

The Empirical Study on the New Countryside Construction and Farmer Quality of Tianjin City in Economic Transition Period

【作者】 尹纪梅

【导师】 潘寄青;

【作者基本信息】 天津理工大学 , 教育经济与管理, 2012, 硕士


【摘要】 “三农”问题(农业、农村、农民问题)一直是我党工作的重中之重。农业是国民经济的基础,农村经济关系到我国经济发展的全局,提高农民素质是发展农村经济和建设社会主义新农村的关键。新世纪以来,党和政府相继提出了“全面建设小康社会”和“建设社会主义新农村”等重大发展战略,这些重大战略的顺利实现,离不开“三农”问题的解决。从某种程度上来说,“三农问题”的解决是实现这些战略的重要前提和基础。天津市作为四大直辖市之一,农村经济比较发达、农民素质相对较高,新农村建设更具有典型性和代表性。因此,文章以经济转型期尤其进入21世纪以来的天津市四县区农村、农民为例,通过实地调研,对新农村建设和农民素质相关因素进行了分析和研究。文章主要包括以下部分:首先,绪论和理论基础部分。文章以新农村建设和农民素质为切入点,分别介绍了研究背景、目的和意义等,界定了经济转型期、新农村建设和农民素质的概念和相关基础理论,并介绍了国内外研究现状。其次,实证分析部分。本部分以天津市西青区、东丽区、宝坻区、静海县四县区农民实地调研为基础,通过对统计数据的分析,得出天津市四县区及天津市农村农民的现状以及存在问题,得出结论。再次,计量分析部分。为了进一步验证上述分析结论,文章首先从新农村建设诸多方面截取了经济建设方面的农村人口收入、农村人口消费支出、农村人口从业结构、第一产业产值等重要指标;从农民素质中截取了农民受教育程度指标,建立回归法模型估计,分别分析天津市农民受教育程度对天津市农民收入、农民消费支出、农民从业结构、农业产值的影响关系,并得出农民受教育程度的系数,从而推出农民素质对新农村建设的重大影响和作用。最后,提出相关对策,提高农民素质全面促进新农村建设。文章以天津市农村农民为例,通过对天津市四县区的实地调查,分析得出天津市农村农民的现状、问题并得出结论,并进一步验证结论,对新农村建设和农民素质分别提出相应对策建议,从而保障农民素质的提高和社会主义新农村建设的顺利实现。

【Abstract】 The problem of agriculture, rural areas and farmers is still the most important and thefirst task in the party work. Agriculture is the foundation of the national economy, ruraleconomic has a bearing on the economic development of the nation. Raising peasants’qualityis the key to economical development and the construction of new countryside. Since the newcentury, Party and Government has presented“the comprehensive construction well-offsociety”,“the construction of a new socialist countryside”and other major developmentstrategies. The smooth implementation of these major strategies cannot leave the solution ofthe problem of“agriculture, countryside and farmers”. In a certain way, to solve these issuesis an important prerequisite and basis to realize the strategies.Tianjin is one of the four independently administered municipal districts, rural economymore developed and the peasants’quality is relatively high. In the new era, Tianjin which hasobvious geographical advantage and regional advantages is the typical and representative cityin the construction of new countryside. Therefore, the article analyses on the construction ofnew countryside and the peasants’quality of Tianjin.The article mainly consists of the following components. First of all, taking theconstruction of new countryside and peasants’quality as the breakthrough point, defining themeaning of them, introduces the research purpose, significance, situation and related basictheories. Secondly, this part analyses on the related index of the present situation and reasonsof the construction of new countryside and peasants’quality in Tianjin. according to theinvestigation data which research in the countryside of four counties of Tianjin, describing theconstruction of new countryside and peasants’quality respectively related index of currentsituation and causes in Tianjin. Thirdly, in the part of quantitative analysis, uses the leastsquare method model to estimate on the basis of the above research foundation. Come to thesize of the influence rate of them. So launch peasants’quality significantly affected by theconstruction of new countryside and role.Through the above analysis, the article finally puts forward the correspondingcountermeasures and improving peasant quality in policy, system and funds from thegovernment responsibility. Hoping these suggestions could provide experience in improvingpeasants’quality and to ensure the smoothly realization of construction of the socialist newcountryside.

  • 【分类号】F327;F323.6
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】120
  • 攻读期成果

