

The Image of Zhangfei’s Classic Evolution

【作者】 黄丽平

【导师】 汪龙麟;

【作者基本信息】 首都师范大学 , 中国古代文学, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 长期以来学界对《三国志演义》人物形象的研究主要集中在刘备、关羽、诸葛亮、曹操等人物身上,对张飞形象的关注和重视程度远远比不上这些人物。张飞形象从历史上的真实人物经过陈寿《三国志》实录式的描写,到民间的口头传说,再到诗人的诗意化、说话人的讲史和剧作家的戏剧化,最终在罗贯中演义小说《三国志演义》中定型,完成其形象的经典化演变。在历史时空的穿越中,其形象逐渐趋于平民化。本文试图在前人研究的基础上系统地探究张飞形象的经典化演变过程,并从中国古代社会各个阶层文化心理的传承性与变异性以及中国古代社会多种文化的动态整合角度来探明其形象演变的原因。本文研究张飞形象主要建立在三种文化背景基础之上:正统文化、民间文化和精英文化。正统文化记忆中的张飞真实而庄严;民间文化记忆中的张飞贴近市民阶层,性格鲜明而喜剧化;精英文化中的张飞基本定型,个性鲜明而独特。

【Abstract】 For a long time among the academicians the figures of the historical fiction<the romance of the three kingdoms> who have attracted most of the academic attentions are Liu Bei, Guan Yu, Zhuge Liang,and Cao Cao,etc, and Zhang Fei is much less attractive than these previous. The image of Zhang Fei had been established by Chen Shou’s documentary description from a real historical figure, then was passed down by the oral literature traditions such as the fork tales, and became a social common unconsciousness via the literature modification of Shuo Hua, poets, dramatists, and finally the fictionist Luo Guanzhong. During this transmitting process, the image of Zhang Fei gradually become plebificated. In this treatise, the author tries to systematically disclose the process of his image variation based on previous studies, and on the other hand seek for the motivation of this change seen from the perspective of each individual class’s cultural psychological in heritages and mutations.This research is mainly based on three major cultural background:orthodox culture in which Zhang Fei’s image seems to be real and decent, folk culture in which he is a humorous, comedic hero who is closed to the citizens, and social elite culture in which he plays a very stable while at the same time distinct role.

  • 【分类号】I207.413
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】438

