

Design and Development of Steam Tubes Heated Rotary Dryer CAD System

【作者】 张明

【导师】 陈荐; 姜昌伟;

【作者基本信息】 长沙理工大学 , 动力机械及工程, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 蒸汽管间加热转筒干燥器作为一种新型的干燥设备广泛应用于化工、医药、石化、食品、木材、粮食等领域,其研制与开发备受重视。目前国内没有完善的蒸汽管间加热转筒干燥器设计方法和设计标准。此外,传统的干燥器设计方法普遍采用手工计算与手工绘图,难以满足干燥器设计要求。因此,针对蒸汽管间加热转筒干燥器设计提出一种新的设计计算方法,并开发出一套集工艺计算、CAD参数化绘图于一体的辅助设计软件包对蒸汽管间加热转筒干燥器的开发与工程应用具有重要的意义。本文针对蒸汽管间加热转筒干燥器提出了一种设计计算新方法,并开发出一套集工艺设计计算、参数校核、图纸绘制于一体的蒸汽管间加热转筒干燥器CAD设计系统,其主要研究成果如下:(1)基于传统的蒸汽管间加热转筒干燥器和回转窑式转筒干燥器的设计方法,将回转窑式转筒干燥器的分段设计方法应用到蒸汽管间加热转筒干燥器的设计过程中,提出了一种将蒸汽管间加热转筒干燥器设计分为预热段、蒸发段、升温段的分段式设计新方法。(2)基于面向对象的模块化组合设计思想,进行了蒸汽管间加热转筒干燥器CAD系统方案设计,包括:参数数据库管理子系统、工艺设计子系统、参数化绘图子系统及结果输出子系统。(3)根据蒸汽管间加热转筒干燥器传热传质机理与分段式设计新方法,开发出蒸汽管间加热转筒干燥器的工艺设计计算子系统,实现了蒸汽管间加热转筒干燥器热力参数的自动计算。并且将蒸汽管间加热转筒干燥器系统的整体计算方法获得的结果与分段式计算方法获得的结果进行对比校核,提高设计参数的准确性和干燥器的设计精度。(4)以Autocad2007为开发平台,基于上述热力计算结果基础上二次开发,开发出了参数化绘图系统,实现了蒸汽管间加热转筒干燥器排管图自动绘制功能。(5)将蒸汽管间加热转筒干燥器CAD系统应用到工程实例计算中,计算结果实例数据对比,有一定的误差但在可以接受的范围内,说明软件系统的可行性。本软件系统具有用户界面友好、操作简单、实用性强等特点。该系统的应用提高了蒸汽管间加热转筒干燥器设计精度、缩短了研发周期、提高了能源利用率,同时对其它类型干燥器的研究与设计具有重要的参考价值。

【Abstract】 As a new dry equipment, The steam tubes heated rotary Dryer is widely used inchemical industry, medicine, petrochemical industry, food, timber and so on. So the researchand development of dryers has being paid more and more attention. At present, the designmethod and design standard are not completely formed about steam tubes heated rotarydryer in our country. In addition, the traditional design method of steam tubes heated rotarydryer can not meet design requirements because its design method adopts manual calculationand drawing. So it has important significance for engineering application that a new designand calculation method of the steam tubes heated rotary dryer was proposed and the designsoftware system which can realize the functions of the technological design calculation,CAD parametric drawing was developed.In this dissertation, a new design and calculation method of steam tubes heated rotarydryer was proposed and the CAD design system with technological design calculation andparametric drawing was developed for steam tubes heated rotary dryer. Major researchresults are as follows:(1) Based on traditional design way of steam tubes heated rotary dryer and rotary kilndryer, the sectional type design method of the rotary kiln dryer is used in the design processof steam tubes heated rotary dryer, and a new sectional type design method which dividesthe design of steam tubes heated rotary dryer into three section: preheat section, evaporatorsection, warming section is proposed.(2) Based on the principle of Object-Oriented software and modularized program, thedesign proposal of the CAD system of steam tubes heated rotary dryer includingtechnological design calculation subsystem, parameter database subsystem, parametricdrawing subsystem and results export subsystem was brought forward.(3) Based on the heat and mass transfer mechanism and the sectional design way ofsteam tubes heated rotary dryer, the technological design subsystem which could realizes theautomatic calculation of thermodynamic parameters was developed. In addition, the resultswere agree by contrasting the traditionally integrated calculation method and the newsectional calculation method.(4) Using AutoCAD2007as platform and based on the computing results ofthermodynamic parameters, the CAD parametric drawing was achieved, which couldrealizes the function of automatic drawing arranging tubes map of steam tubes heated rotarydryer. (5)The CAD system of steam tubes heated rotary dryer was used in projects, althoughthere is some error, which is within the acceptable range,indicating the feasibility of thesystem.With the characteristics of friendly man-machine interface, applicability etc, thesoftware enhances the design precision, shortens the development cycle, increases the energyefficiency, and has reference value for designing and developing related system.


