

Research of Special Parents on Children’s Mental Health Expectations with Their Rearing Styles

【作者】 任登峰

【导师】 冯维;

【作者基本信息】 西南大学 , 特殊教育学, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 近年来,我国特殊学生的心理健康问题成为我国特殊教育界关注和研究的重要问题之一。特殊学生的心理健康离不开家长的教育和帮助。虽然我国对家长期望与其教养方式都有一些研究,但还没有人将这两者联系起来进行探讨。我们认为,家长恰当的期望会激发特殊学生的潜力,家长良好的教养方式有利于特殊学生形成健康的心理。为此,本研究探讨特殊学生家长对子女心理健康的期望与其教养方式之间的关系问题。本研究具有一定的新意,对于提高特殊学生家长家庭教育的质量,促进特殊学生心理健康的发展具有重要的教育意义。本研究结果发现:1、自编的调查问卷具有良好的信度和效度,符合教育测量学要求,可以作为本研究的调查工具。特殊学生家长对子女心理健康期望的得分是:对子女社会性发展期望>学习适应性期望>情绪调控期望。特殊学生家长对子女教养方式的得分是:民主型教养方式>溺爱型教养方式>放任型教养方式>粗暴型教养方式。2、不同性别的特殊学生家长对子女的心理健康期望存在显著差异:母亲对子女的情绪调控期望、社会性发展期望以及期望总分高于父亲。父亲对子女学习适应性期望高于母亲。3、不同年龄的特殊学生家长对子女心理健康的期望存在显著差异:40-49岁家长对子女的三个期望的得分最高,25-29岁家长对子女学习适应性期望和社会性发展期望的得分最低。50岁以上家长对子女情绪调控的期望得分最低。4、不同学历特殊学生家长对子女心理健康的期望存在显著差异:公务员职业的特殊学生家长比农民职业家长对子女情绪调控的期望得分更高。5、不同收入的特殊学生家长对子女心理健康的期望存在显著差异:5000-6000元家庭月收入的家长对子女学习适应性期望、社会性发展期望以及期望总分高于3000-4000元和6000元以上家庭月收入者。2000-3000元家庭月收入的家长对子女社会性发展的期望得分高于3000-4000元和6000元以上家庭月收入者。6、特殊学生家长对不同性别子女心理健康的期望存在显著差异:对女生在学习适应性期望、情绪调控的期望、社会性发展期望以及期望总分的得分上高于男生。7、特殊学生家长对不同年级子女心理健康的期望存在显著差异:对高中子女的学习适应性期望最高;对初中子女的情绪调控和社会性发展的期望得分最高;对学前子女的学习适应性和社会性发展期望得分最低。8、特殊学生家长对不同障碍子女的心理健康期望存在显著差异:对智力障碍子女的学习适应性、社会性发展和总的心理健康期望得分低于听力障碍和视力障碍者,对自闭症子女的情绪调控期望得分高于智力障碍者。9、特殊学生家长对不同障碍程度子女的心理健康期望存在显著差异:对重度障碍子女的学习适应性、情绪调控、社会适应性和期望总分得分高于中度和轻度障碍者。10、特殊学生家长对子女心理健康的期望与其教养方式存在相关关系。特殊学生家长的溺爱型教养方式与其对子女情绪调控的期望、期望总分存在显著性正相关;特殊学生家长的放任型和粗暴型教养方式与其对子女学习适应性期望、情绪调控的期望、社会性发展的期望及期望总分存在显著性负相关;特殊学生家长的民主型教养方式与其对子女学习适应性期望、情绪调控的期望、社会性发展的期望及期望总分存在显著性正相关。

【Abstract】 In recent years, China’s special students’mental health problems to become one of the important issues for the special education sector attention and study in china. Special students’mental health can not be separated from the parents’education and help. Although the parent’s expectations with their rearing styles have some research in china, but no one of these two are linked together to discuss. We believe that, parents’ appropriate expectations will stimulate the potential of special students. Parents’good parenting special students form healthy psychological. So this study investigated the relationship between the special parents on children’s mental health expectations with their rearing styles. This study has some new. There have important educational significance for improving the quality of parents family education of special students and promote the development mental health of special students.The results of this study found that:1. The questionnaire has good reliability and validity, consistent with education measurement requirements, can be used as an investigative tool in this study. Special parents on children’s mental health expectations score is:The development of their children’s social expectations> Learning adaptive expectations> Emotional regulation expectation. Special parents on child rearing styles score is:Democratic type of rearing styles> Spoiled rearing styles> Laissez faire type of rearing styles> Brutal type of rearing styles.2. Special students of different gender parents on their children’s mental health expect that there are significant differences:Mothers on their children’s emotion regulation and expectations, social expectations and the expectations of the total score higher than the father. Father of their children’s learning adaptive expectations higher than the mother.3. Special parents of students of different ages have significant differences expectations on children’s mental health:The scores of 40-49 year-old special parents expectations of their children’s are the highest. The sores of 25-29 year-old special parents on their children to study the development of adaptive expectations and social expectations are the lowest. The scores of over the age of 50 year-old special parents’ expectations of their children’s emotion regulation are the lowest.4. Parents of special students of different academic expectations of children’s mental health, there are significant differences:Civil service career special parents score higher than the expectations of the farmers’occupational special parents on their children’s emotion regulation.5. Special parents of different income expectations of children’s mental health, there are significant differences:5000-6000 monthly income of their children’s learning with adaptive expectations, social expectations and the expectations of the total score are higher than the 3000-4000 and 6000 monthly income earners.2000-3000 monthly income of the parents on their children’s social development expectations scores higher than those of 3000-4000 and 6000 monthly income.6. Parents of special students of different gender children, there are significant differences mental health expectations:Parents of girls in the learning expectations of adaptive and emotional regulation, social expectations and the expectations of the total scores higher than boys.7. Special parents’expectations of mental health of children of different grades, there are significant differences:special parents to expect the highest high school children’s learning adaptive; The highest expectation score of junior high school children’s emotional regulation and social development; Expect the lowest scores on the adaptability of pre-school children’s learning and social development.8. Special parents expect children’s mental health on different obstacles, there are significant differences:parents of special students learning adaptive of mental retardation children, social development and expectations of the mental health score below the hearing impaired and visually impaired, The autism child’s emotional control expect to score higher than that of mental retardation.9. Special parents expect children’s mental health on degree of different obstacles, there are significant differences:special parents on severe obstacle to their children’s learning adaptive, emotional regulation, social adaptive and expectations total score higher than the moderate and mild disabilities.10. Special parents’expectations with their rearing styles of children’s mental health are correlated. Special parents with spoil type rearing style expectations on their children’s emotion regulation and expectations of the total score, there are significant positive correlation; special parents’laissez-faire and brutal rearing style on their children’s learning adaptive expectations, expectations of emotional regulation, social expectations and expect the total score is significantly negatively correlated; special parents democratic rearing style on their children’s to learning expectations of the adaptive expectations and emotional regulation, social expectations and the expectations of the total score,there are significant positive correlation.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 10期
  • 【分类号】G760;G78
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】482

