

The Study of Nutrition and Health Education for Postpartum Women on the Diet and Behavior

【作者】 霍圆圆

【导师】 梁惠; 马爱国;

【作者基本信息】 青岛大学 , 营养与食品卫生学, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 目的:通过采取产妇-家庭营养宣教对孕产妇进行健康教育,评价该教育模式对提高妇女产褥期营养保健知识认知、饮食、卫生、生活行为及健康结局的影响,为妇女产褥期宣教干预工作提供科学依据。方法:选择在青岛市第八人民医院做产前检查的孕晚期妇女为研究对象,将研究对象随机分为干预组和对照组。对干预组对象进行营养保健知识宣教,对照组对象享受同样医疗服务但不进行宣教,干预时限为自入选之日到产褥期结束(产后42天),追踪随访时间点分别为产后7天、14天、28天、42天。结果:两组调查对象的年龄、学历构成、配偶学历构成、家庭人口数、人均年收入在干预之前差异均无统计学意义(p>0.05),两组具有可比性。调查结果显示,在宣教干预以前两组调查对象对多数产褥期有关的营养保健知识知晓率较低且差异无统计学意义,宣教后干预组营养保健知识的知晓率明显提高,除婴儿4个月最理想的食品是母乳、产妇应在透风的居室里坐月子这两题差异无统计学意义外,其余题的知晓率均显著高于对照组。干预组对象从医务人员、书刊杂志获得营养保健知识的发生率(83.1%、72.3%)显著高于对照组对象(65.2%、56.0%);两组对象在产褥期间各类食物摄取量比较,干预组对象薯类(105.87±68.85g)、鱼类(153.52±76.47g)、豆制品(125.35±72.62g)、绿叶蔬菜(168.78±100.81g)、坚果(40.14±41.73g)的每日摄入量显著高于对照组(93.24±60.36、135.68±72.92、28.16±32.88、150.48±82.43、22.71±43.13),蛋类(111.34±35.54g)每日摄入量显著低于对照组(119.25±38.99);干预组卫生行为得分(8.86±2.08)、活动行为得分(4.18±2.51)及总得分(13.03±3.54)均显著高于对照组(8.04±2.40、3.42±2.20、11.46±3.73);干预组对象产褥期患病者所占比例(51.2%)显著低于对照组(73.0%),并且干预组关节痛(19.7%)、下腹痛(7.0%)的发生率显著低于对照组(30.4%、14.5%)。结论:产妇-家庭营养宣教能明显提高产褥期妇女知识水平,促进健康的饮食行为和生活行为,减少产褥期疾病。

【Abstract】 Objective:To evaluate effects of the maternal-family education on improving knowledge of nutrition and health food, health, cognitive, behavior and health outcomes effect in postpartum women. To provide scientific basis for community public health services.Method:Selection in the Eighth People’s Hospital of Qingdao city to do prenatal examination of pregnant women as the research object.The subjects,the late pregnancy women of Qingdao,were randomly divided into intervention groupand control group.The objects of intervention group were accepted the education of nutritional and health knowledge, the control group subjects enjoy the same medical services but does not conduct propaganda, intervention time for self selected date to puerperal period end (postnatal day42), follow-up time points respectively on postnatal day seventh, fourteenth days, twenty-eighth days, forty-second days.Results:Two groups of respondents age, education degree, family, spouse constituted. Population, per capita income in the prior to the intervention groups showed no significant differences (p>0.05), the two groups were comparable.Investigation shows, in the education intervention before two groups of respondents for most puerperium on nutritional health knowledge awareness rate is low and the difference was not statistically significant, education intervention group nutritional health knowledge awareness rate increased significantly, except the ideal food of4months baby is breast milk, maternal stress in ventilated room by on the two question the differences were not statistically significant, the remaining problem awareness rate were significantly higher than that of control group. The intervention group subjects from medical staff, books and magazines for nutrition and health knowledge of the incidence (83.1%,72.3%) was significantly higher than the control group of objects (65.2%,56%); two groups of objects in the puerperium during the various types of food intake, the intervention group object potato (105.87±68.85g), fish (153.52±76.47g), beans (125.35±72.62g), green leafy vegetables (168.78±100.81g), nuts (40.14±41.73g) daily intake was significantly higher than that in control group(93.24±60.36,135.68±72.92,28.16±32.88,150.48±82.43,22.71±43.13), eggs (111.34±35.54g) daily intake was significantly lower than that in control group (119.25±38.99);health behavior intervention group score (8.86±2.08), activity behavior scores (4.18±2.51) and total score (13.03±3.54) were significantly higher than that of the control group (8.04±2.40,3.42±2.20,11.46±3.73); the intervention group object puerperal disease proportion (51.2%) was significantly lower than that in control group (73.0%), and the intervention group joint pain (19.7%), abdominal pain (7.0%) the incidence was significantly lower than that in control group (30.4%,14.5%).Conclusion:Maternal family nutrition and health education can improve the knowledge level of puerperal women, promoting healthy dietary behavior and life behavior, reduce puerperal disorders.

【关键词】 产褥期健康教育宣教干预
【Key words】 puerperiumhealth educationeducationintervention
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 青岛大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 09期

