

Overall Strength Analysis of Vessel Based on the Fluid Structure Interaction Method

【作者】 贠亚杰

【导师】 李范春;

【作者基本信息】 大连海事大学 , 船舶与海洋结构物设计制造, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 船舶是一种航行在瞬息万变的水面上的移动建筑物,不可避免地会受到来自风、浪、流等的直接或间接影响,其整体受力情况相当复杂,因此船舶安全性备受关注。船舶结构强度是衡量船舶安全与否的重要指标之一,也是一代代船舶行业人才不断研究的重要课题。随着计算机软件和硬件的迅猛发展,目前在个人电脑上进行整船强度分析已成为可能。为了准确预估船舶的结构强度,进一步提高船舶设计质量,也为了找到一个更合理、更快速计算船舶强度的实用方法,本文建立了某条船舶的全船模型,使用ANSYS WORKBENCH中的单向流固耦合的模块儿(FSI),先在WORKBENCH中的流体分析模块FLUENT里计算了船舶阻力、船舶周围的绕流场及中拱、中垂状态下船舶表面的受力,然后借助WORKBENCH自身的数据传输功能将船舶表面的受力传递到静态结构分析模块Static Structure中,分析了船舶整船强度,得到了船舶各个部分的应力、应变及变形等数据。在进行全船结构强度分析时,需要在船体表面施加分布不均的水压力(及其它载荷);船舶在波浪中穿行时受到的水压力变得更加复杂,如果通过编程方法将计算得到的诸多数据加载到一个个网格和节点上,工作量恐怕不容乐观,准确性可能还有待商榷。单向流固耦合则可以不借助第三方程序直接传递数据,使得加载过程更加智能化,在流体部分计算合理的前提下,载荷的准确性更高。一般认为中拱和中垂是船舶的两个非常危险的状态,虽然是比较传统的话题,但它们的实用价值和研究意义不容置疑。伴随着计算流体力学理论的工程应用越来越普遍,流体计算方面的软件变得越来越强大,在计算机上模拟这两种状态已是易如反掌。本文编写了完整的用户自定义函数并在FLUENT中实现了动态中垂中拱的数值模拟,并为接下来的结构强度分析提供了可靠数据。本文还初步模拟了船舶远场爆炸,为分析船舶整船强度提供了又一参考依据。

【Abstract】 A ship is a floating building sailing on the surface of water, the water rapidly changing and the ship suffering from complex forces every moment, the winds, waves and flow influence on the ship, so the ship security is very important. Ship structure strength is one of the most important indexes of ship security, and it is a important task which studied by generations people. With the rapid develop of computer technology and software, the overall strength analysis of a ship become a reality.In order to estimate the ship structure strength accurately, to further improve the quality of the ship design, to find a more reasonable and rapider method for the ship strength calculation, a whole ship model was established, by using of fluid-structure method the overall strength of the ship was analyzed. By using of FLUENT the resistance of the ship and the circle flow filed of ship were calculated, and then the surface pressure of the ship in two kind of special condition, hogging and sagging were calculated. By using of the data transmission function of WORKBENCH, the surface pressure was exported to Static Structure, the overall strength, stress, strain and deformation were calculated.When the whole ship structure strength was analyzed, the water pressure on the ship hull(and other loads) need to be considered. The pressure become more complex when the ship sailing through waves, if we write a program to translate the result on the meshes and notes of the ship, it might cost great work. By using of One-way Fluid-Structure Interaction, the data can be translated intelligently without other program. On the premise of reasonable analyzing of fluid part, the pressure exported maybe more accurate.It is generally acknowledged, hogging and sagging are two dangerousest conditions, though this is an old topic, the research significance is beyond doubt. With the develop of the fluid dynamic and CFD software, it’s so easy to simulate the two condition by computer simulation. A user-defined function was wrote to simulate hogging and sagging, and the result offer valid data to Static Structure, which is used for calculating the overall strength of the ship.This paper also simulated the far field explosion around the ship, provide another set of reference data for overall strength of the ship.


