

Study on Plant Landscape Planning and Design of Ornamental Plants Industrial Park for Sightseeing in Beijing Area

【作者】 田文桥

【导师】 李庆卫;

【作者基本信息】 北京林业大学 , 园林植物与观赏园艺, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 目前,我国花卉休闲观光园顺应市场需求发展迅速,是花卉产业与休闲农业的结合产物,它开拓了新的旅游空间和领域,满足人们观赏、参与、养生、休闲、度假等需求,但在建设过程中仍存在较多问题。因此,本文着重对花卉休闲观光园植物景观规划设计进行深入研究。本文采用文献查阅、问卷调查、实地考察等研究方法,对北京地区15家花卉休闲观光园植物景观进行调查与分析,重点从游客角度进行调查分析及植物景观评价,对园区成功与不足之处进行归纳总结,并提出解决措施,最后对花卉休闲观光园植物景观规划设计理论进行梳理,并应用于实际案例。主要研究结果如下:1、花卉休闲观光园作为农业观光园的一种类型,特色鲜明,如大面积的群植草花及花卉集中展示,以数量和色彩取胜,地形起伏变幻,空间开合变化有致,营造淳朴田园风光。但仍处于发展的初级阶段,存在景观质量差、观赏期短、人性化设计不够、生产性质不强等问题,建议注意细部设计、增加层次感、延长观赏期,增加体验活动等,营造健康优美旅游环境。2、通过现场游客问卷调查,了解游客类型集中在收入高、工作稳定、学历高的中青年人群,与亲朋等自驾车或乘公交出行,首次到园区,主要活动有观光、拍照,以享受休暇时间,放松身心,停留时间不超过一天,重游意愿和推荐意愿较高,希望增加特色活动项目。3、通过SD法评价现状植物景观,发现人们对花卉景观喜爱有加,认为是有美感和有吸引力的,对农业生产景观的认可停留在其实用性上,欣赏性不高。通过因子分析,提取出影响人们评价植物景观视觉效果的因子为视觉变化因子、氛围因子、形式因子、体量因子,为植物景观的营造提供了依据。4、花卉休闲观光园植物景观规划与设计应综合考虑多种因素,如园区的选址、环境条件、功能分区、主题的确定、与其他要素的配合、体验活动等,设计时从各个角度出发,考虑主要因素,得出最佳方案。花卉休闲观光园植物景观应别具特色,以花卉生产为基础,营造浪漫的田园风光,为游客提供一个能够满足吃、住、行、游、娱、购等多种功能的生产性度假旅游场所。

【Abstract】 At present, China’s ornamental plants industry has shown a trend with leisure agriculture, pioneering a new tourist space and areas to visit, participate, take a vacation leisurly. Ornamental plants industrial parks for sightseeing have a rapid development conforming to the market demand, but make a lot of problems in the construction process, especially in plant landscape planning and design. Therefore, this article focuses on plants landscape planning and design research of Ornamental plants industrial parks for sightseeing.By means of literature review, questionnaires, field research and other research methods, Plants landscape of15ornamental plants industrial parks for sightseeing in Beijing area were surveyed and analysised,especially in tourists evaluation. It summarized the success and deficiency and put forward the solutions. Finally it combinged plants landscape planning and design theory of Ornamental plants industrial parks for sightseeing and applied to actual cases. The main findings are as follows:First, Ornamental plants industrial parks for sightseeing is a type of agricultural sightseeing garden with the distinctive features:It has a large area of flowers and it is the place where flowers concentrated displayed, It wins with quantity and color. Its terrain changes ups and downs.The open and close space changes interest and it creates a simple rural scenery. But there are some problems in landscape.For example, The quality of landscape is poor, the ornamental period is short, Humanized design is not enough, the nature of production is not strong. Thus,it suggests to pay attention to the detail design, to extend the viewing period, to increase experiential activities, and to create a healthy and beautiful tourist environment.Second,Though the survey of the site visitor perception,we understand that most visitors are middle-aged stage people and they have a good treatment and a stable job and a highly educated. More visitors come to the park for the first time with family or friends.They drive or take the bus to enjoy the short break leisure time or relax or close to nature.The residence time is no more than a day.They go sightseeing or take pictures in the park, willing to come again and recommending to others and hoping to increase the characteristic activities.Third,Through the Sematic Differetial evaluation method for the photos of the present situation plant landscape,we find that people like the landscape of flower and think it is beautiful and attractive.But they think its practical applicability is more important than its artistic quality. Through the factor analysis,we find four factors which influence people evaluation plant landscape.They are the factor of the visual changes,the atmosphere, the formand the dimension. It provide the basis for the construction of plant landscape.Fourth,Plant landscape design should take into account a variety of factors such as the park location, environmental conditions, functional partitioning, the determination of the theme and other elements with experience activities and so on.Plants landscape of ornamental plants industrial parks for sightseeing is unique.It bases on the production of ornamental plants.It creates a romantic rural scenery and meets vistors’demand of food, housing, transportation, travel, entertainment, holiday places share and it is a productive place for tourism.


