

Study on Photosynthetic Characteristics and Carbohydrate of Peony

【作者】 宋焕芝

【导师】 于晓南;

【作者基本信息】 北京林业大学 , 园林植物与观赏园艺, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 芍药(Paeonia lactiflora Pall.),具有极高的观赏价值与药用价值。本文从光合特性及碳水化合物代谢规律进行研究,探究了芍药的部分生理生态特性及较优的分株繁殖方式,具体研究结果如下:(1)芍药1年生植株与多年生植株在光合特性上存在显著差异。‘大富贵’1年生植株的光补偿点与光饱和点分别为12μmol·m-2·s-1与198μmol·m-2·s-1,均低于多年生植株的相应值,表明其对弱光的利用能力较强一些;‘大富贵’分株苗的净光合速率(Pn)、气孔导度(Gs)及蒸腾速率(Tr)均低于多年生植株,但两者胞间二氧化碳浓度(Ci)日变化曲线几乎重合,这表明‘大富贵’分株苗较低的净光合速率可能是非气孔限制的结果;‘大富贵’1年生植株经充分暗驯化后的可变荧光(F,)及PS潜在活性(Fv/F0)均小于多年生植株。因此,‘大富贵’1年生植株光合能力上的缺陷可能是其长势较弱的重要生理生态原因之一(2)分株苗的不同留芽方式,对其后期生长具有显著影响。本文按留芽数将芍药分株苗划分为三个等级:一级(留芽数大于或等于5个)、二级(留芽数3-4个)、三级(留芽数1-2个)。结果表明,二级分株苗后期生长势最佳,且繁殖系数较高,是最佳的分株方式。二级分株苗的茎粗及冠幅值最大,长势最佳,日净光合速率值较高,有机物积累较多,光补偿点与光饱和点分别为21μmol·m-2·s-1和1056μmol·m-2·s-1。(3)芍药不同品种耐阴性的研究。本文选用6个常用芍药品种,按照耐阴性强弱可分为3类:第1类为耐阴性较强的‘粉玉奴’、‘紫凤朝阳’、‘团叶红’,第2类为耐阴性中等的‘朱砂判’、‘大富贵’,第3类为耐阴性相对较弱的‘种生粉’。(4)去蕾对芍药生长发育影响的研究。去蕾后,芍药植株的茎粗、冠幅及叶面积等形态特征显著优于留蕾植株;两种植株的净光合速率日变化规律均呈单峰曲线,但去蕾后植株的净光合速率始终高于留蕾植株;光补偿点与光饱和点分别为24μmol·m-2·s-1,和516μmol·m-2·s-1,留蕾植株的光补偿点与光饱和点,分别是其50%与38%。去蕾后芍药较高的光合速率,可能是其长势较优的原因。(5)芍药蜜腺与泌蜜规律探讨。芍药同时具有花外蜜腺与花蜜腺,其花外蜜腺没有明显的外部形态,由数层长椭圆形、紫红色的小型薄壁细胞排列组成。泌蜜部位在芍药的生长发育过程中呈动态变化。芍药泌蜜原因可能是一种保护防御机制。(6)不同生长发育时期,芍药碳水化合物代谢规律研究。在整个物候期,根中可溶性糖的含量呈先增加、后减少的趋势,在展叶期达到最大值,大约110mg·g-1,其淀粉的含量与可溶性糖的含量呈相反趋势。紧实期之前,花芽淀粉含量不断增多,花期,花芽中的淀粉含量不断减少,可溶性糖含量不断增多。展叶期前,根中淀粉转化为可溶性糖,展叶期后,根中储藏淀粉。

【Abstract】 Paeonia lactiflora has high ornamental and officinal values. To study part of the physiological and ecological characteristics and the better methods for separating propagation, the photosynthetic characteristics and the changing rules of carbohydrates were studied. The results were as follows:(1) There was big distinction on photosynthetic characteristics between division plants and several years living plants. The light compensation point and light saturation point of the division peony were 12 and 198μmol·m-2·s-1 which were lower than several years living ones. As to the photosynthetic parameters, such as net photosynthetic rate, stomatal conductance, transpiration rate, of the division peony were all lower. But the concentration of carbon dioxide was the same, which showed that the low net photosynthetic rate was resulted from the non stomatal limitation. As to the parameters of chlorophyll fluorescence, the variable fluorescence and the potential activity of PS II were all lower. The weak photosynthetic ability may be the rain reason for the low growing potential of separated peony.(2) The buds number influenced the development of division peony plants obviously. The separating method of keeping 3 to 4 buds was better for the high propagation rate and high growing potential. This way could make the plants keep high net photosynthetic rate and more nutrition accumulation. The light compensation point and light saturation point were 21and 1056μmol·m-2·s-1, relatively.(3) The study on shade tolerance of peony. The shade tolerance of 6 peony cultivar were classified in three kinds. The first kind which has strongest shade tolerance were’Fen Yu Nu’,’Zi Feng Chao Yang’,’Tuan Ye Hong’. The second kind which has stronger shade tolerance were ’Zhu Sha Pan’,’Da Fu Gui’. The third kind were’Zhong Sheng Fen’.(4) The study on the development of peony after disbudding. After disbudding, the morphological characteristics such as stem diameters, crown and the leaf area all growed better. The net photosynthetic rate, light compensation point and the light saturation point were higher after disbudding. That may be the reason for the higher growing potential.(5) The study on nectary and the regulation of secreting nectar. The peony has floral nectary and extrafloral nectary, The extrafloral nectary had no obvious external form. It was made of amaranth oblong thin-wall cells. The phenomenon of secreting nectar may be mechanism of protecting.(6) The study on the changing regulation of sugar and starch of peony.During the whole phonological period, the sugar in roots increasing first and then descending. And reach to the highest level of 110 mg·g-1 during the leaf exhibition period. The trend of starch was opposite. During the floral period, the starch was transformed into sugar to support the active of flowering. Before leaf exhibition, the nutrition in roots support the growing of the plant. After the leaf exhibition, the photosynthesis provided the nutrition and part was stored in the roots.


