

Research on the Membrane Fluid Pulsation Attenuator

【作者】 王守兵

【导师】 贺尚红;

【作者基本信息】 长沙理工大学 , 机械设计及理论, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 在液压系统中,由于液压泵是利用容积变化、交替地排出液压油来工作的,其输出的瞬时流量是具有周期性的脉动流量。当这一脉动流量遇到系统阻抗后就产生了周期性的压力脉动,并沿管路传播,产生振动和噪声。抑制液压系统的压力脉动对提高系统的可靠性和工作质量,对提高液压元件的寿命,降低系统的噪声都有重要的意义。液压系统的流体脉动控制一直是一个没有得到很好解决的技术难题。在液压系统中安装滤波器对流体脉动的衰减能起到很好的效果。本文提出了一种结构简单、灵巧的机械谐振机构,膜片振动式流体滤波器。具体研究内容包括:1.提出一种膜片振动式流体滤波器结构。分析了液压系统压力脉动特性;基于动力吸振器的作用机理,设计一种结构简单、灵巧的机械谐振机构。对滤波器的结构进行初步设计。2.建立了预拉伸柔性膜片振动的数学模型,并求解了柔性膜的固有频率。使用超弹性膜理论求解了预拉伸柔性膜片的固有频率;利用有限元分析软件ADINA,对预拉伸柔性膜片模型进行流固耦合模态分析,研究柔性膜片的流固耦合动态特性,为滤波器的设计提供依据。3.使用计算流体力学方法对该流体滤波器的衰减特性进行仿真分析。通过对滤波器模型进行简化,并设置相关仿真参数,对模型进行瞬态动力学分析。研究滤波器频率特性和衰减特性。4.通过实验测试膜片式流体滤波器的衰减特性。建立了液压振动试验台,研制了膜片式滤波器实验样机,对滤波器的衰减特性进行实验。并与仿真结果进行对比分析,说明仿真分析的正确性。

【Abstract】 In the hydraulic system,As the hydraulic pump working principle is the use ofvolume change, alternately discharge the hydraulic oil, the output of the instantaneousflow is a periodic pulsating flow. After this pulsating flow encountered systemimpedance the periodic pressure pulsation was produced. And the pressure pulsationresulting in vibration and noise in the hydraulic system, as spread along the pipeline,The inhibition of the hydraulic system pressure pulsation is of great significance toimprove system reliability、quality of work、the life of hydraulic components andreduce system noise. Pulsating flow Inhibition of the hydraulic system has been awell-settled technical problems. The pulsation attenuator has a good effect to attenuatethe pulsating flow in the hydraulic system. The paper presents a simple, smartmechanical resonant structure-the membrane fluid pulsation attenuator. The specificstudies include:1. A membrane fluid pulsation attenuator structure was proposed in this paper.Based on the mechanism of dynamic vibration absorber, a simple, smart mechanicalresonant structure is designed.2. The vibration model of the pre-stretching membrane is established, and thenatural frequency of the flexible membrane is solved. Using finite element softwareADINA, the paper analyzed the fluid-structure interaction frequency of the membrane.The dynamic characteristics of fluid-structure interaction of membrane is studied, Theanalysis result provide a basis for the pulsation attenuator design.3. The fluid-structure interaction simulation model is presented, which is used forthe attenuation characteristics simulation of the pulsation attenuator. The model ofpulsation attenuator is simplified. The setting of the simulation parameters arecompleted. Taking the transient dynamics analysis as the principal means, the paperanalyzes the frequency characteristics and attenuation characteristics of the pulsationattenuator.4.The test rig of the pressure pulsation attenuator is designed,and the prototype isalso developed. The attenuation characteristics of membrane fluid pulsation attenuatoris tested in the test rig.


