

Study of Land Transfer Will and Decision-making Behavior in the Perspective of Farmers

【作者】 王磊

【导师】 何多兴; 田永中;

【作者基本信息】 西南大学 , 人文地理学, 2012, 硕士


【摘要】 耕地作为农业生产的基础要素和农民生活的主要来源,与“三农”问题息息相关。但目前农村地区耕地撂荒、小规模兼业经营相当普遍,不利于“三农”问题的根本解决。土地承包经营权进行流转是提高耕地利用率、拓宽农民收入渠道非常有效的手段之一。因此,开展农村土地流转研究对实现耕地、劳动力等生产要素的优化配置,提高农业的经济效益具有非常重要的意义。综合现有耕地流转的研究成果,学者们更多的关注于东部发达平原地区,而大多研究主要以宏观角度对耕地流转的制度背景及其对农业生产和社会经济发展的作用进行了较为详细的探讨,另外,在对农户意愿和行为的研究过程中,部分学者并没有严格地进行划分,在相应的影响因素选取上也体现得不够周全。本文基于农户的微观视角,以地处西部山地丘陵区的重庆市涪陵区和綦江区为例,将农户的意愿和行为分别进行了探讨,并建立起决策行为模型,利用logistic二元回归分析法,研究农户在耕地流转中的意愿和行为的主要影响因素,并将两个地区的农户进行对比分析,在所得结论基础上提出相应建议。根据农户调查获取的数据,以及在此基础上进行的分析和探讨,得出以下结论:(1)研究区域内耕地流转较为普遍,同时也存在着诸多问题。从流转情况来看,转包成为了耕地流转的主要途径,农户则更愿意与邻居或熟人发生流转,并表示出了流转时间的不确定性。在流转过程中,农户的流转行为大多是私下进行的,且只有口头上的协议,对于整个流转过程并无有效的法律保障。这些都使得区域内的耕地流转存在着诸如耕地成片流转难、流转对象及方式较单一、流转市场有待完善、农户法律意识淡薄和政府的作用发挥不明显等问题。(2)研究区域内,愿意进行耕地流转的农户占有绝大多数,但两个地区的农户表现出了不同的流转意愿。涪陵区农户的流转意愿主要以转出为主,綦江区农户则主要以转出意愿和不愿意流转为主。通过回归分析,除家庭人口规模、最远耕作距离和对耕地的依赖程度三个因素具有相同的作用外,涪陵区农户是否愿意发生耕地流转还受到家庭年人均收入和承包耕地总面积的影响,而綦江区农户则为家庭非农收入占比和农田水利设施的完善程度。(3)农户意愿作为一个中间变量,更多的受到农户自身因素的影响,但其最终能否实现,又较多的受到外部环境的作用。大部分以农业经营为主的农户更愿意转入耕地进行规模化生产,但是由于周围耕地供给的限制以及信息传递的阻碍,使其转入意愿不一定能实现;相同情况下,部分以非农生产为主的农户,其转出耕地意愿由于受到需求不足等因素的影响,最终也不能如愿。另外,一些不愿意流转的农户,在政府的影响下,仍然进行了流转。这些都表现出耕地流转过程中影响因素的复杂性。(4)农户流转行为的发生是多种因素共同作用的结果,本文对涪陵区和綦江区农户流转行为的差异进行了探讨。其结果表明,两个地区的农户在耕地流转过程中受到相同因素的作用,农户对耕地的依赖程度、政府行为和流转市场的完善程度都表现出十分显著的影响,而相关政策和周围耕地闲置情况的作用并不突出。

【Abstract】 Farmland as the basic factors of agricultural production and the main source of the farmers’ lives, is closely related to“Agriculture, Countryside and Fanner”issues. However, the phenomenon of farmland abandonment and the business of small-scale in rural areas is quite common, this is not conducive to the fundamental solution of the "Agriculture, Countryside and Farmer" issues. The transfers of land contract is one of the effective means to improving the utilization of farmland and broaden the ways of farmers’income. Therefore, carrying out the transfer of farmland in rural areas has a very important significance for achieving the optimal allocation of farmland, labor and other factors of production, and improving the economic efficiency of agriculture.Retrospect to the existing research results, for the cultivated land transfer, scholars pay more attention on the developed eastern plain areas, while most of the research with the macroscopic perspective mainly focus on detailed discussion about the background of the transfer of farmland system and its role in agricultural production and socio-economic development. In addition, there is no strict divide during the research process on farmers’willingness and behavior, and the selection of the corresponding impact factors is not comprehensive. Based on the microscopic perspective of the farmers located in the western hilly area of Fuling and Qijiang district of Chongqing city, farmers’willingness and behavior were separately discussed. Establishing a model of decision-making behavior, and using logistic binary regression analysis study the main factors of wishes and behavior of the farmers in cultivated land. Farmers in two areas were analyzed, and make recommendations accordingly on the basis of conclusions.According to the data obtained by the household survey, as well as analysis and discussion on this basis, we have the following conclusions:(1) Cultivated land transfer is more common in the study area, but there are still many problems. From the situation of land transfer, subcontracting became the main way for the transfer of farmland. Farmers are more willing to transfer with neighbor or acquaintance, and showed a transfer time of uncertainty. During the transfer process, the circulation acts of farmers are mostly private and only have a verbal agreement, so there is no effective legal protection for the entire circulation. That Making the area of cultivated land transfer exist problems such as farmland into a piece of difficult circulation, circulation objects of single, the flow of the market needs to be improved, farmer awareness of the law is weak and the role of government is not obvious.(2) In the two districts study, most farmers are willing to transfer cultivated land, but the farmers of the two regions show a different circulation will. In Fuling District, farmers’will to transfer turns out to be strong, however, in Qijiang District, farmers mainly maintain the roll-out will and are unwilling to transfer the land. By regression analyzing, besides the family size, the furthest distance of the land and the degree of dependence on arable land, farmers’will in Fuling District is also influenced by the annual household per capita income and their total contracted land, while in Qijiang District, farmers’will is subject to non-farming household income and the degree of perfection of irrigation and water conservancy facilities.(3) As an intermediate variable, the farmers’transfer will is mainly varied according to farmers’own factors, but the realization is strongly influenced by the external environment. Most of farmers living on agriculture are more willing to take in arable land for large-scale production, but due to the constraints of the surrounding arable land supply and the transmission of information, the success of transferring may not be able to achieve; the same circumstances, some farmers living on non-farm production, transferring arable land to else ultimately cannot be realized due to lack of demand and other factors. In addition, some farmers who do not want to transfer, under the influence of the Government, still take the circulation. These have shown the complexity of the influencing factors in the cultivated land transferring process.(4) Fanners’transfer behavior is the result of many factors. The differences of farmers’transfer behavior between the Fuling and Qijiang District are discussed in this issue, and the results show that the farmers in two areas are affected by the same factors in the land transfer process. The dependence of farmers on farmland, government behavior and the degree of perfection of the flow of the market showed a very significant impact, and relevant policies and the idle situation of surrounding farmland is not prominent.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 10期

