

Experimental Research on Stirrup Rate for Energy Dissipation Capacity of Reinforced Concrete Beams

【作者】 刘浩然

【导师】 刘哲锋; 杨伟军;

【作者基本信息】 长沙理工大学 , 结构工程, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 强震作用下,构件的损伤程度对整体结构的功能有关键影响,而在抗震规范“强柱弱梁,强剪弱弯,强节点”思想的指导下,钢筋混凝土结构中的梁首当其冲将要承担地震作用,在地震作用下,如果梁能大量消耗地震能量,保全柱的功能,对于实现“大震不倒”这一水准将有着非常重要的作用。抗震设计中要求对梁端箍筋加密,通过加强构造措施来提高梁端的塑性耗能能力,但是,配箍率对钢筋混凝土梁滞回耗能能力的量化关系尚不明确,本文通过钢筋混凝土梁的滞回试验,探寻配箍率对钢筋混凝土梁滞回耗能能力的量化关系。本论文受国家自然科学基金(50908022)资助,按照混凝土结构设计规范《GB50010-2010》和建筑抗震设计规范《GB50011-2010》设计了9根钢筋混凝土梁SJ-1~SJ-9,进行等幅加载的钢筋混凝土梁滞回试验研究,描述试件的破坏过程与形态,考察试件的受力特性及破坏特征,以延性系数和配箍率为考虑参数,分别计算出SJ-1~SJ-9各试件的每次滞回的耗能,进行试件的全滞回环耗能分析、峰值力-累积耗能分析、割线加载刚度-累积耗能分析、初始切线加载刚度-累积耗能分析,发现钢筋混凝土梁在等幅滞回作用下,延性系数越大,试件在滞回过程中滞回耗能越大,耗能能力的衰减度越快,残余耗能能力越低。配箍率对钢筋混凝土梁在滞回作用下耗能能力随延性系数分阶段影响。在小延性(μ≤2)作用下,配箍率越大,钢筋混凝土梁在滞回过程后的残余耗能能力越大;在中等延性和大延性(μ>2)作用下,配箍率对钢筋混凝土梁的滞回耗能能力和残余耗能能力的影响不明显。得到了配箍率和延性系数主导的钢筋混凝土梁的滞回耗能与滞回环数之间的量化关系。

【Abstract】 In strong earthquake, the damage of the components has a big inference to theoverall structure. Under the guidance of the seismic code that strong column and weakbeam strong shear weak bending, strong nodes ,thinking reinforced concrete structurein the beam, the first will have to bearearthquake, earthquake effect, if the beam canbe completely consumed seismic energy, the preservation of the column function, wecan achieve this level of earthquake does not fall.This article in accordance with the norms "of the People’s Republic ofGB50010-2002" and "GB50011-2010" designed nine concrete beams SJ-1 SJ-9, andthen on the concrete beam with hysteresis test, describing the destruction of thespecimen and form investigated by characteristics of the specimen and failurecharacteristics, the ductility factor and the stirrup rate considering the parameterswere calculated. SJ-1 to the SJ-9 specimen of each hysteretic energy, comparativeanalysis of the SJ-1 ~ SJ-9 test results of nine specimens found in the hysteresisamplitude displacement effect, the greater the ductility coefficient of reinforcedconcrete beams, specimen hysteresis hysteretic energy the greater the attenuation ofthe energy dissipation capacity the faster the lower the residual energy dissipationcapacity. Stirrup ratio on the energy dissipation capacity of reinforced concrete beamsin the role of hysteresis with the phased impact of ductility factor. Small ductility (μ≤2) role, the greater the stirrup ratio, the greater the residual energy dissipationcapacity of reinforced concrete beams in the hysteresis; stirrup ratio in the mediumductility and ductility (μ> 2) under the action of no significant effect on the reinforcedconcrete beam hysteretic energy capacity and residual energy dissipation capacity.Analog amplitude loading 20mm, 40mm, 60mm, three kinds of displacementamplitude, the hysteresis loop energy-consuming analysis of test results, halfhysteresis loop energy consumption analysis, the peak force the cumulative energyconsumption analysis, the secant stiffness - cumulative energy analysis, the tangentstiffness cumulative energy consumption analysis, elastic-plastic strain analysis,looking for the expression of a luffing role of the energy consumption of reinforcedconcrete beams.


