

Contrastive Study on Planning and Design Programs of Land Reclamation Projects in Different Landform

【作者】 康璇

【导师】 王秀茹;

【作者基本信息】 北京林业大学 , 水土保持与荒漠化防治, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 本文以河北省保定市南市区五尧乡土地整治项目与河北省保定市顺平县台鱼乡土地整治项目为例,对不同地貌类型的土地整治项目规划设计方案做了系统的对比分析。土地整治项目必须充分考虑当地实际情况,做到因地制宜、因害设防,有针对性的做出规划设计方案,使规划设计方案体现出地域性、差异性和可操作性。不同地貌类型土地整治规划设计中的主要工程分别进行系统研究。在土地整治过程中,通过土地平整工程,使得田块的大小和坡度满足灌溉要求,由于地形的因素,平原区采取了以田块为平整单元的局部平整;低山丘陵区主要为坡改梯工程。农田水利基础配套设施,对灌溉、排水、除涝和防治盐渍灾害等内容进行了系统研究,平原区采取利用原有可用机井48眼的基础上,新规划打120m深机井44眼,铺设低压管道干管与支管全部采用PVC管,排水设施斗沟规划为三种断面类型,农沟规划为两种类型;低山丘陵区新打200m深机井2眼,新铺设低压铸铁干管、支管,并在田面设置镇墩来保证其稳定性。道路工程方面,平原区采用了4m宽泥结碎石路面的田间路、2米宽素土夯实路面的生产路两级道路标准;低山丘陵区考虑具体地形因素则只采取了宽2m泥结碎石路面的田间道路一级道路标准。在农田防护工程中,平原区为了抵御风沙,调节小气候,采用了胸径大于3cm的速生杂交杨等为树种的农田防护林工程;低山丘陵区直接选择了项目区周边植被,达到了良好的防护效果。

【Abstract】 This paper taking the Baoding Nanshi District Wuyao town land reclamation project and Shunping Xian Taiyu town land reclamation project in hebei province for example, to system study land reclamation projects planning design in different landform types.Land reclamation projects must be fully consider local actual condition, adjust measures to local conditions, for harm fortified, targeted planning design, to make the planning design reflect regional, difference and operability.According to considering different landform the main land reclamation engineering, analysising the planning and design respectively. In the process of land renovation, after land unknotting project, make the size of the field of slope and meet the requirements of irrigation. The terrain and elevation of factors, take the field for unit internal level in plain, low mountain mainly for established for engineering and Shikan building project. Irrigation and water conservancy project is building for farmland service of water facilities, including irrigation, drainage, waterlogging prevention and control saline disasters. There are48eyes using welloriginal can be used in plain, the new planning to call120meters deep motor-pumped well44eyes, laid low pressure pipe mains and tubes all adopt the PVC tube, drainage ditch planning for a three section type, agriculture ditch planning for two types, Low mountain area deep well drilling project in the lifting of200meters2eyes, and then based on original pipeline, the new laid low pressure cast iron main and pipes, and in the behaviors of set to ensure the pier firm. In the road engineering, the4meters wide mud and the way the gravel road and2meters wide grain soil of laying the pavement the production road of two level road standard, considering low mountain terrain factors specific, only take2meters wide mud and the gravel road field road level1road standards. In the farmland protection engineering, in order to resist the sandstorm in plain, adjust the microclimate, using a diameter at breast height more than3centimeters of the fast-growing hybrid Yang for tree species of farmland shelter-forest, and in low mountain area for good, have not this project vegetation.


