

The Reasearch on Risk Assessment and Avoidance of Bohai Sea Ship Oil Spill Accident

【作者】 沈光玉

【导师】 朱玉柱; 王福田;

【作者基本信息】 大连海事大学 , 交通运输工程, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 环渤海地处东北亚经济圈的中心,是我国东北、西北、华北地区与世界贸易交往的重要门户。近年来进出渤海海域的船舶流量逐渐增大,通航环境日趋复杂,船舶溢油风险也随之上升,溢油事故对环境造成的损害已经引起社会各界的密切关注和各级政府的高度重视。在渤海海域的船舶溢油污染事故的应对上,应采取预防为主的原则,因而开展“渤海海域船舶溢油事故风险评价及规避研究”对于减少船舶事故发生频率、降低船舶事故溢油风险、保护渤海海域自然环境、保护珍稀生物物种等具有重要的经济、环境和社会意义。本课题通过调研,收集整理了2002-2009年渤海海域内船舶流量、交通事故、污染事故等历史数据,对渤海海域船舶污染事故的风险源进行识别,筛选当前国内外溢油事故和其他行业风险评估地方法,建立链式模型的定量评估方法,定量评价渤海海域船舶溢油风险,并对渤海海域船舶污染的频率和暴露度进行整体评估,绘制了渤海海域船舶溢油风险等级图,再通过网格法区分港口、港外水域危险度,确定高风险区域,并提出了建立港口附近水域实行网格化管控体系、全面制定并实施各港口禁限行标准、强化三角风险区内交管系统的应用等相应的溢油风险规避措施,形成了可行性较高的规避渤海海域船舶溢油事故风险的管理方案。

【Abstract】 Bohai is located in the center of Northeast Asian economic circle, is the important Trade Gateway of our country northeast, northwest, North China to the World. In recent years and the Bohai sea ship traffic increases gradually, the navigation situation becomes more and more complex, the oil spill risk also rises subsequently, oil spill accident damage to the environment has caused close attention of the society of government.In response to the marine ship oil spill accidents in Bohai sea, the principle of prevention should be adopt. The reseach on risk assessment and avoidance of Bohai sea ship oil spill accident has important economical, environmental and social significance to reduce the frequency of ship accidents and ship oil spill accident risk, and protect rare species and natural environment in Bohai sea area.The research collection and analysis the history data from2002to2009of ship traffic, traffic accidents, pollution accidents in Bohai sea, identify the ship pollution accident risk source, screen the current domestic and foreign ship oil spill accidents and other industry risk assessment methods, establish the quantitative assessment method of chain model, quantitative assessment the ship oil spill risk in Bohai sea, and evaluate the ship pollution frequency and the exposure degree on the whole, draw the ship oil spill risk rating chart in Bohai sea, identify high risk area through the grid method between ports, put forward the corresponding measures of establishing the grid control system of port water area. implementation the restricted and banned navigation standard of the each port, strengthen the application of traffic control system of triangle risk area, developed a feasible comprehensive management plan to avoid ship oil spill accident risk in Bohai sea.

【关键词】 渤海船舶溢油风险评价规避
【Key words】 Bohai SeaShip oil spill accidentRisk assessmentAvoidance
  • 【分类号】U698.7
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】367

