

"Livelihood-oriented" Strategy,Chongqing Model

【作者】 袁泉

【导师】 倪志安;

【作者基本信息】 西南大学 , 马克思主义哲学, 2012, 硕士


【摘要】 早在一个半世纪前,马克思通过对资本主义社会的分析批判,立足于广大穷苦劳动者的立场,基于对“劳动是生活乐趣”的共产主义社会的向往和构想,痛斥资产阶级对工人阶级的压榨,深刻同情处于被剥削地位的劳动者水深火热的生活状态,积极寻求改善民生的途径和方法,在其一系列相关的研究著作中,表达了广义民生思想。“党的十七大”明确提出“必须在经济发展的基础上,更加注重社会建设,着力保障和改善民生,推进社会体制改革,扩大公共服务,完善社会管理,促进社会公平正义,努力使全体人民学有所教、劳有所得、病有所医、老有所养、住有所居,推动建设和谐社会。”①以“民生导向”为视角的重庆经验是对科学发展观和马克思主义民生思想的践行。本文主要分为四部分:第一部分阐明以马克思的民生思想为视角,研究以“民生导向”为视角的重庆经验的理论意义和实践意义。结合我国所面临的国际国内环境,总结本论题的研究现状,强调其研究意义。第二部分概要马克思民生思想的科学内涵、本质特征,总结我党历届领导人立足于我国实际对马克思民生思想的丰富和发展,理顺马克思的民生思想在我国的发展脉络。第三部分从理论方面澄明“民生导向”的重庆经验对马克思的民生思想的深化和升华;从实践方面澄明“民生导向”的重庆经验对马克思的民生思想的践行和推进。从这两个方面阐明马克思民生思想“民生导向”的重庆经验的指导作用,以及“民生导向”的重庆经验对马克思民生思想的继承和发展。第四部分从三个方面探讨“民生导向”的重庆经验对中国特色社会主义的创新:对社会主义本质论的创新;对社会主义市场经济理论的创新;对社会主义开放理论的创新。以凸显在坚持中国特色社会主义的基础上,重庆如何结合自身所处地域、人文环境、发展状况等实际情况,探求最优的发展方式。第五部分正确认识和客观评价以民生为视角的重庆经验

【Abstract】 Century and a half ago, Marx and critical analysis of capitalist society, based on the position of the majority of poor laborers, based on the desire and vision of communist society "Labor is the joy of life", denounced the bourgeoisie over the working classpressing, profound sympathy in the living conditions of the status of workers being exploited in dire straits, and actively seek ways and means of improving people’s livelihood, in a series of related research work, the expression of generalized livelihood of the people thinking."Seventeenth Party Congress "clearly on the basis of economic development, more emphasis on social construction, to ensure and improve people’s livelihood, carry out social restructuring, expand public services, improve social management and promote social equity and justice, and strive to make all our people enjoy their rights to education, employment, medical services, a sense of security, and housing, to build a harmonious society. "Chongqing mode" livelihood-oriented "strategy of scientific development concept and Marxist ideology of the people’s livelihoodthe practice. The paper is divided into four parts.The first part:To clarify the livelihood of the people thinking of Marx’s perspective, to study the theoretical and practical significance of the "livelihood-oriented" strategy, Chongqing mode. Combination of international and domestic environment facing our country, summarize the research status of this thesis, emphasizes its significance.PartⅡ:Summary of the scientific connotation of of Marx livelihood of the people thought, the essential characteristics, sum up the successive leaders of our party based on the reality of our country to enrich and develop Marxist thought of the people’s livelihood, rationalize the livelihood of the people thinking of Marx in the country’s development context. PartⅢ:Chongqing mode from the theoretical aspects of clarity "livelihood-oriented" strategy on the livelihood of the people thought of Marx’s deepening and sublimation; Chongqing mode from the practical aspects of clarity "livelihood-oriented" strategy on the livelihood of the people thought of Marx’s practiceand propulsion. From these two states the guiding role of Marx livelihood of the people thought the people’s livelihood-oriented "Chongqing model, as well as to the inheritance and development of livelihood-oriented" mode of Chongqing on the livelihood of the people thinking of Marx.Part IV:explore three aspects Chongqing mode "livelihood-oriented" strategy, the innovation of socialism with Chinese characteristics:the nature of socialism on innovation; innovation on the theory of socialist market economy; open socialist theoryinnovation. To highlight adhere to socialism with Chinese characteristics on the basis of Chongqing how to combine the actual situation of the geographical and human environment, development status, and explore the optimal model of development.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 10期

