

Research on the Training Mode of Chongqing Rural Primary and Secondary School Backbone Teachers’ Replacement of Full-time Training

【作者】 罗娟

【导师】 刘义兵;

【作者基本信息】 西南大学 , 课程与教学论, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 强国必先强教,强教必先强师。但是,在较多的农村地区,优质教育资源匮乏、学校短缺学科缺编严重;教师知识老化、观念落后等状况的存在,导致农村基础教育发展滞后,基础教育质量不高。面对此种情况,农村中小学骨干教师置换脱产研修项目应运而生。2010年,教育部“中小学教师国家级培训计划”(以下简称“国培计划”)中第一次强调实施农村中小学骨干教师置换脱产研修项目。置换脱产研修是当前中西部农村提升教师队伍专业化水平的一种重要方式,但是,目前对该模式的理论研究还很薄弱,在实践中也还存在许多亟待解决的问题。本论文从剖析该模式的现状与问题入手,从中发现问题,并尝试从理论与实践两个方面解答导致这些问题产生的主要原因,提出解决问题的思路与策略。本文通过在相关文献梳理与分析的基础上,以2010年西南大学的培训学院与外国语学院、历史文化学院联合实施的初中英语、初中历史两个置换脱产研修项目为个案,对培训教师、受训教师进行针对性的访谈调查,发现现阶段置换脱产研修存在的主要问题,再结合农村中小学骨干教师置换脱产研修的目标要求,较为系统地探讨了置换脱产研修各阶段的主要任务与内容,最后提出了对重庆市农村中小学骨干教师置换脱产研修的实施策略与条件保障。本文基于“依据乡村实际生活,’造就乡村学校教师”与“培训是为了实现教师的改变”的理念下建构的理论与实践交叉进行的四阶段研修模式,并详细阐述了各阶段的主要任务与内容设置。本文包括了以下部分:引言:第一部分是问题的提出。笔者从提高重庆市农村地区基础教育质量、满足教育改革与发展对创新教师培训、提高置换脱产研修实效性等三个方面阐述了选题缘由与研究意义;第二部分是文献综述,通过对“农村中小学骨干教师”、“置换脱产研修”两个方面相关文献的梳理与分析,了解研究的现状与不足,为本研究找到突破口;第三个部分笔者对本研究中的农村中小学教师、骨干教师、教师培训、研修模式等四个关键词进行了概念界定,从而为自己的研究界定了研究对象与范围;第四部分是本研究的思路与方法。第一章:首先通过问卷对100位参加置换脱产研修的重庆市农村中小学骨干教师进行了调查,并对调查结果进行了阐述;接着笔者主要从以下几个方面探讨了现阶段重庆市农村中小学骨干教师置换脱产研修存在的问题:遴选操作失准,未能送培最有培养潜力的教师;研修目标未体现出重庆市区域差异性,研修内容设置“大一统”;研修过程未能充分调动受训教师的参与性;研修考核形式化;缺乏后续跟踪服务等。第二章:主要探讨了重庆市农村中小学骨干教师置换脱产研修的理论基础。本章从成人学习的本质及其特征出发,阐述了成人学习的特点,对成人学习理论中的“自我指导理论”和“行动学习理论”进行了阐述;探讨了终身教育理论对置换脱产研修的影响以及探讨了教师专业发展理论对该项目的理论支撑,尝试提出重庆市农村中小学骨干教师置换脱产研修的理论基础。第三章:通过对农村中小学骨干教师置换脱产研修项目实施的价值分析,阐明农村中小学骨干教师置换脱产研修的适切性;在此基础上,笔者提出了农村中小学骨干教师置换脱产研修应该具备的六个基本特征;最后,笔者在本章探讨了重庆市农村中小学骨干教师置换脱产研修的目标定位。第四章:讨论了重庆市农村中小学骨干教师置换脱产研修模式建构的指导思想;并以四阶段置换脱产研修模式为例详细阐述了各阶段的主要任务及内容设置。第五章:笔者主要从健全重庆市农村中小学骨干教师遴选、鉴定与激励制度;前期调研与研修方案制定制度;师资建设制度;过程管理与监控制度;评价考核制度;跟踪服务制度等六个方面提出了重庆市农村中小学骨干教师置换脱产研修项目的保障性条件建设。

