

Research of VO2max Assessing Indicators and Criteria

【作者】 曹泽亮

【导师】 彭莉;

【作者基本信息】 西南大学 , 体育教育训练学, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 研究目的:本研究通过对我国近三十年来利用功率自行车或跑台直接测试受试者最大摄氧量并明确提出最大摄氧量判定标准的文献进行整理统计。同时,对60名(男36名、女24名)体育教育专业大学生进行不同的递增负荷方案的最大摄氧量直接测试。将实验结果与文献中的指标及标准进行对应分析研究,旨在了解我国的研究人员选取的最大摄氧量判定指标和标准的现状及分析指标及标准的适用性与合理性,为最大摄氧量的研究提供一定的理论与实践参考。研究方法:测定60名(男36名、女24名)体育教育专业大学生在不同的递增负荷方案运动至力竭中的心率、呼吸商、摄氧量、主观感觉(RPE)及运动后血乳酸浓度等指标,并与近30年间的中文文献中有关利用功率自行车与运动跑台进行最大摄氧量测试时所应用的判定指标及标准的统计结果进行对应分析。同时运用实验结果与文献中常用指标及标准组合的对应分析,探讨合理的最大摄氧量判定指标及标准。研究结果:①目前,国内利用功率自行车测定最大摄氧量的研究选择的判定指标包括心率、呼吸商、血乳酸浓度、力竭(主观最大努力)、摄氧量峰值、摄氧量平台。文献中出现频率较高的指标及标准是:心率,达到180次/min或以上;呼吸商,大于或等于1.10;力竭(主观最大努力),受试者已发挥最大力量并无力保持规定的负荷;摄氧量平台,当负荷继续增加时,摄氧出现平台。②年龄预测的最大心率不适宜作为判定最大摄氧量出现的标准;最大心率在同种运动形式(功率自行车)不同递增负荷方案和不同性别上,均未表现出统计学意义上的差异,但在运用跑台测试时最大心率要明显高于运用功率自行车测试时;同种运动形式(功率自行车)不同递增负荷方案时,呼吸商末表现出性别上的差异,但单位时间递增负荷量越大,呼吸商表现出越高的趋势,运用功率自行车测试时最大呼吸商明显高于运用跑台测试时。力竭(主观最大努力)应选为最大摄氧量直接测试的前提条件,且应使用主观与客观的指标相结合来判断。血乳酸浓度是相对较容易达到的指标,对判定结果的影响不大,其更多的作用是体现受试者的最大努力程度,因此应更多的用于力竭的判定上,且取值为8mmol/L较为合理。摄氧量峰值应用在没有明显出现摄氧量平台和其他一些特殊情况时,应充分考虑其可能对研究结果造成的影响。最大摄氧量表现出明显的性别和不同运动形式(功率自行车与运动跑台)下的差异;国内常用的摄氧量平台取值标准,摄氧量最大值处ΔV02≤150ml/min是比较合理的。③不同指标标准组合的最大摄氧量判定标准对结果的影响很大。在指标组合中摄氧量平台因其对最大摄氧量的重要意义,应必须选进组合中;国内文献中描述的主观力竭标准对判定结果没有影响;心率与呼吸商是影响最大摄氧量判定结果的关键指标,在它们取值的选择上要根据实验对象的特点与实验方案的设计进行慎重的选择。在指标的选择搭配上要充分考虑到其影响因素及指标间的相互作用对结果的影响,为避免因某一项指标的达标率的个体差异,可以采用在有n个指标标准的组合中达到其中(n-1)项及以上作为判定标准。结论:①最大摄氧量的各个判定指标的取值标准差异较大,指标和标准的统一性很差,目前缺乏统一或者权威性较高的指标和标准来判定最大摄氧量的出现。②心率的合理取值应在180-190(b/min),呼吸商的合理取值应在1.05-1.15之间;在运用功率自行车测试时,心率应选择合理范围内的较低值,呼吸商应选择合理范围内的较高值且递增负荷强度越高值应略高;运用跑台测试时则应选择心率合理范围内的较高值,呼吸商合理范围内的较低值。③针对不同的实验对象及方案合理的运用指标标准的组合及达到标准个数上的不同要求来确定最大摄氧量的判定标准可以得到更为准确的结果。

