

Study on the Continuous Improvement Mechanism of Energy Service Quality

【作者】 张胜强

【导师】 吕荣胜;

【作者基本信息】 天津理工大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 节能服务业的发展依赖于节能服务公司的成长壮大,节能服务公司的成长可以依靠外部环境的改变来实现,如政策支持,融资模式改变等等;也可以从公司内部的角度考虑,通过提升服务质量来促进自身的成长。文中即是从后者的角度进行研究的,就如何促使节能服务公司持续提供优质的服务提出了自己的观点。对于如何控制服务的质量这个问题,文中借助了传统制造业中的有形产品质量控制方法,即通过控制产品形成过程中的5M1E六大因素来控制最终的产品质量。这种方法在制造业比较成熟,而在引入节能服务领域的过程中,还需要注意节能服务的特性:它既属无形产品,又拥有不同于其他服务的特性。因而在借助5M1E方法对它的形成过程进行分析之前,需要对它的特性进行概括。另外,在服务业领域,服务质量的控制方法通常依靠服务质量差距分析模型进行,文中所采取的方法也在一定程度上契合这种传统的方法。文中引入了服务质量差距分析模型,提出通过缩小模型中的各个差距来实现服务品质提升的目的,紧接着对于如何缩小各个差距给出了方法:节能服务属于“无形产品”,可以借助产品的质量管理方法来实现,即通过控制“无形产品”形成过程中的影响因素来实现。文中对服务质量影响因素的改善与缩小各个差距的关系做出了分析,证实了它的可行性;然后对服务质量的影响因素进行了分析,并结合节能服务的特殊性,提出了需要改善的四个方向:工作流程、人员能力、工作环境和质量评测;对这四个因素的改善方案也在接下来的研究中形成;在此基础上,提出了节能服务质量的持续改进机制,它的中心思想是通过对影响服务质量的四大要素的持续改善来达到质量持续提升的目的;然后,文中将这一机制应用到了AH能源公司,将它作为案例对所构建的机制进行检验,并提出了AH能源公司的服务质量改善方案。

【Abstract】 Development of energy services depends on the development and expansion of EMCo,The development of EMCo can be reached relied on changes in the external environment,such as policy support, the change of financing mode, also available from the companyinternal by improving the quality of service to promote the company’s own growth. Thearticle is from the perspective of the latter to study, gives the point of view on how toencourage EMCo to provide high quality services continually.This paper gets help from tangible product quality control methods to control the qualityof services, through control the 5M1E factors of product formation to control the final productquality. This method is relatively mature in the manufacturing sector; however, it needs to payattention to the characteristics of energy-saving services in the process of introducing the fieldof energy efficiency services: it is an intangible product, but also has different characteristicsthan other services. Therefore, the characteristics are analyzed in the use of 5M1E method. Inaddition, the quality of service control methods usually rely on the service quality gapanalysis model in the service sector, the quality of service control method is also fit thistraditional approach to a certain extent.This paper introduces the model of service quality gap analysis, proposed to achieve thepurpose of improving the quality of service through narrowing the gap in the mode; giving themethods on how to narrow each gap: Energy-saving services are intangible products, can beachieved by the product quality management methods. That is, through controlling the factorsof intangible products in the formation to achieve, the article made the analysis about therelationship of improving the quality of service factors and narrowing the gap, confirmed itsfeasibility; then the factors on the quality of service are analyzed, resulted on the direction tobe improved: workflow, staff capacity, work environment and quality evaluation; theimprovement program of these factors are shaping in the next study; on this basis, thecontinuous improvement mechanism of energy service quality are to be proposed, whichcentral idea is to achieve the purpose of service quality improving continuously through thecontinuous improvement of the factors affecting the quality of service; then, it is applied tothe energy company AH, as a case to test the mechanism, and proposed the improvingprogram of service quality for energy company AH.

  • 【分类号】F206;F719;F273.2;F224
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】132
  • 攻读期成果

