

The Communication Framework Research of Service GIS Based on Heterogeneous Platform

【作者】 雷章

【导师】 史明昌;

【作者基本信息】 北京林业大学 , 地图学与地理信息系统, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 地理信息系统行业经过多年发展,GIS应用已经从科研、教育和政府决策等领域逐步走向人们日常生活的方方面面。针对这个发展过程,如何充分利用已建设的各类GIS资源,结合新的业务需求,形成满足功能需要并且操作体验较好的GIS服务,成为了GIS技术发展的重要方向之一。论文在分析了服务式GIS平台搭建的技术需求——可整合异地异构GIS服务资源,同时需考虑系统性能及大数据量存储管理问题之后,研究了当前分布式计算技术的各项技术成果,比较分析出其中比较符合GIS服务平台技术要求的技术成果——网络通信引擎Ice,应用于通信框架的设计和开发。以Ice分布式计算的解决方案IceGrid作为通信框架的基础,采用服务总线设计的思想,设计开发了由通信框架服务总线、注册服务、业务流配置服务、负载均衡服务以及服务接口开发模式构成的服务式GIS异构平台通信框架,并以实现土壤侵蚀分析服务为实验案例,验证了通信框架的GIS资源整合功能及整体性能,同时说明了基于通信框架开发GIS服务的方法,以指导通信框架在实际生产中的应用。

【Abstract】 After years development of geographic information system industry, GIS application is gradually moving towards all aspects of people’s daily life from the field of scientific research, education, government decision-making and so on. In the development process, how to take full advantage of the construction of various types of GIS resources with the new requirements of business, to develop a GIS service application which fully meet the functional requirements and has a good experience of operating. It has been turned into one of the direction of the development of GIS technology. After researching the technical requirements of GIS service platform which require to integrate the GIS resource distributed in different site and developed in different program language, and to keep the system performance is good, paper had studied the current technologies of distributed computing and made an analysis of the technologies to find the fittest one as the basis of the communication framework. The fittest technical is Ice called Internet Communication Engine. Ice’s distributed computing solutions called IceGrid as the basis for the communication framework, with the method a software design idea called software service bus, paper had studied to complete a communication framework technical specification which consists of service bus, registry service, load balancing service and developing service interface model. As the construct of the communication framework technical specification, paper had developed a GIS Service of soil erosion analysis, in order to verify the ability of a communications framework to integrate GIS resources, to show based on the development model of communication framework for the development of GIS services, as well as the performance of the system, and to express the usage of the communication framework in the actual production.