【Abstract】 Objective:Through collating statistics of the literatures which using power bicycle or treadmill directly test subjects’VO2max and clearly propounded the assessing criteria of VO2max in the last three decades. Meanwhile, making direct testing of VO2max on60(36male,24female) Physical Education Majors students under different incremental load program. Analyzing and studying the experimental results and indicators and criteria of the literatures correspondingly, this paper aimed at understanding the status quo of our researcher selected VO2max assessing indicators and criteria and analyzing the applicability and rationality of the indicators and criteria, and attempted to provide certain theoretical and practical reference for VO2max.Methods:Determining heart rate, respiratory quotient, oxygen consumption, subjective feelings (RPE) and blood lactate concentration post-exercise and other indicators of60(36male,24female) Physical Education Majors students in exercise to exhaustion under different incremental load program, and analyzing the assessing indicators applied in Chinese literature which using power bicycle and exercise treadmill to test VO2max nearly30years corresponding to the statistic results of criteria. Simultaneously correspondingly analyzing the combination of experimental results and common indicators and criteria of literatures, to explore the reasonable assessing indicators and criteria of VO2max.Results:①At present, in China the assessing indicators of using power bicycle for the determination of V02max including heart rate, respiratory quotient, blood lactate concentration, exhaustion (subjective best efforts), peak oxygen uptake, oxygen uptake platform. A higher frequency of indicators and criteria in the literature are:heart rate,180beats/min or more; respiratory quotient greater than or equal to1.10; exhaustive (subjective best efforts), subjects have to exert maximum strength but inability to maintain the required load; oxygen uptake platform, when the load continues to increase oxygen uptake platform appeared.②It was not suitable to use maximum heart rate that age predicted as the criterion to assess VO2max’s appearance; maximum heart rate in the same form of exercise (power bicycle) different incremental load programs and different genders, showed none statistically significant differences, but the maximal heart rate in treadmill test was significantly higher than that in power bicycle test; in the same form of exercise (power bicycle) different incremental load programs, there was no gender differences in respiratory quotient, but as the incremental load increased in the unit time, respiratory quotient showed the higher trend, the maximum respiratory quotient in power bicycle test was significantly higher than that in treadmill test. Exhaustive (subjective best efforts) should be selected as a prerequisite for direct test of V02max, and should use subjective combined to objective indicators for determination. Blood lactate concentration was relatively easy to be achieved, and had little effect on the assessing results, its major role was to reflect the subjects’ maximum effort, therefore it should be used more in exhaustive assessing, and the value8mmol/L was more reasonable. Peak oxygen uptake should be applied in no significant oxygen uptake platform and some other special circumstances, and should fully consider the possible impact on the findings. VO2max showed significant gender and different forms of exercise (power bicycle and exercise treadmill) differences; at domestic the common selected values criteria of oxygen uptake platform, that oxygen uptake maximum at△VO2<150ml/min. was relatively reasonable.③VO2max assessing criteria of different indicators criteria combination had great impact on results. In the indicators’ combination oxygen uptake platform, must be elected to the combination, for its importance of VO2max; the subjective exhaustive standards that described in domestic literatures had no effect on assessing results; heart rate and respiratory quotient were the key indicators that affected VO2max assessing results, their selected values should be chose carefully according to the characteristics of subjects and the design of experiment program. The selection and collocation of indicators should give full consideration to the influencing factors and the interaction between indicators affected on the results, to avoid individual differences of one indicator’s compliance rate, in the combination of n indicators standards we can use that achieved of (n-1) and more as the assessing criteria.Conclusions:①Selected standard of each VO2max indicator was quite different, unity of indicators and criteria was poor, there were no unified or higher authoritative indexes and criteria to assess the appearance of VO2max.②Reasonable value of heart rate should be180-190(b/min), reasonable value of respiratory quotient should be between1.05-1.15; when using the power cycling for testing, heart rate should be selected the lower value within the reasonable range, while respiratory quotient should be selected the higher value within the reasonable range and as incremental load intensity increased the value should be slightly higher; contrary in using treadmill test, within reasonable range the heart rate should be the higher value, and the respiratory quotient should be the lower one.③For different subjects and programs we should reasonably use the combination of the indicators criteria and different requirements of the number that meet the standards to determine the VO2max criteria to get more accurate results.

【关键词】 最大摄氧量判定指标标准
【Key words】 VO2maxAssessing IndicatorsCriteria
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 10期

