

Research on the Technologies of the Dynamic Detection of Navigation Ship’s Three-Dimensional Draft

【作者】 李禄

【导师】 熊木地;

【作者基本信息】 大连海事大学 , 电子科学与技术, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 我国内河水运资源丰富,内河航运飞速发展,有力地推动了我国国民经济的发展。随着内河航运量的不断增大,内河船舶超吃水违规通航的现象也日益增多,严重影响了内河航道的通航安全和通航效率,阻碍了航运经济的健康发展。然而,相关执法部门仍只能采取登船检测船舶吃水线的方式查处船舶超吃水的违规现象,既耗费时间又影响了船舶的正常通航。目前尚无有效的技术手段进行快速的离船式通航船舶吃水测量。检测船舶的三维吃水不仅能够获得船舶的最大吃水值,也可以获取船舶三维吃水数据模型等大量信息,是检测船舶超载以及检测船底形变的数据基础。根据通航船舶三维吃水的检测要求,研制了基于单波束超声波传感器阵列的通航船舶三维吃水动态检测系统,在保证通航效率的前提下,实现了对并行通航船舶三维吃水的快速离船式动态检测,并对超吃水船舶进行预警。目前系统已在长江三峡船闸投入使用,运行状态良好。检测系统的超声波传感器阵列安装于检测支架上,采用检测门同步自动升降子系统将检测支架同步、平稳地放置于水下合适的测量位置,避免影响船舶正常通航。船舶三维吃水数据采集和处理子系统通过传感器阵列获得船舶三维吃水数据,进行异常数据剔除、多船吃水数据分割以及三维吃水数据模型修正处理,将数据处理后的吃水数据以三维形式显示于计算机上,并计算出每艘被测船舶对应的最大吃水,用无线网络发送至信息综合管理系统进行超吃水预警。利用通航船舶三维吃水动态检测系统,获取船舶原始的三维吃水数据模型,其中存在较多的异常数据并且混合了多艘被测船舶的吃水数据。对于原始的三维吃水数据模型,采用点云数据中值滤波算法剔除“类随机噪声”,采用最小二乘法直线回归预测法剔除“船舶尾流噪声”。对于预处理后的船舶三维吃水数据,本文分析了船体不同部位的吃水数据特征,并结合系统的动态检测要求,提出了基于数据特提取的点云数据动态分割算法,对三维吃水数据模型进行动态分割,分离出并行通航船舶各自的三维吃水数据模型,并采用系统实际测量数据,对整体算法进行了验证。同时,本文介绍了基于OpenGL的船舶吃水数据动态三维显示技术,并采用系统实测数据进行了功能验证。为了进一步提高系统的检测精度,本文提出采用船舶三维吃水模型匹配技术实现船舶底部形变检测以及船舶三维吃水模型的修正。本文详细介绍了船舶三维吃水模型匹配技术的重要组成部分,包括标准数据库建立、船底形变检测算法以及船舶三维吃水模型修正算法,并对算法进行了仿真测试。最后给出了系统实船比对实验的结果,确定了系统的比对精度。结果表明,系统的比对精度为±0.048m,优于设计要求的0.1m,满足设计要求。采用的算法实用,有效。

【Abstract】 China’s water transport is very convenient, which leads the rapid development of inland water transport and a strong impetus to the development of national economy. With the increasing amount of inland water transport, inland vessels ultra-draft violations is also increasing, which make a serious thread on the inland waterways navigation safety and navigation efficiency, hindering the healthy development of the economy. Relevant law enforcement departments, however, still take the only way on board to make the detection of ship waterline to measurement the ship ultra-draft, which is both time-consuming and affects the normal navigation of the ship. At present, no effective techniques for rapid ship draft measurement.Measurement of ship’s3D draft can gain not only the ship’s largest draft value, but also a lot of information of ship bottom model, which is the base of testing the deformation of ship’s bottom and detecting the ship overload. According to the requirements of navigation ship’s3D draft detection, we developed the navigation ship’s3D draft dynamic measurement system based on single beam ultrasonic sensor array, ensure the premise of navigation efficiency, realize the parallel navigation ships3D draft dynamic test, and for the ultra-draft warning. At present the system has set up in the Yangtze three gorges shiplock and operates well.The ultrasonic sensor array of measurement system is installed on the detection stent, using the detection trestle synchronous automatic lift subsystems putting down the trestle synchronously, smoothly to the measuring position underwater, avoid affecting the normal navigation. Ship’s3D data acquisition and processing subsystem gains ship’s3D draft data by sensor array, eliminate the abnormal data, make segmentation of the ship draft data and modification processing of3D draft data model. The draft data processed will be displayed in3D way on a computer, and every ship be measured will be calculated the deepest ship draft correspondingly. By a wireless network the result will be sent to the central management information system for the ultra-draft warning.Use navigation ship’s3D draft dynamic measurement system, we obtain the original ship’s3D draft data model, which is with so much abnormal data in it and mix several ship’s3D draft data together. For the original3D draft data model, use the point cloud data median filtering algorithm to eliminate the "similar random noise" and the least square method linear regression forecast method to eliminate "ship wake turbulence noise". For the preprocessed ship’s3D draft data, this paper analyzes the features of hull in different parts of the draft data, and based on the inspection system dynamic measurement requirements, put forward the point cloud data segmentation algorithm based on the data features extraction to realize the3D draft data model dynamic segmentation, and use the actual measurement system data to verify the whole algorithm. At the same time, this paper introduces the dynamic3D display technology of ship draft data based on OpenGL, and uses the system measured data to verify the function.In order to further enhance the system precision, the paper puts forward using the model matching technology realize ship bottom deformation testing and ship’s3D draft revised. This paper introduces the important part of ship model matching technology, including standard database established, the deformation detection algorithm and3D model ship draft correction algorithm, and demonstrates the algorithm simulation test.The system experiment result is given to determine the accuracy ratio. The results show that the precision of the system is±0.048meters, better than the requirement of design, which is0.1meters, meet the design requirements. The algorithm of the system is practical and effective.

  • 【分类号】TP391.41;TP274
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】152
  • 攻读期成果

