

Undergraduates’ Identification with Value Orientation of Chinese Films and Televisions Works’ Family Ethics Influence Their Affectional View

【作者】 张晓娜

【导师】 冯维;

【作者基本信息】 西南大学 , 发展与教育心理学, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 近些年来,反映我国家庭伦理的影视作品逐渐在收视率上占据领先地位。作为一种大众文化,影视作品深深影响着每个人的生活。大学生承担着建设祖国的社会责任和赡养父母的家庭责任,他们的娱乐活动多是观看影视作品,其中传达的价值取向和某些观念会给大学生带来很大的影响。目前我国大学生亲情观较为淡薄,影视作品中宣传的正确的家庭伦理价值取向不仅会促使大学生更加理解和感恩亲人,也能加强他们的家庭责任感,培养正确的亲情观。我国虽然对影视作品和亲情观的研究比较多,但还没有人将两者结合起来进行研究。本研究着重探讨大学生对我国影视作品中家庭伦理价值取向的认同对其亲情观的影响,本研究具有一定的新意,对于丰富我国对影视作品和亲情观的研究,发现大学生对我国影视作品中的家庭伦理价值取向的认同情况、亲情观现状、特点以及存在的问题,以及在此基础上,开展具有针对性的教育,培养大学生正确的家庭伦理价值观和亲情观都有重要的教育意义。本研究结果表明:(1)白编的两个调查问卷符合心理测量学的要求,能够作为本研究的测量工具。大学生对我国影视作品中家庭伦理价值取向认同各维度的得分是:互助型>感恩型>冷漠型>自私型;大学生亲情观各维度的得分是:互助型>回报型>困惑型>功利型。(2)不同性别的大学生对我国影视作品中家庭伦理价值取向的认同及其亲情观存在显著差异:男生对冷漠型、自私型和感恩型的家庭伦理价值取向的认同得分显著高于女生,女生在互助型的家庭伦理价值取向上的认同得分显著高于男生;女生比男生的亲情观更加健康和正面。女生多表现出回报型亲情观,男生更倾向于困惑型和功利型亲情观。(3)是否独生子女大学生对我国影视作品中家庭伦理价值取向的认同及其亲情观差异显著:独生子女大学生在冷漠型和自私型的家庭伦理价值取向认同上得分较高,在互助型上的认同得分则低于非独生子女大学生;非独生子女大学生在回报型和互助型的亲情观上得分显著高于独生子女大学生,在困惑型和功利型亲情观上,显著低于独生子女大学生。(4)来自城市和农村的大学生对我国影视作品中家庭伦理价值取向的认同及其亲情观存在显著差异:来自城市的大学生对冷漠型的家庭伦理价值取向认同得分较高,来自农村的大学生对互助型的家庭伦理价值取向认同的得分较高;来自农村的大学生在回报型亲情观上得分显著高于来自城市的大学生;在功利型亲情观上,显著低于来白城市的大学生。(5)不同专业大学生对我国影视作品中家庭伦理价值取向的认同及其亲情观存在显著差异:理工科大学生在冷漠型、自私型、感恩型的家庭伦理价值取向认同上比文科生得分高,文科生更认同互助型家庭伦理价值取向;文科学生在回报型的亲情观上得分显著高于理工科学生,在互助型、困惑型、以及功利型亲情观上得分显著低于理工科大学生。(6)不同年级大学生对我国影视作品中家庭伦理价值取向的认同及其亲情观差异显著:低年级大学生在互助型、感恩型的家庭伦理价值取向的认同得分高于高年级大学生;在自私型上,低年级大学生的认同得分低于高年级大学生;低年级大学生在互助型和回报型亲情观上的得分较高,高年级大学生在困惑型和功利型亲情观上得分较高。(7)不同地区大学生对我国影视作品中家庭伦理价值取向的认同及其亲情观存在显著差异:中部地区大学生倾向于认同互助型的家庭伦理价值取向,东部地区的大学生倾向于认同冷漠型、自私型和感恩型的家庭伦理价值取向;中部地区的大学生在回报型亲情观上得分最高,在困惑型和功利型亲情观上得分最低,东部地区大学生在功利型和困惑型亲情观上得分最高,西部地区大学生位于中间水平。(8)不同学校类别的大学生对我国影视作品中家庭伦理价值取向的认同及其亲情观存在显著差异:重点大学的学生对冷漠型、自私型和感恩型的家庭伦理价值取向的认同得分显著高于一般大学的学生,在互助型上,其得分显著低于一般大学的学生;一般大学的学生回报型亲情观上得分显著高于重点大学学生;在互助型、困惑型和功利型亲情观上,重点大学学生的得分显著高于一般大学的学生。(9)大学生亲情观与我国影视作品中的家庭伦理价值取向的各个维度都呈现显著的相关关系。互助型和冷漠型家庭价值取向能有效预测大学生的回报型和互助型亲情观,自私型、互助型和冷漠型家庭伦理价值取向能有效预测大学生的困惑型亲情观,自私型、冷漠型、互助型和感恩型家庭伦理价值取向能有效预测大学生的功利型亲情观。

