

A Research on Cognitive Vocabulary Learning Strategies of English Majors

【作者】 吕晨阳

【导师】 熊丽君;

【作者基本信息】 长沙理工大学 , 外国语言学及应用语言学, 2012, 硕士


【摘要】 语言学家Segler,Pain和Sorace认为:“词汇是语言学习者在语言学习中最关注的问题。”词汇学习策略通常指语言学习者在词汇学习过程中为提高词汇学习效果所采取的合适的方法和手段。它在提高英语学习效率方面起着极为重要的作用。目前我国高校非英语专业大学英语教学已经日新月异,而英语专业的教学还停留在较为“传统”的模式中。由于没有得到如非英语专业大学英语教育同等的重视与投入,英语专业教学法发展并不完善,对于教学方法的探索有着强烈的需求。学习风格的研究是学习者个体差异研究的重要内容之一,其中感知学习风格研究是学习风格研究中薄弱但重要的一个组成部分。西方学者对学习风格作出过大量的实证研究,而在我国,对学习风格的研究仍处于在理论构建阶段,缺少针对中国学习者的实证性研究,有限的一些实证性研究则多局限于非英语专业学习者。为了顺应时代发展的需要,更为了满足英语专业学习者个体发展和高校英语专业提高教育教学水平的需要,本文从感知学习风格对英语专业本科生英语词汇学习中的认知策略进行研究。本文共分四部分。第一部分简述了本论文的研究背景,目的,必要性和研究方法;第二部分主要描述本项调查研究的问题,对象,工具以及数据采集的过程和步骤;第三部分对数据进行表述和分析,并对具体感知学习风格下的学生词汇习得策略进行具体探讨;第四部分为结论。英语专业学生与非英语专业学生相比,属于一个特殊群体,长期的进行英语专业学习使他们具有与非英语专业学生不同的特点。本课题将对英语二年级的学生的英语词汇学习中认知策略的使用进行对比研究,力求从研究结果中发现英语专业本科生在长期的英语专业学习中产生的变化和发展趋势。

【Abstract】 Segler, Pain and Sorace (2002) think that“vocabulary is the mostimportant problem which is concerned by language learners.”Vocabularylearning strategies is generally referring to the method to enhance thevocabulary learning effect which is used by language learners. It is veryimportant to improve the learning efficiency. Nowadays, in China, collegenon-English majors’ teaching English to speakers of otherlanguages(TESOL) has been greatly developed. Meanwhile, English majors’TESOL is not well developed and still in a“traditional”mode. Because ofnot receiving as much value as non-English majors, English majors’ TESOLis not well developed. There is great need of researching English majors’TESOL. The research on learning styles is, as one of the most importantfactors, the research on individual differences. Perceptual learning style is aweak but important part of learning style. Western scholars have done a lotof empirical research on learning style. However, in China, the research onlearning style is still on the stage of theoretical constructing, which lacksempirical research on Chinese language learners. There have been someresearches on non-English majors students, but few are on the Englishmajors. To go with the tide of times, to meet the need of individualdevelopment of English major learners, and to enhance college Englishmajors’ TESOL, this research shall study the cognitive strategies applied inEnglish majors’ vocabulary acquisition from the view of perceptual learningstyle.Compared to non-English major students, the English majors arespecial. Long time training gives them specific characteristics. This research shall study on English-majors students and study the data from differentangles, in order to find the change and development in English majors.


