

On Herman Daly’s Steady-State Economy

【作者】 李佳阳

【导师】 严耕; 杨志华;

【作者基本信息】 北京林业大学 , 科学技术哲学, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 本文简要述评了美国著名生态经济学家赫尔曼·戴利的稳态经济思想,并尝试探讨它对我国生态文明建设的启示意义。戴利的稳态经济提供了一种理解经济学的全新视角,将经济学合理置于一个由物理学、经济学、哲学伦理学所构成的“目的一手段序列”的中间环节上,强调经济对物质环境(特别是热力学定律)的依赖,也强调经济要真正致力于促进人们的真实福利,有利于终极目的的实现。因此,戴利的稳态经济理论主张,一方面,由于受到物质基础的决定,必须在低流通率的基础上,保持物质财富(资本)系统和人口系统的稳定态;另一方面,为了实现经济的道德目的,必须在流量最小化的基础上,将经济重点放在物质财富的公平分配上,以实现服务最大化,而不是经济增长的最大化。在本质上,戴利的稳态经济是一种视野宽广的可持续发展经济、生态经济和道德经济,是一种与经典经济学不同的经济学新范式。戴利稳态经济所强调的超越增长的全面发展观、人口控制、社会公平分配,社会福利改善等理念,对于我国生态文明建设都有积极的启示意义。

【Abstract】 This dissertation briefly studies on steady-state economy idea which put forward by Herman Daly, a famous American ecological economist, additionally explores its significance to China’s ecological civilization construction.Daly’s steady-state economy idea provides a new perspective to understand economics. Daly placed reasonably economics in the intermediate links of purpose-means sequence that constitute by physics, economics, philosophy and ethics, stressing that the economy depends on the physical environment (especially the laws of thermodynamics), and that the economy is truly committed to promote the true welfare of the people, and be conducive to the realization of human being’s ultimate purpose. Then Daly insisted that, on the one hand, we should keep the material wealth (capital) system and population system stable at the low-circulation rate; on the other hand, we should focus on maximizing service on the basis of fair distribution of wealth, rather than maximizing economic growth.In essence, Daly’s steady-state economy, as a new economic paradigm different from classic ones, characterized as sustainable, ecological and moral economy. Daly’s steady-state economy put some insights into the concept of overall development beyond the simple economic growth, population control, fair wealth distribution and welfare policy. All of these maybe give us inspiration for the ecological civilization construction in China.


