地区经济发展融合,在推动城市经济发展中起着愈加重要的作用。本文即以郑州航空港区为研究对象,主要从产业发展和产业空间布局两个方面对航空港区发展进行研究。通过对国内外航空港区发展脉络的梳理,从动力机制、内涵特征、产业构成、空间布局等多方面总结了航空港区发展的一般规律。在以上结论的基础上,结合郑州航空港区现状分析,遵照一定原则,最后对其产业发展、空间布局两方面提出了自己的规划建议和措施。全文共分六个章节:第1章,介绍本论文的选题背景及其研究的对象,提出本文的研究目的和研究方法,最后简述了研究的内容与框架;第2章,对国内外航空港区理论和实践的发展进行评述,在对比分析的基础上总结航空港区发展的一般规律;第3章,简要分析郑州航空港区及其周边区域发展现状,在此基础上对其发展进行SWOT分析;第4章,结合对郑州航空港区现状分析和区域产业协调发展定位,依据临空产业的遴选原则,选择出具体的产业项目;第5章,结合郑州航空港区现状和港区规划的特殊性,规划其空间结构形态,并在此基础上进行产业空间布局,最后提出实施建议;第6章为结论与展望。

【Abstract】 The airport is an important part of the world’s high-speed transportation system. Facts have proved that, in the process of global economic integration, the economic development of the airport and the surrounding area of mutual integration. Airport development, but also promote the city’s economic development which near the airport. This paper to Zhengzhou Airport Area as the research object, and then to study it from two aspects of industrial development and spatial layout. After analysis of the development of domestic and international airport area found the law of development that including the Dynamic mechanism, characteristic, industry structure, space layout in four aspects. Finally, based on the theoretical analysis and the status of the Zhengzhou Airport Area and provide advice, including:industry development, space layout in two aspects.Full text is divided into six chapter:The first chapter introduction part explains this research background, research content and significance, research methods and framework; The second chapter, after analysis of the development of domestic and international airport area found the law of development; The third chapter analysis on Zhengzhou Airport Area with SWOT and based on the status of Zhengzhou Airport Area and its surrounding area. The fouth chapter based on the above analysis and selection principle of industrialization, after that, select a specific industry project; The fifth chapter, first clear planning principles, and then, design of space form and layout, finally put forward measures. The sixth chapter including the conclusion and Prospect.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 郑州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 10期
  • 【分类号】F562.8;F127
  • 【被引频次】11
  • 【下载频次】2184
  • 攻读期成果

