

Inherit and Change to Create a New Sectarian

【作者】 赵子寒

【导师】 吕进;

【作者基本信息】 西南大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2012, 硕士


【摘要】 鲁迅作为革新中国文化的先驱,在构建中国现代诗歌的道路上,亦为新诗的拓荒留下了“’惊鸿一瞥”但却弥足珍贵的身影。他从中国古代走来,向现代文化走去,以熠熠生辉的创作实践和诗学理论为现代诗歌寻找理想的审美范式。鲁迅处在社会变革,文化转型的历史时期。在新旧教育背景的影响下,在中西文化不断冲撞和整合的过程中,鲁迅对中国现代诗歌做出了具有极大启示性、前瞻性的有益思考。鲁迅十分精通古典文化遗产,同时又受到西方现代文明的感召,他在文化的大花园里,如一只辛勤的蜜蜂,博采众长并且融会贯通既有的成果,努力使其成为自己的血和肉。这些成就在他为数不多的诗歌创作中有所体现,在他对新诗的择选和对新诗诗人的评价中有所表现,在他的诗学观点中更是发挥得淋漓尽致。鲁迅的诗学理论在诗歌精神方面的看法,既是对中国抒情诗传统的延续,又融入了现代性的思考。最难能可贵的是比较视域下援引强调个性的“摩罗”精神到中国来,渴望中国出现真诚且雄伟的声音,督促国民“立国先立人”;在形式方面,肯定并继承中国传统诗歌的“音乐性”,提出了“诗需有形式,要易记,易懂,易唱,动听”的原则;同时,鲁迅还在艺术手法上接受了象征主义、中西意象的影响,为他“别立新宗”的文化抱负找到了丰富的异域资源。鲁迅融合中西、贯通新旧的诗学理论在今天仍有参考价值,面对诗歌的日益边缘化、诗歌精神的衰落、急需诗体重建等问题,我们研究鲁迅注重的诗歌精神,探讨现代诗歌的美学规范,对于现代新诗守常求变,重新回到大众的视野是十分有益的。

【Abstract】 As a pioneer in innovative Chinese culture, Lu Xun left a "glimpse" but precious figure on the road of building the modern Chinese poetry. He came from ancient China to modern culture around sparkling creative practice and the theory of poetics of modern poetry to find the ideal aesthetic paradigm.Lu Xun in the social change, cultural transformation of the historical period. Under the influence of old and new educational background, in Chinese and Western culture clashes and integration process, Lu Xun made a great revelation, forward-looking and useful thinking on Chinese modern poetry. Lu Xun’s very well versed in the cultural heritage, and subject to the appeal of modern Western civilization, such as a hard bees in the culture garden, Lu Xun absorbing and mastery of the cultural heritage and efforts to make its own flesh and blood. These achievements are reflected in his writing, his choosing in poetry and his poetic point.Lu Xun’s poetic theory in poetic spirit is both a continuation of China’s tradition of lyric poetry, but also into the thinking of modernity, the most valuable is that "Mara" spirit introduced into China to eager sincere and majestic voice so that founding the national and people;in the form it is certainly inherited the traditional Chinese poetry,"music", put forward the principle of easy to remember, easy to understand, easy to sing and beautiful; the same time, Lu Xun also accepted the symbolism、Chinese and Western imagerythe impact of cultural, which aspirations for his "new faction "find a wealth of exotic resources. Lu Xun fusion of East and West, linking the old and new poetic theory is still effective in the face of the increasing marginalization of poetry, the poetic spirit of the decline, the reconstruction of the verse, we have studied the spirit of Lu Xun focus on poetry to explore the aesthetics of modern poetry specification, to keep the modern poetry often change back the public’s perspective is very useful.

【关键词】 鲁迅现代诗传统新变
【Key words】 Lu XunModern PoeticsTraditionChange
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 10期

