

Public Crisis Has Effect on Government Credibility

【作者】 孙晓苏

【导师】 秦龙;

【作者基本信息】 大连海事大学 , 行政管理, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 现阶段,我国正处在社会转型的时期,经济的快速发展带来社会多元化的同时,也带来了许多问题和矛盾,使社会进入了危机多发期。公共危机往往具有突发性、紧急性、危害性、公共性,不可预见性的特征。面对复杂的公共危机,政府公信力也存在不同程度的下降趋势,这会直接影响到经济社会的健康稳定发展,所以提升政府危机治理的能力是政府现在和未来都要面对的突出问题。发生公共危机时,如果没有一整套系统可行的公共危机应急管理体系,就可能会发生应急不当,甚至造成更为严重的后果。反之,系统有序的公共危机应急管理体系不仅能在最短时间内排除危机,同时也有助于建立政府的公信力,提高社会公众的参与度与公众对公共危机决策的认同感,还有助于促进社会和谐、稳定与发展。本文是以大连去年的PX项目事件为例,通过对PX项目从审批投建,到最后群众不满引发游行的公共危机的整个过程中政府的行为进行了详尽的描述和分析,指出了在公共危机管理中严重影响政府公信力下降的行为,比如公众知情权得不到保障,政府危机决策缺乏透明度,政府反映迟缓,政府权力异化等。这些行为都会导致政府在民众心目中的形象严重的受损害,不利于政民关系和谐发展。所以针对这些出现的问题进行进一步分析,力图找出问题的根源所在,提出了一些建设性的意见和对策。从而说明公共危机管理中政府的行为对政府公信力的构建是有着重要影响的,我们有必要重视这个问题,这是现在政府面临的紧迫任务,也是提高党的执政能力的重要问题。笔者在阅读了大量文献的基础上,综合了相关研究理论,突破了当前政府公共危机管理和政府公信力研究之间相对封闭和独立的状态,开拓了政府公共危机管理和政府公信力研究的新视角,从政府公共危机管理对政府公信力产生的影响着手,探讨了公共危机管理中政府的行为对政府公信力的一种互动作用,从而实现一种良性的影响和路径。对于在政府在实际工作中完善危机管理能力和提升公信力有一定理论指导作用。

【Abstract】 At the stage when China is in a period of social transition, the rapid economic development brings about pluralistic society as well as many problems and contradictions, so that the society has entered a crisis period. Public crises have the characteristics of being suddenly, emergent, hazardous, and non-predictable. Faced with a complex of public crisis, the credibility of the government declines in a certain extent, affecting the healthy and stable development of the local economics, so to enhance the government’s crisis management capability is the outstanding problems of local government now and in the future. Without a set of feasible system of public crisis management system, emergency may occur with no proper dealings, and may even lead to more serious consequences. On the contrary, an orderly system of public crisis management system can not only rule out the crisis in the shortest time, but also help establish the credibility of the government, improve public participation and the public identity of the public crisis decision-making. It also helps promote social harmony, stability and development.This article is based on the PX project in Dalian last year as an example to carry out a detailed description and analysis of the problems of the local government credibility building in the public crisis management. It points out several defects that seriously affect the credibility of the Chinese government, such as government decision-making opaque, slow information delivering, crisis response in a timely manner, and the alienation in powers of the government, which may seriously harm the image of the government, weaken the government’s authority and result in the public credibility loss. It analyses further into the issue in multi-angle and multi-level way to identify the root cause of the problem, thus illustrating the government’s crisis management capabilities and credibility do not exist in isolation, and on the contrary link closely with each other.The author has made a comprehensive research theory on the basis of a lot of literature, and broken the current relatively closed and independent status of research in the fields of crisis management and the credibility. She interacts management and the, and explores the effects brought about by the interaction, thus achieving the possibility, necessity, and the specific path of positive interaction between the two, and opening a new perspective of this kind of research. The article provides some guidance in practical work to enhance crisis management capability and credibility of local government.

【关键词】 公共危机政府公信力
【Key words】 Public crisisGovernmentCredibility
  • 【分类号】D630
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】317

