

The Blood of Religion

【作者】 方大文

【导师】 裴丽丽;

【作者基本信息】 西南大学 , 民族学, 2012, 硕士


【摘要】 本论文是在对一个苗族村落进行田野调查的基础上进行的血祭与血忌研究。文章首先对黔东南方家村苗族的血祭与血忌素材进行分类整理,尝试撰写区域苗族血祭与血忌的民族志;其次是结合相关理论方法,对苗族血祭与血忌中特定语词、场域或仪式等的文化意义进行分析解释;最后在上述研究基础上对宗教性的血文化进行初步总结,把血祭与血忌结合起来探析宗教性血文化的本质。论文包括五大部分。第一部分是前言,主要对宗教性血文化研究的缘由、目的、概况、基本思路和研究中遇到的困难进行介绍说明,并界定论文中的相关概念;第二部分是方家村的概况,简单从地理环境与人口结构、族源迁徙与历史沿革、社会组织与文化习俗三方面勾勒田野点的总体概况;第三部分是血祭,从牺牲用血祭祀的角度分别叙述方家村苗族血祭的仪式类型与符号意义,然后归纳方家村苗族的牲血祭祀制度;第四部分是血忌,紧承上一部分,从血的禁忌角度分别叙述方家村苗族血忌的表现形式与象征意义,并分析方家村苗族人血禁忌的目的;最后一部分是总结,即运用结构主义的方法分析宗教性的血文化的结构。

【Abstract】 A study has been made on blood sacrifice and taboo based on the field work at a Miao village, Fangjia village. Firstly, blood sacrifice and taboo are classified and sorted to write Fangjia village’s regional ethnography; Secondly, some cultural significance, such as terms、situation and ritual in Miao blood sacrifice and taboo, are explained by related theories and methods. Finally, a conclusion is arrived at. The nature of the religious blood culture is analyzed by blood sacrifice and taboo.The thesis consists of five parts. Part one is an introduction. It introduces the reason purpose、overview、basic ideas and difficulties of the study, and defines the related concepts in the thesis; Part two is about the overview of the field point, Fangjia village, including it’s geographical environment、population、source of family、migration、historical evolution、social organization and cultural practices; Part three is about the blood sacrifice. The ritual and symbolic significance of Fangjia village’s blood sacrifice are narrated from the points of the blood are used in the sacrifice, then it’s blood sacrifice system are generalized; Part four is about blood taboo. The manifestations and symbolic significance of Fangjia village’s blood taboo are narrated from the points of the taboo of the blood, and the purpose of their blood taboo is analyzed; The last part is a conclusion. The blood cultural structure is analyzed by structuralism theory.

【关键词】 苗族血祭血忌文化
【Key words】 Miao nationalityblood sacrificeblood tabooculture
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 10期

