

An Eco-translatological Approach to Zhang Guruo’s Version the Return of the Native

【作者】 宋海芽

【导师】 潘卫民;

【作者基本信息】 长沙理工大学 , 外国语言学及应用语言学, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 生态翻译学是一个新兴的研究领域。生态翻译学理论作为一种从西方引进并改良的国产翻译理论,受到了较多学者的关注。每一种理论的成长不仅在于创新,更在于运用。因此,对生态翻译学理论的创造性应用有利于该理论本身的成熟与发展。据笔者现有文献资料可发现,目前较少有学者对张谷若译本《还乡》进行翻译方面的系统研究,更缺乏生态翻译视角的系统研究。本研究主要运用生态翻译学理论从适应和选择两个方面对张谷若译本《还乡》(1958年版)进行研究分析。该研究力图解决两大问题:(1)生态翻译学理论是适用于分析张谷若译本《还乡》的;(2)生态翻译学理论中的翻译生态环境各因素是如何在张谷若《还乡》翻译过程中起作用的。本研究采取“假设演绎”的研究方法。鉴于生态翻译学理论的解释功能,先假设该理论适用于张谷若翻译《还乡》的研究分析,然后基于对所收集的资料进行系统归纳,利用生态翻译学相关理论阐述译者的多维度适应。在第二步的演绎过程中,本文主要通过个案研究、文本分析等综合方法从语言维、文化维和交际维三方面对《还乡》译本进行了细致的分析,从而证实生态翻译学理论对翻译现象的解释力,并且为张谷若译本《还乡》的翻译研究和今后进一步运用该理论探讨其他译家和译著提供借鉴。依据生态翻译学理论,翻译是译者不断适应和自我选择交替循环的过程。本文从适应和选择两个阶段来研究分析张谷若翻译哈代的作品《还乡》。在译者的适应阶段,本文作者主要从自然环境、社会文化环境和个人能力三个方面来阐述译者对原文生态环境的适应。在译者的选择阶段,本文作者主要从语言维、文化维和交际维三个维度分析译者对原文是如何适应性选择转换的。语言维的适应性转换主要从词汇、句法、修辞等三个层面展开。文化维的适应性转换主要探讨在不同领域译者是如何选用归化和异化两种翻译策略来处理文化负载词。仿照奥斯汀的言语行为三分法,言语交际也被分成三个层面:交际行为、交际意图和交际效果。交际维的适应性转换主要阐述了译者在这三个层面是如何处理原文的。本研究的创新之处在于:(1)生态翻译学是个新兴研究领域,对其研究本身就是一种创新;(2)将前人的理论创造性地运用于具体的文本分析也具有某种创新性;(3)在译者适应性选择过程中对交际维的分类,本文尝试性地从交际行为、交际意图和交际效果三个方面来分析也是一种全新的分析模式。

【Abstract】 Eco-translatological study is an emerging research field. As anameliorator of western translatological theory, it has been gaining moreand more attention. The growth of theory lies more in application than ininnovation. Therefore, creative application of eco-translatological theoryis helpful to its mature and development.According to the document resources available, the author finds thatfew scholars have done research on The Return of the Native fromtranslation aspect, not mention to systematic researches fromeco-translatological perspective. The present thesis mainly makes atentative study of Zhang Guruo’s version The Return of the Native in1958from the two stages of adaptation and selection witheco-translatological theory. The objectives of this research are firstlytrying to prove the feasibility of application of eco-translatology andsecondly to figure out how the translational eco-environment exertsinfluences on the translation.The thesis mainly takes a “hypothetical deduction” researchmethodology. Because of explanatory function of eco-translatologicaltheory, the hypothesis is that this theory offers a feasible application forZhang Guruo’s version The Return of the Native during the process oftranslation. Based on a systematical generalization of the collectedmaterials, the present thesis proposes related eco-translatological theoryand the translator’s multi-dimensional adaptation. In the second step ofdeduction, a careful analysis of Zhang’s translation is made from suchperspective of linguistic dimension, cultural dimension andcommunicative dimension. By using case study, document analysis andsynthetic method, the thesis proves the feasibility of eco-translatologicaltheory and enriches not only the current researches of Zhang and histranslation but also the studies of other translators and their works with this theory.According to eco-translatological theory, translation is thealternately circulatory process of translators’ adaptation and selection.The present thesis makes a tentative study of Zhang Guruo’s translationof The Return of the Native by Hardy from the two stages of adaptationand selection with eco-translatological theory. On the adaptation stage,the thesis tries to explain the translator’s adaptation from the aspects ofnatural environment, social and cultural environment and the translator’scompetence. And on selection stage, the analysis of the translator’sadaptive selection and transformation will be made from linguisticdimension, cultural dimension and communicative dimension. Linguisticdimensional selection is carried out from lexical, syntactic and rhetoricallevels. Cultural dimensional selection mainly concentrates on how thetranslator deals with the cultural-loaded words with the translationalstrategies of domestication and foreignization. Communicativedimensional selection is mainly about how the translator deals with thesource language text from three levels: communicative act,communicative intentions and communicative effects.Originality of the research are as follows:(1) Eco-translatologicalstudy is an emerging research field, so the study of the field itself is aninnovation.(2) Creative application of predecessors’ theories intosubstantial practice is also of some originality.(3) Illustration of thecommunicative dimension in the translator’s adaptive selection fromcommunicative act, communicative intention and communicative effect isalso quite new.


