

Safety Management of Project Construction Phase duirng the Flood of Temporary Navigation

【作者】 曹昌志

【导师】 沈小雄;

【作者基本信息】 长沙理工大学 , 水利工程, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 新中国成立至今,建设了一批重要的水利枢纽工程和其它设施。这些工程的建设,为我国防洪、发电、灌溉、旅游、航运、供水等做出了巨大的贡献。近年来内陆水上交通运输行业取得较快发展,促进了水利枢纽工程等的建设,带来可观的经济价值。但在有通航要求的水利枢纽工程建设过程中,势必造成通航环境的改变,与此同时,航道中过往船舶交通流量增大,通航环境变得复杂,容易诱发水上交通事故的安全隐患。例如在枢纽工程建设中,临时通航安全管理问题。因此,必须解决好施工阶段考虑这些问题对枢纽工程建设的影响。本文以湘江长沙综合枢纽工程临时通航安全管理为研究对象,运用安全工程理论和预警管理理论,分析该工程特点,通过调研及对施工过程中水流流场计算分析,探讨了洪水期临时通航安全情况,并提出针对性的措施。论文从航运系统的人—船—环境三要素出发分析了通航安全的系统构成,认为需要结合安全管理的手段,运用预先危害性法(PHA法)与因果分析法相结合的技术手段归纳洪水期临时通航安全面临的隐患因素及重要程度。论文旨在通过对洪水期临时通航的安全影响因素建立安全预警应急程序,防患于未然以保证工程和过往船只的安全或发生事故时能将损失减少到最小。最后结合长沙综合枢纽的建设,计算了洪水期临时航道范围内的流场,得到了Q-Z-V曲线,根据临时航道表层流速发布对应的预警等级,为临时通航预警提供了依据。

【Abstract】 Since China was founded, a batch of hydraulic project and other waterinfrastructure had been built. These project made great contribution for theconstruction of flood control, power generation for our country, irrigation, tourism,shipping and water supply. Inland water transportation industry achieve rapiddevelopment, promote the construction of hydraulic project and bring considerableeconomic value, etc. But in a navigation requirements of the hydaulic projectconstruction process, would cause the changes of the navigation environment, inaddition, in the hydraulic project construction, the waterway vessel traffic flow pastincrease, navigation environment become complicated, easy to cause the safe hiddentrouble of the water traffic accident. For example in the hydraulic project construction,temporary navigation safety management issues. Therefore, it must be consideredabout these problems to the project construction influence.This paper selects the management of xiangjiang,changsha multi-purpose projecttemporary navigation safety as the research object, use safety engineering and earlywarning management theory, analysis the features of the project, through theinvestigation and analysis of the calculation about the construction process of theflow field, discusses the temporary navigation safety management system and putsforward the specific measure.Analyzing the navigation safety system structure of the building on shippingsystem to person -the ship-environment constitute a organic whole, combined with themeans of safety management. And, on the basis, uses the preliminary harmfulnessmethod (PHA method) and causal analysis method of technical means, find temporarynavigation safety of facing danger factors and analysis the important degree.Through the safety of navigation on temporary factors analysis during the floodperiod and establish a safety warning to ensure the safety of engineering and the pastship or accident loss is reduced to a minimum. Based on the comprehensive hub of thechangsha construction,calculated the temporary shipping within the scope of the flowfield to get the Q-Z-Vprofile, according to the temporary channel flow velocity of the corresponding surface to publish early warning level, provided the basis as temporarynavigation warning.


