

Forestry Development Research in Suichuan County of Jiangxi Province

【作者】 赵娜

【导师】 金彦平;

【作者基本信息】 北京林业大学 , 农业推广, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 林业作为国民经济的基础产业,不仅关系到经济的发展,同时也关系到生态环境的健康发展。遂川县森林资源丰富,全县林地面积369万亩,森林覆盖率达77.4%,活立木蓄积量1003万立方米,居全省第二位。遂川林业物产丰富,盛产金桔、茶叶、油茶,是有名的“中国金桔之乡”、“中国油茶之乡”。作为国家商品林生产基地、江西省重点林业县,林业是遂川县的支柱和国民经济的重要组成部分,在2003年遂川县进行集体林权制度改革。本文通过目标法、调查问卷方法、对比分析法、描述与统计法分析遂川县近几年来在林业生产方面取得了一定的绩效。但是在林业发展过程中还存在一定的问题,农素质偏低、林农从林业中获得收入较低、林业采伐受到约束、林权抵押覆盖面小、森林保险发展缓慢、配套设施发展较弱,林业政策宣传不到位等问题。针对以上问题提出了相关的政策建议,提高林农素质,提高林农林业经营收入,合理分配采伐限额,简化审批程序,建立新的公益林补偿机制,构建森林保险体系,完善配套设施,加强政策宣传。

【Abstract】 The forestry industry as the basic of national economy, not only plays an important role for economic growth.but also related to the healthy development of ecological envirorment..Suichuan county is rich in forest resources,the county forest land area of3.69million mu,the forest coverage area reached about77.4percent, stumpage has about10.03million cubic meters,ranking second in Jiangxi province.Suichuan has rich foresty productions,such as kumquat,tea and camellia.it is the famous the hometown of Chinese kumquat and the hometown of Chinese camellia.As the key foresty in Jiangxi province and a national paper production base, the forest plays an important part in the nationai economy.Suichuan carried on the collective forest right system reform in2003.This article through the target law, investigation questionnaire method, comparative analysis, descr iption and statistics analysis SuiChuanXian in recent years in the forestry production had made some pe rformance. But in the forestry development process also to have certain problem, low quality of agricult ure, farmers get from forestry with lower incomes, forestry logging restrictions, forest right mortgage s mall coverage, forest insurance development is slow, supporting facilities development is weak, the fore stry policy propaganda is not in place. In view of the above question puts forward relevant policy Sugge stions, improve the imposition of quality, and improve the imposition of forestry business income, reaso nable distribution of cutting quota, simplify examination and approval procedures and the establishment of new public welfare forest compensation mechanism, construction of forest insurance system, perfect supporting facilities, strengthen policy propaganda.

【关键词】 林业生产遂川发展
【Key words】 foresty productionsuichuandevelopment
  • 【分类号】F326.2
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】84

