

【作者】 张国霞

【导师】 华珞; 王小彬;

【作者基本信息】 首都师范大学 , 自然地理学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 环渤海地区是我国水资源严重匮乏、盐碱化相当严重的区域之一,改善环渤海农业淡水资源短缺的现状意义重大。目前,海冰水利用已经成为解决该地区水资源匮乏的研究热点。环渤海地区=在冬季出现海水冻结现象,海水结冰时,是其中的水冻结,而将其中的盐分排挤出来,因此海水的冻结可以降低其盐度。渤海海冰经过简单的处理,就可转化为适宜的淡水用于农业利用,其成本较低且资源量大,渤海海冰水储量至少可提供该区32%的农田供水,海冰融水时期止值该区春播植物灌溉的用水时期。利用渤海的海冰水灌溉,可以解决环渤海地区淡水资源的短缺等问题,成为使环渤海地区社会经济可持续发展的新途径。合理利用海冰水资源进行农业灌溉,配合不同的农艺措施,改良并开发环渤海地区大量盐碱化耕地及荒地,对发展该区域农业经济影响深远。本研究以环渤海盐碱地区河北黄骅中捷友谊农场为试验基地,通过利用含盐量为3g/l的海冰水与含盐量为1g/l的井水对棉田盐碱地进行对比灌溉试验,在灌溉水中设施加土壤保水剂聚丙烯酰胺(PAM)和不添加PAM两种处理,并配合4种施肥模式(不施肥、无机肥、无机肥牛粪配施、无机肥石膏配施)共计16个处理,探讨了海冰水、PAM及不同施肥模式对盐碱地棉花的产量、品质及生长发育状况的影响、对土壤养分、盐分的影响,以证明海冰水替代淡水灌溉的可行性、PAM的作用及其适宜的施肥模式。研究主要得出以下结论:(1)2009年,黄骅试验区,海冰水灌溉(不施肥)的各个小区各层次在各个生育期的土壤含水率与井水灌溉的小区均无显著差异(P<0.05),棉花播种期、花期、吐絮期海冰灌溉的小区lm土体土壤全盐含量与井水灌溉的小区无显著性差异(P<0.05),证明,海冰水可以作为一种新的灌溉水源来替代井水灌溉棉田盐碱地,连续使用三年,不会对十壤含水率造成负面影响。(2)在井水中施加PAM灌溉在滨海盐碱地耕作中可以有效预防土壤碱化,石膏可以使这种作用更为明显。用海冰水替代井水灌溉滨海盐碱地,引起土壤碱化的可能性相对大一些,但是海冰水中施加PAM并且配合石膏施肥,可以有效预防土壤碱化。(3)2007-2009年在海冰水中施加PAM灌溉后,能有效提高土壤耕层速效氮、磷的含量,棉花产量均显著高于井水灌溉(P<0.05),这说明海冰水中添加PAM灌溉与井水灌溉对比,改善了土壤的养分状况,提高了棉花产量。(4)2009年第一次灌水9天后,海冰水中施加PAM灌溉时,无机肥牛粪配施、无机肥石膏配施在0-40cm层次十壤含水率显著高于单施无机肥时的土壤含水率(P<0.05),这说明海冰水中施加PAM灌溉时,无机肥牛类配施、无机肥石膏配施在耕层可以起到很好的保水作用。

【Abstract】 Bohai Rim is one of the regions who is seriously short of water resources and have Severe desertification. to improve the shortage of freshwater resources in the Bohai Sea agricultural status has great significance. At present, sea ice has been used to address the scarcity of water resources research focus. Bohai sea water can be freezing in the winter phenomenon, the sea ice, is one of the water freezing, and salt will be squeezed out of them, so water salinity significantly reduced after freezing. Simply prepared sea ice, can be converted into fresh water for agricultural use, and low cost reserves of the Bohai sea ice can provide at least 32% of farmland in the area of water supply, irrigation and water plants during the spring natural frozen and Bohai Bay sea ice melt water generated during the match. Using Bohai Sea ice water for irrigation, can solve the Bohai Rim shortage of fresh water resources issues such as the Bohai Sea region’s sustainable social and economic development of a new way. Rational use of ice water for agricultural irrigation, with different agronomic measures, improvement and development of the Bohai Sea region who has a large number of saline land and wasteland, the development of far-reaching economic impact of agriculture in the region. In this study, Hebei Huanghua Bohai Sea in saline areas for the test base McNair Friendship Farm, through the use of salt as 3g/l and salinity of sea ice as 1g/l of well water compared saline irrigation of cotton experiment in facilities for irrigation water increases soil water conservation agent polyacrylamide (PAM) and PAM does not add two treatments, and fertilization with 4 modes (no fertilizer, inorganic fertilizer, manure fertilizer and inorganic fertilizer, inorganic fertilizer combined application of gypsum) a total of 16 treatment of the sea ice, PAM, and different fertilization saline cotton yield, quality and growth conditions influence on soil nutrients, salinity, sea ice to prove the feasibility of alternative irrigation water, PAM’s role and its appropriate mode of fertilization. Study the following conclusions:(1) 2009,in Huanghua test area, the sea ice water irrigation (no fertilizer) in all cell growth at all levels in all the soil moisture content of the irrigation district with well water were not significantly different (P<0.05), cotton sowing, flowering and boll opening irrigation district lm of sea ice soil total salt content of soil irrigated with well water was no significant difference in area (P<0.05), shows that sea ice can be used as a new irrigation water to replace the well water saline irrigated cotton fields.(2) PAM applied in irrigation wells in the coastal saline land farming can be effective in preventing soil alkalinity, gypsum may make this more obvious. Irrigated with well water in the coastal sea-ice alternative saline, alkaline soil caused by the possibility of relatively large number, but sea ice in the water with gypsum applied PAM and fertilizer, can be effective in preventing soil alkalization.(3) 2007~2009 PAM applied in irrigation water after the sea ice, can effectively improve the cultivated soil available nitrogen and phosphorus content, cotton production was significantly higher than that of well water for irrigation (P<0.05), which added that sea ice in the water Comparison of irrigation and well water irrigation PAM, to improve the soil nutrient status, increased cotton production.(4) 2009,9 days after the first irrigation, the sea ice PAM applied irrigation water, manure fertilizer and inorganic fertilizer, inorganic fertilizer combined application of gypsum at 0-40cm soil moisture levels were significantly higher than those in the soil when the application of inorganic fertilizer moisture content (P<0.05), indicating combined application of inorganic fertilizer manure, inorganic fertilizer combined application of gypsum in the topsoil can play the role of good water.

【关键词】 海冰水盐碱地PAM施肥棉花
【Key words】 Sea ice watersalinePAMfertilizercotton

