

The Technological Study for Improving the Fruit Rate of Xanthoceras Sorbifolia, a Unique Chinese Energy Species

【作者】 蔡龙

【导师】 关文彬;

【作者基本信息】 北京林业大学 , 自然保护区学, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 文冠果(Xanthoceras sorbifolia Bunge)为无患子科文冠果属单型种,是中国特有的高级能源植物,仅分布在我国的“三北”地区,其分布地区环境恶劣,多为干旱和半干旱地区。文冠果的价值很高,但是野生资源日趋减少,人工栽培产量很低,因此“干花一果”问题始终没有解决。经过分析得出花期生殖投入过大、结实率低、雌雄败育、近缘交配衰退、生境片段化导致生殖隔离、小种群退化、人为破坏严重等是文冠果座果率低和野生文冠果濒危的原因。本论文主要进行了文冠果的授粉对比试验与交配系统试验的研究、生殖分配与修剪技术的研究和文冠果生殖调控策略的研究等三个方面的试验与数据分析来提高文冠果的座果率,并提出文冠果果园建园的合理方案与日常管理措施。经试验研究与统计分析得出以下三点结论:1.文冠果异花授粉结实率高于自花授粉结实率,文冠果果园要配置授粉树、开花前应疏去大部分不孕花和部分可孕花以集中营养供应可孕花,减少文冠果落果。花期喷洒一定浓度的赤霉素、硼等激素也可以提高座果率。2.文冠果需要进行修剪,把握好文冠果“去弱留强”的修剪方法的和“三三制”发枝规律去修剪,及时疏掉枯枝、果柄、徒长枝等无用枝,夏季结合扭梢、环剥、拉枝等手段抑制营养生长促进生殖生长来提高座果率3.选育良种建园、合理搭配授粉树、优树换接、喷洒激素、保证水肥条件等调控措施是提高文冠果的座果率必不可少的条件。

【Abstract】 Xanthoceras sorbifolia is the only specie in the Xanthoceras family members,It’s one of the relict plants of the Tertiary period and a high grade energy plant peculiar to China,It only distributes in north china,where is severe and mostly dry,The Xanthoceras sorbifolia is of a very high value,but its wild resources is decreasing while the production of the artificial cultivation is very low,The reasons of its low fruit setting and endangered wild resources may attribute to the following,such as the oversized input in its flowering phase,the low fruit setting,the male and female abortion,the inbreeding decline, the reproductive resolution caused by the broken habitation, the retrogression of the small groups and human detriment.The paper aims to keep the production of the Xanthoceras sorbifolia garden at a high level and puts forward a scheme of a Xanthoceras sorbifolia garden and its management measure through a series experiments on its pollination and mating,reproduction distribution and tree surgery,as well as the reproduction control strategy,Three conclusions are reached:First,pollination trees are rec ommended in a garden for the fruit setting may increase about10%when the flowers are cross pollinated,and most of the infertile flowers should be removed to supply those fertile flowers with more nutrition,It also helps with some GA and ABA in its blooming period.Second,tree surgery is recommended every winter,Pay attention to its law of branching,keep its layer in a nature station,remove those deadwood and carpophores in time,Restraint in vegetative growth such as twist,girdling and branch pulling in summer is also helpful in fruit setting.Third,it’s also essential to fruit setting with good species,pollination trees,good grafting, hormone spraying and good measurement in water and fertilizer.


