

【作者】 周娜

【导师】 魏韶华;

【作者基本信息】 青岛大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2012, 硕士


【摘要】 在中国现代文学史上,老舍是一位拥有多元化城市经验的作家。他不但塑造了多姿多彩的北京,还把伦敦、新加坡等外国城市引入自己的小说叙事,极大地丰富了中国现代小说的叙事视野。在老舍所描绘的诸多城市中,北京和伦敦无疑是作家用力劳心最多的;老舍通过小说所演绎的“文学双城记”无疑在他的人生历程和精神地图中都具有非常重要的意义。北京是老舍创作的“经验原点”,伦敦则是老舍文学创作的现实发端。然而,两座城市作为中英两国的首都,却彰显了截然不同的城市形态和城市文化。集中考察老舍文学中两座城市小说叙事,有助于分析、认识老舍的中西城市文化观念,有利于梳理、阐释老舍文学中“城市叙事”的独特意义。论文以文本细读为主要方法,对老舍小说中的北京和伦敦各自典型的城市意象和城市空间、城市文化进行对比性解读,揭示其间的异同,进而观照老舍在作品中对中西城市文化的探寻和思考。以老舍有关城市题材的文本为参照,分析老舍与所处城市的深层联系,考察老舍在城市的生存空间和话语空间,以及老舍和传统城市和现代城市的关系;通过对北京、伦敦城市空间意象和市民心态的描绘,分析老舍文学“城市叙事”的表现;并在此基础上,进一步分析老舍“城市叙事”的独特性,探寻老舍文学与城市经验和“城市叙事”之间的互动关系,力图在文学研究和文化研究之间寻找一种精神沟通,以阐释老舍文学“城市叙事”的独特性。

【Abstract】 Lao She is a writer who has diverse urban experiences in the history of modern Chinese literature. He not only shaped the colorful Beijing, but also introduced London, Singapore and other foreign cities to his literary narrative, enriched the narrative perspective of China’s modern fiction greatly. Beijing and London are the cities which the writer forced his largest labor heart. Lao She’s interpretation of the novels "Literature A Tale of Two Cities" is no doubt in his journey of life and the mental map of great significance. Peking is Lao She’s experience in origin, and London is the reality of the originator of Lao She’s literary creation. However, the two cities as the capital of China and the United Kingdom, they reveal totally different cities culture and urban form. Focus on the inspection of the two cities in Lao She’s literary narrative, it will not only help us to analyze and understand the cultural values of Lao She’s on Chinese and Western cities, but also to conducive to comb on the unique significance of Lao She’s literary "urban narrative".This Paper uses the text reading as the main method to contrast the typical images of the two cities and urban spaces, the interpretation of urban culture, revealing the similarities and differences about Beijing and London in Lao She’s novels. And then examine Lao She and Western how to explore and think urban culture in Chinese and Western cities. This paper use other urban novels about Lao She to analysis the deep contacts with Lao She and the cities. Study Lao She’s living space and discourse space in the cities, as well as relationship of him and traditional urban and modern city; Space imagery and mentality of the people of the city of Peking, London, analyze the performance of Lao She’s literary city narrative. Through the analysis of space imagery and mentality of the people of the city of Peking, London, to analyze the performance of Lao She’s literary city narrative; further analysis of the unique nature of the Lao She’s urban narrative. Explore the interactions between urban experience and urban narrative in Lao She’s literary. This paper tries to find the kind of spiritual communication between literary studies and cultural studies. I hope this paper illustrate the unique nature of the Lao She’s literary and urban narrative.

【关键词】 老舍文学城市叙事北京伦敦
【Key words】 Lao She’s literaryCity narrativeBeijingLondon
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 青岛大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 09期