【Abstract】 To make the country rich and strong must first be strengthen education; In order to make education a powerful must first be strengthen teachers. But, there have some reasons in the most rural areas leading to elementary education in rural areas lagging development and lower quality of elementary education, such as:rural education is lack of quality resources, rural schools vacancies serious, and teachers have huge workload, the teachers’ knowledge and concept are outdated. Faced with such a situation, backbone teachers in the rural primary and secondary Replacement of Full-time Training model is emerging. The National Training program for rural primary and secondary school teachers of the Ministry of Education (referred to as Guo Pei Plan) first emphasized the rural primary and secondary backbone teachers’ Replacement of Full-time Training in 2010. It is an important way to remote rural areas teachers’ professional level. But, the theoretical study of the model is very weak; there still exist many problems to be solved in practice.This article identifies problems from the status quo and problems of the model, and tries to answer the main cause of these problems from the two aspects with the theory and practice. I want to propose solutions in the light of those problems and strategies. In this paper, I regard the Training College with the college of Foreign Languages and the college of History and Culture of Southwest University jointing implementation the project in 2010 as a case based on combing and analyzing the relevant literature. As well as talking with the training teachers and the teacher trainees. And then I combine with the meaning and characteristics of the backbone teachers in rural primary and secondary backbone teachers’Replacement of Full-time Training to put forward my own ideas concluding the target, the leading idea, the main tasks and contents of each stage, and the last I give the implemented strategies and protected conditions about the Chongqing backbone teachers of rural primary and secondary school Replacement of Full-time Training.I construct theory and practice of cross carried the four-stage mode is under the idea with "according to the real life of the village, create the rural school teachers" and "training is in order to the teachers’change", and I described the main tasks and contents of each stage in detail. This article includes the following sections:Introduction:The first part is the issue raised. I expound the reason of the topic and the research significance from three aspects, such as the reflection for improving the quality of elementary education in the rural areas of Chongqing, the requirements for meeting educational reform and development of innovative teachers’training, and the consideration about enhancing the Replacement of Full-time Training actual effect. The second part is a literature review to understand the research actuality and deficiency through carding and analysis of two aspects of literature related to "rural backbone teachers of primary and secondary schools" and "the Replacement of Full-time Training". The third part defines the study object and scope through defining the concepts of the four key words:rural primary and secondary school teachers, backbone teachers, teacher training and training mode. The fourth part concerns ideas and methods of this research.Chapter 1:The first part is to make an investigation of 100 rural school backbone teachers who participated in "the Chongqing rural primary and secondary school backbone teachers’Replacement of Full-time Training" by questionnaire, and the interpretation about these investigative results. The second part mainly explores the principal problems which exist in this project at present from the following sections: selection operation is inaccurate, most potential teachers couldn’t be sent to participate in training, training target doesn’t reflect Chongqing regional differences, everything but no special is set up in training content, study process failed to fully mobilize teachers, training assessment is just a formalization, no subsequent support.Chapter 2:This chapter mainly discusses the Chongqing rural primary and secondary school backbone teachers’Replacement of Full-time Training theory. First according to the adult learning nature and features, explain adult learning features to find out the basis of scientific programming. Then explain "self-directed learning theory " and "theory of action learning" of adult learning theory in details in order to provide theory support for the method and content of the program. The next I discuss theoretical support of the project from the theory of lifelong education and the development theory of teachers’profession. Finally I try to put forward the theoretical foundation about the Chongqing rural middle and secondary backbone teachers’ Replacement of Full-time Training.Chapter 3:The first part is about analyzing and elaborating the program value of "rural primary and secondary backbone teachers’Replacement of Full-time Training" and further illustrating the appropriateness of the program. The second part is about six basic features of the program implementation. The third part is discussing the guiding ideology.Chapter 4:Discuss how to orientate the purposes and objectives of "the Chongqing rural middle and secondary backbone teachers’Replacement of Full-time Training". I take a four-stage in the program as an example to explain the tasks and content of each stage in details.Chapter 5:I primarily propose the countermeasures about how to carry out "the Chongqing rural middle and secondary backbone teachers’Replacement of Full-time Training" from six aspects, such as:establishing and perfecting the selection, appraisal and incentive systems of rural primary and secondary schools backbone teacher in Chongqing, preliminary research and program development system, composition system of training teachers, process management system, evaluation and examination system, and following service system.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 10期

