

Phylogenetic Relationship of Some Dendrolimus Species Based on Ultrastructures

【作者】 谭琼

【导师】 温俊宝; 李镇宇;

【作者基本信息】 北京林业大学 , 森林保护, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 为给松毛虫属(Dendrolimus)部分种类分类地位的争议提供佐证与补充,尤其是进一步探讨油松毛虫D. tabulaeformis Tsai et Liu与马尾松毛虫D. punctata punctata (Walker)的亲缘关系,对松毛虫属部分种类的雌、雄蛾前后翅面鳞片的超微结构及雄蛾触角与触角感器的超微结构进行了观察及其形态表征统计与系统聚类分析,主要结果如下:1、雌雄蛾前后翅面鳞片的超微结构研究表明:①松毛虫的鳞片都属于镂空型鳞片,且为二型双层鳞片;②鳞片的长宽与翅长不存在显著相关性;③雌雄间、前后翅及翅正反面鳞片均无显著差异;④种间鳞片宽度、脊间距无显著差异,而长度、最宽处脊数均存在显著差异;⑤同一种松毛虫的不同地理种群之间鳞片大小相似性较高,即同种松毛虫的不同地理种群通常聚为一类;⑥单从翅面鳞片的超微形态特征不能确定油松毛虫与马尾松毛虫的亲缘关系。2、雄蛾触角及触角感器超微结构研究表明:①共发现6种感器类型,即毛形感器、刺形感器、栓锥感器、腔锥感器、Bohm氏鬃毛、脚形感器;②除赤松毛虫外,其它6种松毛虫与栗黄枯叶蛾所具感器类型相同,为毛形、刺形、栓锥、腔锥、Bohm氏鬃毛5种,但感器亚型有差异;赤松毛虫D. spectabilis Butler除有以上5种感器类型分布外,还存在脚形感器;③同一种昆虫不同地理种群间感器类型无差异,但亚型有异。④触角柄节、梗节、鞭亚节及侧枝的宽度均无显著性差异,鞭亚节数量及柄节、梗节、鞭亚节、侧枝的长度存在显著性差异,且各类型触角感器的长度与基部直径均无显著性差异;⑤同一种类不同地理种群间,触角及感器的形态表征均无显著性差异存在。⑥马尾松毛虫、油松毛虫、文山松毛虫与赤松毛虫四者不能显著区分,应为同一物种。综合前人与本研究的结果,认为油松毛虫D. tabulaeformis Tsai et Liu是马尾松毛虫D. punctata punctata (Walker)的地理亚种。

【Abstract】 In order to support some research on the phylogenetic relationship of Dendrolimus species, especially the relationship between D. tabulaeformis Tsai et Liu and D. punctata punctata (Walker), the ultrastructures and characteristics, which of fore-and hind-wing scales of both male and female moths, and which of antennae and antennal sensilla of male moths, were observed by light microscope and scanning electronic microscope and analyzed with SPSS18.0. The results are stated below.1. The ultrastructures and characteristics of fore-and hind-wing scales of both male and female moths leads to the result that, there are ground scales and cover scales, both of them are hollow scales and their type of covering are type-2bilayer scale covering. There are no obvious correlations existed between the length and width of scales and the length of wings. There are no significant differences in scales between male and female moths, forewings and hind wings, upside-wings and underside-wings either. The discrepancies existing in the width and the ridge-distance of the scales among the5species moths are inconspicuous while the corresponding part of the length and the mix-ridge-number of scales between species are striking. Through the graph generated by hierarchical cluster analysis, the similarity of wing scales between different geographic populations of the same moth is higher. That is, different geographic populations of the same species usually cluster together. Research just by wing scales cannot ensure the relationship between D. punctata punctata and D. tabulaeformis.2. The morphology and ultrastructure of the antennae and sensilla of male Dendrolimus species and a male Trabala vishnou gigantina Yang (Lepidoptera:Lasiocampidae) were studied to show the result that, six morphological types of sensilla (S. trichoder, S. chaetica, S. styloconica, S. coeloconica, Bohm bristles, and foot-like sensilla) were identified. Six of the Dendrolimus moths and Trabala vishnou gigantina Yang share the same morphological sensilla type, as do various geographic populations of the same species. The exception, Dendrolimus spectabilis Butler, has foot-like sensilla. However, the sensilla subtypes were significantly different among species and/or populations. There were no remarkable differences in the width of the scape, pedicel, subflagellum, and the side-branches between the male species studied. However, we observed significant differences in the number of flagellomere and the length of scape, pedicel, sub-flagellums, and side-branches. The length and basal diameter of various types of sensilla did not vary significantly among Dendrolimus moths. Beyond that, there were no differences among populations of the same kind of species. Hierarchical cluster analysis suggest that D. punctata punctata, D. punctata wenshanensis, D. tabulaeformis, and D. spectabilis should be the same species as they cannot be clearly distinguished.Take perior researchers’results and our consequences into comprehensive consideration, we make a conclusion that D. tabulaeformis is a geographic subspecies of D. punctata punctata.


