

Research Method to Designate Cultivated Land as Basic Farmland

【作者】 张英

【导师】 赵春江;

【作者基本信息】 北京林业大学 , 地图学与地理信息系统, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 本文通过阅读大量的国内外有关耕地保护、基本农田划定、基本农田保护和管理等方面的文献书籍,以及全国土地利用总体规划纲要、基本农田划定技术规程的有关政策和技术文档,以北京市大兴区为例,分别利用农用地自然等别、利用等别、经济等别和分级成果分别进行基本农田的划定,然后将划定结果与以居民地和道路所建立的缓冲区进行叠加分析,探讨哪一类别分等定级成果更适合耕地入选基本农田评价,从而建立了基于农用地分等定级成果的综合评价指标体系,利用主客观赋权法对综合指标进行赋权,并采用综合评价系数法对大兴区内5191块耕地进行排序,从而确定大兴区的基本农田。同时,本文在耕地连片度的处理上使用ArcGIS9.2建立耕地地块的缓冲区,并将缓冲区与耕地地块进行叠加分析,从而获得每一个地块的连片度数值。本文在基本农田的确定上充分利用了大兴区农用地分等定级的成果,同时也符合了基本农田“划优不划劣、划近不划远、划整不划零”的指导思想,保证了基本农田的优质集中,有利于农用地分等定级成果的应用,有利于科学合理的划定基本农田,同时为基本农田保护提供科学的技术指导。

【Abstract】 By reading lots of books about farmland protection, basic land demarcated, basic land protection and management literature at home and abroad, and the National Land Use Plan, the basic farmland demarcated technical regulations, policies and technical documentation, this paper take Daxing district in Beijing for example, first employ the nature grade, utilization grade, economic grade and classification of agricultural land to get a preparatory designation plan, then use the obtained designation results to overlay with buffer of residents and traffic to estimation which level of agricultural land is more suitable for basic farmland and get the final designation plan.And then building a comprehensive evaluation index system which is based on classification and gradation. This paper utilize give weight by subjective and objective weighting method, and use combination factor to sort5191of agricultural land in Daxing district in order to determine basic farmland in Daxing District. At the same time, this paper use ArcGIS9.2to establishment of arable land buffer, and buffer arable land overlay analysis to obtain a block of contiguous values in the processing of arable land contiguous. This research taking full advantage of the results about the classification and gradation of agricultural land in Daxing District for basic farmland selecting.The designating method not only in line with the guiding ideology of basic farmland "designated priority program bad, paddle do not plan far, plan the entire program to zero" but also ensure the quality focus of basic farmland, applications to agricultural land classification and grading results, conducive to scientific and reasonable delineation of basic farmland, to provide technical guidance for the protection of basic farmland.