【Abstract】 Films and televisions that reflect Chinese family ethics has gone up in the ratings in recent years. As a kind of mass culture, they influence people’s life deeply. Undergraduates most of whose amusement is watching films and tv works carry the responsibilities of building our country and support and assist their parents, some value orientation and view will bring undergraduates a great influence. Chinese undergraduates’affectional view is very thin, the right value orientation of Chinese films and televisions works not only teach them how to understand and thank their dear ones, but also strengthen their family duty, cultivate correct family ideas.There are many researches on films and TV works and affectional view, but there is no one combine both of them. This research is creative, and it has a certain significance to enrich research on Chinese film and TV works and affectional view, to explore the situation, characteristics problems of undergraduates’ identification with family ethics in film and TV works and their family view, to cultivate their right family view.The results indicated that:(1) Both self-made survey inventories’ reliability and validity are satisfactory. They can be used as this research’s measuring instruments. Situation of Scores of undergraduates’ identification with value orientation of Chinese films and televisions programs’ family ethics is:type of Mutual Help> type of gratefulness> type of cold> type of selfish, the result of Scores of undergraduates’ family view is:type of Mutual Help> type of giving back> type of quandary >type of utility.(2) Sexual Differences of undergraduates’ Identification with value orientation of Chinese films and televisions works’ family ethics and their family view is notable:Male students made higher scores of type of cold, type of selfish, type of gratefulness than female students,but lower than female students in type of mutual help; Female students made higher scores of type of giving back, male students made higher scores of type of quandary and type of utility.(3) Difference of undergraduates’Identification with value orientation of Chinese films and televisions works’family ethics and their family view between only-child students and not only-child students is notable:only-child Students made higher scores of type of cold, type of selfish, not only-child students made higher scores of type of mutual help; Only-child Students made higher scores of type of f quandary and type of utility., not only-child Students made higher scores of type of mutual help and type of giving back.(4) Difference of undergraduates’ Identification with value orientation of Chinese films and televisions works’ family ethics and their family view between rural and urban undergraduates is significant:urban undergraduates made higher scores of type of cold, rural undergraduates made higher scores of type of mutual help; Rural undergraduates made higher scores of type of giving back, urban undergraduates made higher scores of type of utility.(5) Difference of undergraduates’Identification with value orientation of Chinese films and televisions works’ family ethics and their family view between science and engineering students and liberal arts students is notable:Science and engineering students s made higher scores of type of cold, type of selfish, type of gratefulness, but lower scores of type of mutual help; Science and Engineering students made higher scores of type of utility, type of Mutual Help and type of utility, but lower scores of giving back.(6) Difference of undergraduates’Identification with value orientation of Chinese films and televisions works’family ethics and their family view between students of different grades is notable: lower grade students made higher scores of type of gratefulness and type of mutual help than higher grade students, but made lower scores of type of selfish; Lower grade students made higher scores of type of mutual help and type of giving back than higher grade students, but made lower scores of type of quandary and type of utility.(7) Difference of undergraduates’ Identification with value orientation of Chinese films and televisions works’ family ethics and their family view between students who come from different regions is notable:students from universities in middle areas made higher scores of type of mutual help, students from east areas made higher scores of type of cold, type of selfish and type of gratefulness; Students from universities in middle areas made highest scores of type of giving back, students from east areas made highest scores of type of quandary and type of utility.(8) Difference of undergraduates’Identification with value orientation of Chinese films and televisions works’family ethics and their family view between students who come from different types of colleges is notable:Students of key colleges made higher scores of type of cold, type of selfish and type of gratefulness than students of ordinary colleges,but lower scores of type of mutual help; Students of ordinary colleges made higher scores of type of giving back than students of key colleges, but lower scores of type of mutual help, type of quandary and type of utility.(9) The incident of undergraduates’family view and Identification with value orientation of Chinese films and televisions works’ family ethics is notable. Identification with type of mutual help and type of cold are powerful indicators of their family view in type of giving back, type of mutual help; type of selfish, type of mutual help and type of cold are powerful indicators of their family view in type of quandary; type of cold, type of selfish, type of mutual help and type of gratefulness are powerful indicators of their family view in type of utility.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 10期
  • 【分类号】B844.2;B823.1
  • 【下载频次】359

