

The Commoner literati and Schools of Poetry in the Middle and Late Tang Dynasty

【作者】 任雅芳

【导师】 王南;

【作者基本信息】 首都师范大学 , 文艺学, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 中晚唐是一个诗派纷呈、诗学观念更加丰富的时期,也是庶族文士群体崛起、发展的历史阶段。将中晚唐诗歌流派、诗学观念的研究与庶族研究相结合,应当是一个比较新颖的切入点。笔者拟从中晚唐庶族群体演变的角度来探讨庶族群体对韩孟、苦吟诗派形成及发展的作用,并梳理两个诗派的内在的关系,结合庶族心态的嬗变探讨中晚唐诗学观念的新变之处。本文第一章从考察中唐诗派的自觉与庶族文士群体的崛起入手,进而探讨庶族意识的觉醒对韩孟诗派形成的推动作用。第二章考察了墨家思想及精神在中唐的接受情况,并以孟郊为个案研究,分析了中唐墨学复继对士人心态,特别是对庶族文士心态的影响,从而进一步探讨庶族心态与中唐诗学新变的内在联系。第三章通过分析韩孟诗派的作品中表现出的复杂的天人观,探讨韩孟诗派独特的审美追求;并通过孟郊与韩愈的对比,重点分析了在“天人相夺”的体验之下,孟郊作为庶族的典型代表在诗歌思维方式及文学表现手法上的独特性,从而揭示出中唐庶族对诗学新变的推进作用。第四章辨析晚唐庶族在心态特征及文学表现上对中唐庶族的继承与改变,主要通过孟郊与贾岛的比较,昭示出庶族意识的流变,从而深化了对中晚唐诗学观念嬗变的认识,并探求晚唐庶族在苦吟诗派的发展及其影响诗坛的方式等方面所起的独特作用。本文尽可能将个案研究、诗派研究及时代背景的考察结合起来,形成点、线、面三者兼顾的较为全面的视角。通过以上研究,希望能揭示出在中晚唐诗歌流派之形成、发展及诗学观念新变的方面庶族文士所作出的独特贡献,同时也希望能通过诗学的视角,对中晚唐庶族文士群体在中国中古社会、文化转型中所发挥的作用有更进一步的认识与理解。

【Abstract】 In the period of the middle and late Tang dynasty, Schools of Poetry and Poetics are various and commoner literati group rose sharply. It should bring a new entry point by combining the research of Poetics, Schools of poetry and Commoners literati. Author want to investigate the development of commoners literati in order to reveal their role on the formation and improvement of Han Meng School and Laborious Versifying School, discover the relation of the two Schools and explore the new change of Poetics.The first chapter of this article discusses the affection of commoner consciousness on the formation of Han Meng School through making a study of the development of commoner literati and conscious awareness of Poetry School in the middle Tang dynasty.The second chapter analyzes the influence of renaissance of Mohism in the middle Tang dynasty on the mentality of scholars, especially on the mentality of commoner literati as a case study of Meng Jiao, and further explores the relation between mentality of commoner literati and the new change of Poetics.The third chapter focuses on the complex concept of relations between human and nature which be expressed by Han Meng School in order to analyze the unique aesthetic pursuit of Han Meng School and the mode of thinking and the literary style of commoner literati by comparing Meng Jiao with Han Yu.The fourth chapter reveals the inheritance and change of commoner literati from the middle Tang dynasty to the late Tang dynasty. It mainly shows the change of the commoner consciousness by comparing Meng Jiao with Jia Dao in order to understand Poetics evolution better and explore the unique role of commoner literati in the late Tang dynasty on the development of Laborious Versifying School.This paper intends to include case study, Poetry School study and School background study. With broad and comprehensive perspective, author wants to reveal the unique contribution of commoner literati to the formation and development of Poetry Schools in middle and late Tang dynasty and the development of Poetics, and recognizes that commoner literati play an important role on the medieval society transformation of China.

  • 【分类号】I207.22
  • 【下载频次】221

