

Studies on Cultivar Selection and Large-scale Cultivation Technology of Chinese Traditional Potted Chrysanthemum

【作者】 张亚琼

【导师】 戴思兰;

【作者基本信息】 北京林业大学 , 园林植物与观赏园艺, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 菊花(Chrysanthemum×morifolium Ramat.)是中国的传统名花,自古以来,以其奇特的姿态、绚丽的色彩深受人们的喜爱。作为菊花种质资源大国,中国拥有众多的菊花品种,然而具有知识产权、可以规模化生产的盆栽菊花品种却不多。不同的栽培环境和种植者各异的种植技艺会使盆栽菊花的性状发生显著的变化,难以实现规模化和产业化生产。因此,本文对影响菊花观赏性状的主要环境因子和栽培措施进行了研究,以期筛选出具有中国特色的传统菊花品种,为国内菊花企业规模化生产提供技术指导。本研究主要取得如下成果:1.在对北京地区栽培的800余个大菊品种进行资源调查的基础上,筛选出了具有典型性和代表性的品种35个,进行田间盆栽试验。对其19个观赏性和适应性指标进行观测记载和采集数据,应用层次分析法,从观赏性状、抗逆性和栽培流程3个方面出发,构建了传统盆栽菊花产业化品种筛选体系,选出‘紫云’、‘金背大红’、‘秋染晨霜’、‘墨兰霜’、‘金波涌翠’、‘锦绣鸳鸯’、‘金葵向阳’等7个既具有中国传统特色,又适于规模化生产的盆栽菊花品种。2.通过27个传统大菊品种进行正常季节和“十一”促成栽培两个栽植期的观察记载,对其10个主要观赏性状变异系数进行分析的结果表明,传统菊花品种的主要观赏性状受品种本身的遗传特异性和环境因子共同影响。株高、花梗长、节间长、叶片数、花高这5个性状变异系数都大于20%,比较适于品种分类;方差分析的结果表明,头状花序高度和叶片长度是较为稳定的性状。3.营养元素是影响菊花观赏性状的关键环境因子。研究发现,不同施肥处理使得栽培植株在株高、花径、筒状小花数、叶面积、叶绿素含量和花色等发生显著变化。通过综合考量,营养生长期和花芽分化期均施用氮磷钾肥复合肥,传统盆栽菊花观赏效果最佳。施用生长调节剂试验结果表明:6-BA和KT对菊花株高、茎粗、节间长度、叶面积、花期影响显著。一定范围内,株高随着6-BA和KT浓度的提高而增加,但是太高浓度的生长调节剂又会抑制植株的生长。施用5mg/L的6-BA和30mg/L的KT溶液可以改善株型、提前花期、提高植株观赏价值。4.对不同栽培措施进行试验分析表明:经过换头处理之后,植株较健壮且花期一致。因此,在产业化生产中,推荐苗期进行统一换头,以控制群体花期。在常规管理的基础上,作者整理出了一整套盆栽大菊品种规模化生产栽培技术流程。栽培试验的结果表明,这一流程可以降低栽培成本、提高标准化程度,可以为北京以及周边地区菊花生产企业提供借鉴。

【Abstract】 Chrysanthemum(Chrysanthemum×morifolium Ramat.) is one of the traditional flowers in China since ancient times. With them peculiar morphology and brilliant colors, Chrysanthemum are very popular. As the germplasm resources center of Chrysanthemum, China has a large number of cultivars, however, rare of them have intellectual property rights and can be used to large-scale production of potted chrysanthemums. The traits of potted chrysanthemum will chang in different cultural environment and by different ways of planting. Therefore, the effects of the main environmental factors and cultural practices on chrysanthemum ornamental traits were studied, in order to popularize the traditional chrysanthemum cultivars, and provide technical guidance of industrialized production to the domestic chrysanthemum enterprise.Based on investigation of more than800chrysanthemum cultivars in the Beijing, pot-culture experiments were conducted to observe19indexes of32traditional potted chrysanthemum cultivars. A comprehensive evaluation system was established by using AHP method, which considers the ornamental traits, variety resistance and cultivation process. Seven suitable chrysanthemum cultivars were selected for large-scale production. This study will provide a reasonable exploitation of precious traditional chrysanthemum resources.27typical Chinese Traditional Potted Chrysanthemum cultivars were selected as experiment materials. Variations of Major Characters among them in different seasons were studied. The result showed that:different seasons influenced the plant height, stalk length, flower high, internode length and leaf number. These characters can be used to classify the varieties. United variance analysis of the major ornamental traits of cultivars in different seasons showed that:the length of flowers and leaves were influenced by genotypes, not by the external environmental factors.The ornamental traits of chrysanthemum were much influenced by fertilizer. Under different fertilization treatments, plant height, flower diameter and number of tube-shaped flowers, leaf area, chlorophyll content, and colors were significantly different. Based on the comprehensive Evaluation, applying nitrogen fertilizer during vegetative growth phase, applying phosphorus and potassium fertilizer during flower bud differentiation period,600ml/per plant every five days, was the best method.The results of spraying plant growth regulators showed that6-BA and KT have significant effect on plant height, stem diameter, internode length, leaf area, florescence. Within a certain range, plant height increased with the increase of6-BA and KT concentration, but too high concentration of growth regulators would inhibit the growth of plants.5mg/L6-BA or30mg/L KT was the optimal treatment of improving the ornamental quality of chrysanthemum.Elaborately cultivation technology and management has always been the focus of the chrysanthemum cultivation, cultivation experiments showed that:After replacing terminal bud, cultivars became more orderliness and halenessthe, the flowering period of them was concentrated. Therefore, replacing terminal bud was recommended to control the population flowering time in industrial production. A large-scale cultivation technology of potted chrysanthemum was proposed in this paper.


