

On the Conditional Arrest System

【作者】 向春宇

【导师】 张步文;

【作者基本信息】 西南大学 , 民商法学, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 附条件逮捕制度是一项具有创新性的刑事司法措施。自其提出试行伊始,理论界、实务界乃至社会民众便对该制度的认识存在分歧与争议。这些争议,主要集中在该制度的合法性与正当性,与普通逮捕的关系,以及如何理解和把握该制度的各种条件等方面。由此反映出附条件逮捕制度仍存在着许多问题。本文在写作之初,1996年《刑事诉讼法》进入最后的修订阶段,其修正案于2012年3月14日正式获得通过。因此,本文首先以1996年《刑事诉讼法》为蓝本,主要对附条件逮捕的“本体”及其在C市检察机关的试行情况进行研究;随后,结合2012年《刑事诉讼法》,就该制度未来走向及其可能的完善提出设想,以期在立法、司法等方面提供相应的参考。首先,本文就附条件逮捕制度的内涵、功能,及现实中存在的主要争议进行了阐述。其中,笔者通过分析几种代表性观点之间的异同点,在此基础上提出应当从“广义”与“狭义”两方面来理解附条件逮捕制度的内涵。同时,结合对该制度正当性与合法性争议的简要概述,加深对附条件逮捕制度内涵的理解。此外,笔者从宽严相济的刑事司法政策、平衡惩治犯罪与人权保障双重价值、检警关系的完善三个方面探讨了附条件逮捕制度的功能。随后,本文以附条件逮捕制度的性质及证明标准为核心就该制度与普通逮捕之间的关系进行了研究。本文认为附条件逮捕制度在性质上应当是一项特殊的例外性的法律制度,并非仅仅是普通逮捕制度的一种工作机制。而在证明标准的问题上,本文认为附条件逮捕的证明标准亦不同于普通逮捕,其证明标准具有典型的双层性。接着,本文从对“附条件”的内涵进行了重新界定,阐述了附条件逮捕制度所具有“三阶段”特征,并在此基础上从广义附条件和狭义附条件“两重意义”来理解附条件逮捕制度,并按照不同的标准对“条件”进行了分类。随后,结合“三阶段”的特征,依照决定条件、维持条件、保障条件的顺序深入探讨了附条件逮捕制度的各项“条件”。在探讨附条件逮捕的各项条件之后,本文结合在C市检察机关搜集的部分数据就附条件逮捕的实践情况进行了考察。对试行中的情况作出简要概括。以此为基础,总结了附条件逮捕制度目前存在的主要问题。最后,结合2012年《刑事诉讼法》中与逮捕制度直接或间接相关的内容,本文指出了附条件逮捕制度存在被废除的可能性。但同时,因附条件逮捕制度已经被规定于最高人民检察院的司法解释之中,而在实务中,该制度仍在继续适用。基于这种情况,除了前述关于所附条件的把握外,本文还从配套措施的完善、犯罪嫌疑人的救济以及相关监督考核机制的等方面就附条件逮捕制度的进一步完善提出了设想。

【Abstract】 Conditional arrest system works as a judicial reform with innovativeness. Disputes have been lasting for many years since the start of its implementation. The disputes focus mainly on its legitimation and justification, the relationship between it and ordinary arrest, and the understanding of its conditions.ChapterⅠ, an introduction to the connotation, function, and the main disputes of conditional arrest. Firstly, by analyzing, comparing and making comments on several representative viewpoints and the main disputes of conditional arrest, the author puts forward that the connotation of conditional arrest should be comprehended from its generalized connotation and its narrow connotation. Then, from three aspects, such as the criminal judicial principle of severity and leniency, the balance between the different purposes and values of criminal procedure, and the construction of new relationships between police and procurator, the author discusses the functions conditional arrest may bring.ChapterⅡ, a study of relationship between conditional arrest and ordinary arrest. This chapter focuses on the system properties and proof standard of conditional arrest. Conditional arrest should not just be one working mechanism of ordinary arrest. With institutional meaning, it is a special constituent part of new arrest system. On the standard of proof, conditional arrest has a system of proof standard which is characterized by dual hierarchies.ChapterⅢ, a study of conditions of conditional arrest. By virtue of redefining the connotation of "conditional", this chapter analyses the characteristic of "three stages" and’"two meanings". Then, on the ground of "three stages" and "two meanings", the conditions of conditional arrest are divided into three parts, the conditions of determining, the conditions of maintaining, and the conditions of supporting.ChapterⅣ.a study to the provincial practice of conditional arrest. In this chapter, the implementation situation of conditional arrest in C has been introduced. On the basis, the main problems of conditional arrest are summarized.Finally, in line of the "Code of Criminal Procedure " (amended in 2012), chapterⅥanalyses the two probabilities of development tendency of conditional arrest system. One is that the special system would be abolished, for losing its necessity and values. Another is that the conditional system still works in the practice. Therefore, this chapter put forward many advices to perfect the conditional arrest system.

【关键词】 逮捕附条件逮捕适用完善
【Key words】 Conditional arrestArrestApplicationImprovement
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 10期

