

Study on the Lightning Protection of a Radio and Transmitting Station

【作者】 雷丰瑞

【导师】 李景禄;

【作者基本信息】 长沙理工大学 , 高电压与绝缘技术, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 广播电视发射站由于其接收和发送无线广播电视信号的需要,往往都修建在当地海拔最高的山顶位置。另外因为其自身结构的特殊性(如高达几十米的信号发射塔,以及发射站内的各种电子设备),使其容易成为雷电袭击且容易受到较大危害的特殊场所。特别对于在南方山区的广播电视发射站,其重用性及其在应对雷电危害的脆弱性更加明显。南方山区,在气候方面,雷雨天气更加频繁。另外由于南方山区海波较高,地理环境更加复杂,地理位置也比较偏僻,使得很多有线电视网络无法覆盖,所以无线广播电视关乎在当地居民外界的交流及日常生活。加强广播电视发射站的防雷保护,维护广播电视发射站正常工作运行对于当地的生活和生产具有重要意义。本文从雷电的形成机理,危害形式,入侵途径及其防雷保护措施等方面全面研究的基础上,通过对湖北某广播电视发射站现场调查与试验,分析指出湖北某广播电视发射站在防雷保护措施上存在的问题和不足,并且针对存在的问题进行有针对性的改造和完善。通过试验调查分析,并结合相关理论基础,发现和指出湖北某广播电视发射站在电源系统,信号系统防雷和接地措施上存在的不足之处。在广播电视发射站的电源系统,其防雷方面的缺陷主要体现在架空线路的绝缘配合不合理,错误地在线路上安装有避雷针,低压侧电缆缺乏屏蔽保护以及普通变压的耐雷水平及接地方面存在的问题和不足;在信号系统方面,存在的问题主要体现在信号馈线和线路缺少屏蔽保护以及接地不当,发射站室内设备接地和等电位连接不完善;发射站和发射塔的主接地网接地电阻值过大等问题。针对广播电视发射站系统各环节在防雷接地方面存在的问题,提出了具有针对性的改造方案,根据现场的实际情况实施了综合改造措施。在电源系统方面,主要采取加强10KV架空线路的进线段保护,通过加装过电压保护间隙,改善电源系统在绝缘配合上面存在的问题,并实现对雷电过电压过电流的逐级削弱和衰减。优化关键位置杆塔的接地情况,摘除线路上错误安装的避雷针。使用具有高耐雷性能的双曲折特种防雷变压器;加强低压侧电力电缆的屏蔽保护,以避免感应雷由此侵入电源系统和发射站低压设备。对发射站低压设备优化发射站内各种线路的布局,加强屏蔽保护;并完善电压电子设备的等电位连接和接地方面存在的不足。对发射站和发射塔的主接地网进行接地改造,降低其接地电阻。最后本文以湖北某广播电视发射站防雷设计改造工作为基础,提出适用于同类场所的综合防雷保护措施,为雷害事故频繁发生的广播电视发射站在防雷接地技术方面提一定参考的借鉴。

【Abstract】 Because the need of sending and receiving wireless radio and TV signalRadio television station often built on the highest elevation of the top position inlocal. Due to the particularity of its own structure (such as up to a dozen meterssignal towers, and there are various kinds of electronic equipment in the station),which makes it easy to become a lightning attacks. Especially in the southernmountainous area of radio and TV transmitting station, its reusability and inresponse to the lightning hazard vulnerability was more pronounced. This isbecause the south is a mountainous area, climate, more frequent thunderstormweather. In addition due to geographical constraints, makes a lot of cable TVnetwork can’t cover, so the wireless broadcast television about the local residentsoutside the exchanges and daily life. This article from the lightning formationmechanism, hazards, the invasion pathways and lightning protection measures andother aspects on the basis of the study, through to the broadcasting and televisiontransmitting station on site investigation and testing, analysis shows that the radioand TV transmitting station in lightning protection measureson the existingproblems and shortcomings, and address the problems discussed modification andperfection.Through the experimental investigation and analysis, combined withrelevant theories, discovered and pointed out the defect of the radio and TVtransmitting station in its power system and signal system grounding and lightningprotection measures on the deficiencies. Radio and television station in the powersystem, the lightning protection of the defects in the overhead lines are mainlyembodied in the insulation coordination is not reasonable, wrong to be installed onthe online have lightning rod, low voltage side of protection and ordinary cableshielding variable pressure level and grounding resistance of ray of existingproblems and the insufficiency. In signal system, problems are mainly embodied inthe feeder and lack of shielding signal line protection and grounding improper,radiation stand indoor equipment grounding and equipotential connection notperfect; And the Lord of the transmission station substation grounding grip toogrounding resistance. Radio and television station system in every link oflightning proof grounding existent problem, put forward a directionalreconstruction scheme, according to the actual situation of the implementation of the comprehensive reform measures. In the power supply system, mainly adoptingstrengthen10KV overhead lines into the line protection, through the overvoltagerelaying protection gap, improve the power supply system in insulationcoordination on the existing problems, and to realize the lightning overvoltageover current level of weakening and the attenuation. Optimization of the tower keypositions ground conditions, having the wrong line installation lightning rod. Usehigh levels of resistance to ray double special transformer winding lightningprotection; Strengthen the low voltage side of power cable shielding protection, toavoid induction lightning thus into power system and station low-pressureequipment. Station of low-pressure equipment optimization of various circuitrywithin the station layout, strengthen the protection shield; And perfect the voltageof the electronic equipment equipotential connection and grounding aspectsdeficiency. The Lord of the tower of station substation grounding grip ongrounding transformation, reduce its grounding resistance.

  • 【分类号】TM862;TN948.53
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】124
  • 攻读期成果

