

Feeding Site Selection of Crested Ibis Nipponia Nippon

【作者】 宋虓

【导师】 丁长青;

【作者基本信息】 北京林业大学 , 野生动植物保护与利用, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 朱鹮Nipponia nippon,隶属于鹳形目(Ciconiiformes)鹮科(Threskiornithidae)是世界上最濒危鸟类之一,国家Ⅰ级保护动物。随着近年来未鹮野生种群数量的增加,适宜的觅食地相对缺乏,其利用的栖息地类型拓宽,分布的范围亦发生扩散。本研究首次运用逻辑斯蒂回归模型对陕西汉中朱鹮国家级自然保护区的野生朱鹮种群的觅食地选择进行研究。研究时间覆盖朱鹮全年活动周期的3个不同时期,分别为越冬期、繁殖期和游荡期,调查朱鹮觅食地样方108个,对照样方96个。对上述3个时期分别建立逻辑斯蒂回归模型。研究表明,朱鹮越冬期的觅食地选择由附近人为干扰强度和附近植被类型所决定,朱鹮倾向于选择人为干扰较弱的有植被覆盖的觅食地。越冬期模型对该时期所有调查样方的正判率达到91.65%。朱鹮在繁殖期的觅食地选择由海拔、附近人为干扰强度、水深和土壤松软程度4个环境因子共同决定,朱鹮倾向于选择海拔较高、人为干扰较弱、水深较浅的松软泥地觅食。繁殖期模型对对该时期所有调查样方的正判率达到93.2%。朱鹃在游荡期的觅食地选择由水深和明水面比例决定,朱鹮倾向于有较大明水面的浅水区域觅食。游荡期模型对该时期所有调查样方的正判率达到86.6%。总体而言,逻辑斯蒂回归模型对朱鹦的觅食地选择做出了恰当的生态学解释,并展现了良好的预测效果。对朱鹮觅食地保护的几点建议,包括:鼓励水田冬季蓄水,控制挖沙行业规模,减少农药使用,打击毒杀水生动物的不法分子。

【Abstract】 Crested Ibis Nipponia nippon is one of the most endangered species in the world and ranked in the first class of national key protected animal. With the increasingly population of Crested Ibis in recent years, the utilization of habitat has changed.This is the first use of the logistic regression to modelling the habitat selection of wild Crested Ibis population in Hanzhong Crested Ibis National Nature Reserve. The study period covers three different periods of the annual activity cycle of Crested Ibis, which is wintering, breeding and non-breeding season.108Crested Ibis feeding site quadrat and96controlled trials were surveyed. The logistic regression model was built for the three periods.The result of this study show that the most significant factor of feeding site selection of the Crested Ibis during wintering season are the degree of human disturbance and the vegetation type nearby. Crested Ibis tend to choose the feeding site with less human disturbance and more vegetation cover. Correctly classified ratio of feeding site selection model can be91.65%during this period.There are four environment factors, including elevation, strength of degree of human disturbance, depth of water and softness soil, together determining Crested Ibis’s feeding site selection in breeding season. The crested ibis tend to choose higher elevations and less human disturbance, shallow soft mud to seek food. Correctly classified ratio of feeding site selection model can be93.2%.The the feeding site selection determined by water depth and the proportion of open water in non-breeding season. Crested ibis tend to choose shallow water area of the larger open water for foraging. Correctly classified ratio of feeding site selection model can be86.6%.Overall, the logistic regression model make the proper ecological significant on crested ibis feeding site selection, and also show a good predictive power.Finally, it can be useful to point out several management suggestions to protect foraging site: to encourage to keep water of paddy fields in winter, to control the size of the gold washing industry, to reduce pesticide use and to combat criminals who poison aquatic animals.


