

Carbon Sequestration and Sink Enhancement Technologyes of Several Kinds of Poplar Plantations in the North of China

【作者】 司婧

【导师】 贾黎明;

【作者基本信息】 北京林业大学 , 森林培育, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 本研究以北方杨树人工林为研究对象,在杨树的几个主要栽植区——山东黄泛平原、北京顺义、大兴和通州四个地区,根据不同地区的立地条件、杨树品种和经济状况等分别采取不同技术,研究杨树人工林生态系统各部分碳储量及总碳储量的分布规律,总结得出适合四种不同栽植区的优化固碳增汇技术。主要结论如下:1、山东黄泛平原4年生的三倍体毛白杨(triploid Populus tomentosa)人工纸浆林,D1(宽窄行+地下滴灌随水施肥+间作棉花小麦)、D2(宽窄行+漫灌+间作苜蓿)小区的各部分碳储量优于CK(均匀株行距+漫灌+间作棉花)。D1、D2乔木碳储量分别比CK提高53.7%和7.9%;间作物碳储量分别是CK的1.86和2.50倍;较造林初期,土壤碳储量增幅在18.4%-31.8%;林地年固碳能力为14.00和16.07t1(hm2·a)远高于CK的9.39t1(hm2·a)。综合D1、D2的优势,得出该地区的优化固碳增汇技术为宽窄行栽植模式下的地下滴灌随水施肥和间作苜蓿技术。2、北京潮白河沿河沙地6年生的I-214杨树(Populus×canadensis cv.’1-214’)速生丰产林,地下滴灌(SDI)较常规灌溉(NI)能大大增加林地碳储量。SDI区乔木层、枯落物层和土壤碳储量分别是NI区的1.27、2.02和1.32倍;SDI区年净碳增量9.49t1(hm2.a)是NI区5.01t1(hm2·a)的近2倍。因此,在季节性干旱地区,地下滴灌是提高杨树人工林固碳增汇能力的优化技术。3、北京大兴9年生的杨树防护林,伐根嫁接林分较植苗造林林分能大幅度增加林地碳储量。伐根嫁接林乔木层、草本层、枯落物层和土壤碳储量分别是植苗造林林分的2.61、4.05、3.07和1.07倍;林地年均碳增量为10.04t1(hm2·a),分别是相同地下和地上部分植苗造林的2.66和1.18倍。因此对于大兴区衰老低效杨树防护林来说,伐根嫁接是其更新改造中优化的固碳增汇技术。4、北京通州4年生的欧美107杨树(Populus×euramericana cv."74/76")人工用材林,4个小区分别采用不同的常规技术(施用尿素、缓释肥、复合肥和间作固氮植物紫花苜蓿)。4个小区的生态系统碳储量达64.31-73.75t1hm2,年固碳能力达10.12-14.84t1hm2,比对照6.33t1hm2提高了0.60-1.34倍。因此,以上4种常规技术均为本栽培区的优化固碳增汇技术,可根据实际情况选择使用。

【Abstract】 The poplar plantation in the north of China was studied in this research. This study was investigated in four regions of the mainly poplar planting area which was Shandong Yellow River flood plain, Shunyi, Daxing and Tongzhou of Beijing. According to the different areas of the site conditions, varieties of poplar and economic status, the poplar were taken different models. The carbon storage distribution of several parts of poplar planations forest ecosystem were investigated under different technologyes. The study concluded the optimization solid increasing carbon sink technologyes of the four different planting areas. The main conclusions are as follows.1、In the four-year triploid Populus tomentosa pulpwood in the Yellow River Flood Plain of Shandong, each part of the carbon storage of D1(wide and narrow row+subsurface drip irrigation with water, fertilizer+intercropping cotton and wheat), D2(wide and narrow row+irrigation+alfalfa intercrop) was better than CK (uniform spacing+irrigation+intercropping cotton). The tree carbon of D1, D2was53.7%and7.9%more than that under CK. The crop carbon storage were were1.86and2.50times of that under CK. Compared with the early plantation, the soil net carbon incremental increase18.4%-31.8%. The annual carbon sequestration capacity were14.00and16.07t/(hm2·a), which were much higher than that under CK of9.39t/(hm2·a). Synthesis the advantage of D1and D2.We received the solid carbon sink enhancement technology of this erea, which was the wide and narrow row spacing of underground drip irrigation fertilization and alfalfa intercropping technology.2、Carbon storage of six-year poplar1-214(Populus×canadensis cv.’1-214’) plantations under subsurface drip irrigation (SDI), and normal irrigation(NI) at sandy soil in Chaobai River in Beijing was investigated. Carbon storage of the plantations under SDI highly increased compared with that under NI. The tree storey, litter floor and soil carbon storage under SDI were were1.27,2.02and1.32times of that under NI. The annual net carbon incremental under SDI was9.49t/(hm2·a), approximately2times of that under NI of5.01t/(hm2-a). Therefore, in seasonally dry areas, subsurface drip irrigation is the optimization technology to improve the poplar plantation carbon sequestration.3、In the nine-year protection poplar plantation in Daxing of Beijing,the carbon storage of stump grafting plantation was greatly more than reforestation plantation. The tree storey, under-storey plants, litter floor and soil carbon storage of stump grafting plantation were were2.61,4.05,3.07and1.07times of that of reforestation plantation. The annual net carbon incremental was10.04t/(hm2-a), respectively, were2.66and1.18times more than the same underground and aboveground reforestation forest. Therefore, stump grafting technique is the optimization carbon sink enhancement technology in the renewal of aging inefficient protection poplar plantation in Daxing District.4、In the four-year Populus×euramericana cv."74/76" timber plantation in Tongzhou of Beijing, different conventional techniques (urea, slow-release fertilizer, compound fertilizer and intercropping nitrogen fixing plant Medicago sativa) were used in4quarters respectively. After treatment, the ecosystem carbon storage of four districts were no significant difference, but each had its own advantages compared with the contrast. The ecosystem carbon storage of4quarters were64.31-73.75t/hm2, The annual net carbon incremental was10.12-14.84t/(hm2-a), respectively, were0.60-1.34times more than CK of6.33t/hm2. Therefore, the four conventional techniques all were optimization carbon sink enhancement technologyes in this planting erea.we can choose them according to the actual situation..


